1. Your meadows have no rain save the clouds shedding their load,
Whereupon the morning breeze and acceptance have walked,
١. لا عدا ربعك السحاب الهطول
وتمشت فيه الصبا والقبول
2. And poured upon its pasture torrents
That know not what may come after their course.
٢. وأربت على رباه سيول
ليس يدري من بعدها ما المحول
3. So often have I stopped, embracing its appearance of dew,
Gone in the water-drawers' hands, spread far and wide!
٣. فلكم صافحت به شمأل الري
ح بأيدي السقاة راح شمولُ
4. Love of the green of youth pursued me,
And the pleasaunce of life lured me smooth and bare!
٤. حب غصن الشباب غض نضير
ورداء النعيم ضاف صقيلُ
5. My yearning for every bending, reed-grove one,
Obeying my passion without demur.
٥. ولولوعي بكل مجدولة القد
يطيع الغرام فيها العذول
6. A beauty starts to gently sway with bracelets jingling softly,
Then swings to the left, inclining toward injustice.
٦. غادة تصمت الخلاخل ريا
حين يظما وشاحها فيجولُ
7. With blame I have loaded myself heavy burdens,
And with love what is more calamitous still.
٧. تتثني على اعتدال ويرتا
ح إلى الجور قدها فيميلُ
8. With the twilight-gatherers I have never wearied
of the longest-lived most unbridled emotions,
٨. قد حملت الملام وهو ثقيل
ورعيت الغرام وهو وبيلُ
9. Restrained by the advice of a slender-waisted one,
Of pliant figure and smooth cheek.
٩. وتحدثت في السلو فما أق
صر شوق ولا تمادي ذهولُ
10. But how should the anguished cry of my love-longing
Be answered, or how should my sickness gain solace?
١٠. ونهاني عن ذاك خصر نحيل
وقوام لدن وخد أسيلُ
11. My passion is for a fawn who shall ever remain satisfied,
And my desire for her is lasting and long.
١١. يا عذولي وهل يبل غليل
من جوى الحب أو يبل عليلُ
12. No path to the beloved's affection for me,
As no path to him who dwells in the sand-hill!
١٢. وغرامي بعلوة ليس ينفك
ووجدي بها عريض طويلُ
13. My wish is the wish of one powerless;
If power's wish is removed, what avails powerlessness?
١٣. ما سبيل إلى السلو كما لي
س إلى ساكن الغوير سبيل
14. Yet does love change with the course of days,
And kindliness turn the honour of princes.
١٤. ونحولي من لاخصور فإن زا
ل نحول الخصور زال النحولُ
15. Whose breadth of free giving is guarded, like the reputation
Of one who has released his mares and resigned his camels;1
١٥. غير أن الهوى يحول مع الده
ر وجود الوزير يحولُ
16. They blame him for kindness, but he never complains,
Where are acquiescence and pliancy then?
١٦. ملك عرضه مصون كمن حل
ل ذراه ووفره مبذولُ
17. His bounty is the bounty of a noble man; if he strives
Honor for others, his own honor is not transient.
١٧. عذلوه على السماح فلم يص
غ وأين العذول والعذولُ
18. Pure of intention, heated is his resolution in purpose,
Kneaded with clemency from the dew's clay.2
١٨. جوده جود عالم إن ما يذ
خر غيرا لثناء ذخر يزولُ
19. He says, he acts: sacred texts permit not
Glory to be behind any but the worker perfected.3
١٩. المعي الأراء متقد الفط
نة من طينة الندى مجبولُ
20. His palm deserves a kiss, for it is the pathway of presents,
And ardent hopes fly to it straight like arrows.
٢٠. قائل فاعل وليس يجوز ال
مجد خلف إلا القؤول الفعلوُ
21. He undertakes the maintenance of the needy with success -
How excellent is such a patron then!
٢١. عبدت كفه طريق الأيادي
فحزون الآمال فيها سهولُ
22. His writings frighten the encampments, so that
On a Thursday his determined writ runs vanquishing.4
٢٢. كافل للعفاة بالنجح فيما
أملوه منه فنعم الفإيل
23. He sufficed that he should unsheathe a sword sharp cut,
Whose end was warranted death, by his unleashing.
٢٣. روعت كتبه الكتائب فانصا
ع هزيما خميسها والوعيلُ
24. The shining lamp of mankind, wastefully munificent,
To the deserving he is a close friend.
٢٤. وكفاه من أن يسل حساما
مطلق الحد عزمخه المسلولُ
25. But for his mildness the aid of the man of petition
Would be as no rain-clouds to send down showers.
٢٥. مشرق البشر مسرف الجود للمج
د خدين وللعلاء خليلُ
26. His recognized merits spread not like ocean spray,
Nor gushed like the Nile inundating a land.
٢٦. ويمين لولا سماحة عون البد
ين ما كان للغمام رسيلُ
27. His benefits like a highway are open to the scholar folk -
Exalted pillars - extending far and wide.
٢٧. عم معروفه فهل جاش بحر
حين أسداه أو تدفق نيل
28. Every time regards him with pride, so who is there
To compare with the princes bestowed with wreath and crown?
٢٨. مستباح الجدوى يمد غلى العل
ياء باعا يزهام طول وطولَ
29. A lion widespreading his paws in the meadows,
Upon him the bushy mane shakes down black.
٢٩. كل طرف الزمان عنه فمن دو
ن علاء السماك والإكليل
30. You have in him a viewpoint which disappoints the war reporters,
And a will like a sharp sword that does not bend.
٣٠. أسد باسط ذراعيه في الرو
ع عليه من القنا السمر غيلُ
31. O Pride of Islam, this is the pride of poetry, not what
Is said by the sayer of whatever he says!
٣١. لك منه رأي يفل شبا الخط
ب وعزم منافر لا يفيلُ
32. O rhymers who have diminished rhyming and sold it
For worthless scandal, as idols are sold!
٣٢. يا جلال الإسلام هذا جلال الش
عر لا ما يقوله من يقولُ
33. They have misled it from the path, and said
Disparagingly, 'He has misled the Evangel!'
٣٣. معشر قرضوا القريض وباعو
ه بزيف كما يباع الغلولُ
34. Would that I knew whether the sanctuary of poetry is violated,
Yet the violator among them is no bloodwit!5
٣٤. حرفوه عن السبيل وقالوا
باحتقار قد حرف الإنجيلُ
35. By my life you are more equitable to judge it
And more appropriate, your office, for its conclusions.
٣٥. ليت شعري أيستباح حمى الشع
ر ولا يستباح منهم قتيلُ
36. Your talents are those of Mutanabbi and Buhturi,6
And you are their peer, unlike other pretenders!
٣٦. ولعمري لأنت أعدل من يح
كم فيه ومن إليه يؤولُ
37. Happy your meadows, green and rain-watered!
For how many dwellers in the reed-huts they have!
٣٧. متنبيه بحتريه أبو تم
مامه مرء قيسه الضليلُ
38. Where no stranger is scorned in his remoteness,
Nor man of letters keeps company in his folly.7
٣٨. حبذا ربعك الخصيب ومرعا
ه فكم فيه للمقيل مقيلُ
39. A nature like the spring in its early morn,
So your life is the flower at its perfection!
٣٩. حيث لا يذمم الغريب تنائي
ه ولا يصحب الأديب خمول
40. Hear them, therefore, softly humming like partridges
Scattering their wit, reasonable though distracted.
٤٠. خلق كالربيع باكر القط
ر فحياك زهره المطلول
41. No arid plain of facile utterance flatters it,
Nor gift of yours awards it ease.
٤١. فاستمعها غراء شاردة الأب
يات معقولة لديها العقولُ
42. It glistens resplendently, cheerfully receiving
Endeavors, while the niggard wrinkles up.
٤٢. لم يعزها سهل الكلام ولا يع
وزها من عطائك التسهيلُ
43. The years roll by and it has never ceased
In what the revolution of a thousand years revolves.
٤٣. يتلالا لها الكريم ارتياحا
للمساعي ويضمحل البخيلُ
44. Remain what the wind sheds of the ben-tree's scent,
And what the morrow and the following exchange.
٤٤. وتمل الحول الجديد فلازل
ت مما بألف حول يحولُ
٤٥. وابق ما ناوح النسيم ذرى البا
ن وما راوح الغد والأصيلُ