
Alas for this world we desire,

ألا تبا لدنيا نرتجيها

1. Alas for this world we desire,
It has failed and failed those who aspired to it.

١. ألا تبا لدنيا نرتجيها
لقد خابت وخاب المجتديها

2. When have I become aware after being deceived by its slumber,
That my awareness did not lead to any wisdom.

٢. متى انتبهت وقد رقدت خداعا
فلم تحمل بيقظتها نبيها

3. Ask the days what they did to Chosroes,
Caesar and statues and their inhabitants.

٣. سل الأيام ما فعلت بكسرى
وقيصر والصور وساكنيها

4. Did it not invite them to death smoothly?
It did not spare the wise or the foolish.

٤. أما امتدعتهم للموت طرّا
فلم تدع الحليم ولا السفيها

5. It approached the lords with misfortunes,
Silencing them and humiliating the honorable.

٥. دنت نحو الدني بسهم خطب
فأصمته ووادهت الوجيها

6. If this world was sold for a penny,
The exalted would refuse to buy it.

٦. أما لو بيعت الدنيا بفلس
أنفت لعال أن يشتريها

7. It killed its own children and violated
The sanctuary of its builder and inhabitants.

٧. لقد وأدت بنيها واستباحت
حمى الباني لها والمبتنيها

8. Surely I said, there is nothing in it, as if
I spoke of it directly from its mouth.

٨. يقينا قلت ما فيها كأني
حكيت مقالها عنها بفيها

9. And what shocked us is a sun that shone upon it
With the dust of hands burying it.

٩. ومما هالنا شمس أهالت
عليها الترب أيدي دافنيها

10. It passed away and the maids rejoiced
And adorned the gardens to shine in it.

١٠. قضت فتجلت الحور ابتهاجا
وزينت الجنان لتجتليها

11. By God, nothing was written for it
Except good deeds by the hands of its writers.

١١. ولا والله لم تكتب عليها
سوى الحسنى أنامل كاتبيها

12. It changed its conditions other than the nights
And the pillows returned their users.

١٢. أحالت حالها غير الليالي
وآيتست الأواسي عائديها

13. So O earth, boast as much as you wish of wonder
About it, and imagine wonder and stray.

١٣. فيا أرض افخري ما شئت عجبا
بها وتخايلي عجبا وتيها

14. For the best of creatures of veils has inhabited you
Bestow the gnostics so recognize it.

١٤. فقد سكنتك أعرف ذات خدر
بإسداء العوارف فاعرفيها

15. If biers could walk in procession with biers
Some would be carrying them.

١٥. فلو قدرت تسير بنات نعش
بنعش كن بعض الحامليها

16. Chastity died when she died
And despair became a sign of her devotees.

١٦. لقد أودى العفاف غداة أودت
وصار اليأس آية معتفيها

17. It quenched the thirst of a grave she stayed in
Like the generosity of her father's hand.

١٧. سقى جدثا أقامت فيه خود
مة مثل جود يدي أبيها