
Say to the son of Châtillon, speak with a loose tongue,

قل لابن شاتيل قول ذي لسن

1. Say to the son of Châtillon, speak with a loose tongue,
None is as cold as he, nor more bitter,

١. قل لابن شاتيل قول ذي لسن
لا بارد مثله ولا فجِّ

2. By God, were it not for fear of treachery and what
Makes me fear you, you would not believe in the Savior,

٢. والله لولا خوف الظهير وما
خوفك ما لم تصدقه بالمنجي

3. You would not bow to God in prayer, nor
Bow down except for hashish and benj.

٣. لما سجدت لله في الصلاة وما
سجدت إلا للشش والبنجِ