
O Nasir al-Din and O Majid

يا ناصر الدين ويا ماجدا

1. O Nasir al-Din and O Majid
None can match his generosity

١. يا ناصر الدين ويا ماجدا
ليس له في جوده ثانِ

2. O knight in shining armor
Whose sword is stained with blood of heroes in battle

٢. يا فارسا أبيضه لم يزل
من دم أبطال الوغى قانِ

3. O you who composed beautiful poems praising his glory
Like flowers blooming in a garden

٣. يا من نظمت المدح في مجده
حسنا ولا زهرة بسنانِ

4. He traveled through Syria and its provinces
And journeyed to the farthest reaches of Khorasan

٤. قد طوَّف الشام وأعمالها
وسار في أقصى خراسانِ

5. People approached him, but I did not
As I shy away from such pure light

٥. قد دخل الناس فما لي أنا
أخرج من ذا الطهر براني

6. You could never forget what you have promised him
O you who freely gives and does not forget

٦. حاشاك أن تنسي مارمته
يا مسلف الجود وتنساني

7. May your sons live long, as they truly deserve
To be shining stars in the galaxy of nobles

٧. عاش لك أبناك فحقاهما
في فلك العلياء نجمانِ

8. O you whose hands and affection are open
To whoever seeks the spring of your kindness

٨. يا من يداه ونداه لمن
يؤمه ينبوع إحسانِ

9. You waited for me until I attained my wish
Remaining, for as long as the rivers flow, the perfect patron.

٩. بقيت لي حتى أنال المني
ودمت ماكر الجديدانِ
