
He recalled the sand dunes from afar after their shrine

ذكر الرمل بعد بعد مزاره

1. He recalled the sand dunes from afar after their shrine
And the doves and pigeons in its trees

١. ذَكَرَ الرَّملَ بَعْدَ بُعْدِ مزاره
والحِمَا والحَمَامُ في أشْجَاره

2. Every small tree tells
A temple singing on its strings

٢. كلُّ وَرْقَاء فوقَ وَرْقا تحكي
مَعْبداً مُنْشِداً على أوتاره

3. It reminded him of Layla's time, Qais
Her neighbor, and she his neighbor

٣. ذكّرته زمَان ليلى قيس
جارُها وهي خدرُها في جِواره

4. She who hasn't exceeded fifteen years
Nor has a side of her cheek sprouted

٤. وهي مَا جاوزتْ عن الخمس والعش
ر ولا اخْضَرَّ جانبٌ من عذاره

5. Her cheek shames the roses with its redness
Her gaze shames the wild deer with its glance

٥. يُخْجلُ الوَردَ خدُّها باحمرارٍ
يُخْجِلُ الظبيَ طَرْفُها باحوراره

6. Do not blame a beauty for aloofness
He gathered the sand and palms in his lap

٦. لا تُعَاتِبْ على الجفَاء مليحاً
جمعَ الْرملَ والنقَا في إزاره

7. Do not say this was from you, but
His abode did not stay in the heart of his abode

٧. لا تَقلْ كانَ مِنك هذا ولكنْ
دَارُهُ مَا أَقَمت في عُقْرِ داره

8. And wait for the beloved's kindness, for how often
Relief came to you after waiting

٨. وانتظِر عطفَه الحبيب فكم منْ
فرجٌ قد أتاك بعْدَ انتظاره

9. Perhaps the fruits of joy will come to me
The brother of silence, from the branches of adversities

٩. رُبّما يجْتني ثمارَ المسراتِ
أخو الصَّمتّ مِن غُصونِ المكَاره

10. I do not praise the miser, even
My camels do not pass under his wall

١٠. أنا لاَ أمْدَحُ البخيل وحتى
جَمَلِي لا يَمرُّ تحتَ جدَاره

11. And before me is the pride of Fakhr bin Nasr
Whose waves play around my house

١١. وأمَامي إِمَامُ فخر بن نصرٍ
حولَ بيتي يعُبّ موج بحاره

12. And to Al-Hirmili the horses galloped
Scattered, returning to his valley

١٢. وإلى الهِرمِلي سِرْن المطايا
شُرِّدا وُردِّاً إلى تيّاره

13. They sought the master of leaders swiftly
And settled calmly in his rest

١٣. قصَدتْ سيد الأيمة طُرّاً
وأقرّت باسرها في قراره

14. He is the refuge of the helpless during danger
He is the savior of the poor during need

١٤. فهو ملجأ اللَّهِيْفِ عند حذار
وهو مُغَني الفقير عندَ افتقاره

15. His chest is the mine of knowledge but
The perfect power of ability lies under his chest

١٥. صدرُه معدنُ العلوم ول
وحُ القدرةِ المستطيل تحتَ صداره

16. O Abu Abdullah, through you the
Religion became mighty and Islam stood after its stumbling

١٦. يا أبا عَبْدَ اللهِ عَزَّ بك ال
دّينُ وقام الإِسلامُ بعدَ عثاره

17. Al-Shafi'i did not leave a house of
Prophetic knowledge, and you are one of its guards

١٧. ما خلى الشافعي من بيتِ عِلم
نبويّ وأنتَ مِنْ حُصّارِه

18. How can I not praise him whom the
Earth pulls and the fertile quarter from its rain?

١٨. كيفَ لا أمدحُ الذي تُجْذُبُ الأ
رضُ وربعي الخصيبُ مِن أمطاره

19. Good deeds come to me at night
Like the path of the breeze during dawn

١٩. حَسَناتً إلي بالليل تسري
مِثلَ مسرى النسيم في أسحاره

20. He hides them so they appear like musk
Whose scent remains with the perfumer

٢٠. يتخفّى بها فتظهر كالمسك
نما عطِرهُ على عَطَارِه

21. God protected him from every evil
So that no bird landed on his trees

٢١. فوقاه الإِلهُ من كلّ سوءٍ
مَا شدا طائرٌ على أشْجاره