
Perhaps after our journey, perhaps

عساها بعد رحلتنا عساها

1. Perhaps after our journey, perhaps
She will return to me and tend to those she tended

١. عسَاها بعدَ رحْلَتِنا عسَاها
تعاودني وترعَى منْ رعاها

2. Perhaps she will remember the debts that
In Nahla, when my tent pole leaned upon its pole

٢. عَسَاهَا تذكرُ الذّممَ اللواتي
بنهلة إذ حشاي على حشاها

3. And the night I made her a refuge
And in the morning, oh happiness of her mouth

٣. وليلةَ وسَّديني دملجاها
وبتَّ مقبلا يا سعْدُ فاها

4. And the day she came, and in her hand a bottle
In it wine she had fermented and harvested

٤. ويومَ أتت وفي يدها زجاجٌ
به خَمْرٌ حَكَتْه وَجْنَتَاها

5. I enjoyed nights in the company of Layla
And my tents were pitched next to her tents

٥. نعمتُ ليالياً بجوار لَيلى
ومضروبٌ خِبايَ إلى خباهَا

6. And I used to visit her while the night was dark
And quenched the Babylonians from her well

٦. وكنتُ أزورها واللّيلُ داج
وأسقى البابليّةَ من لماها

7. And after she left us and journeyed on
To every tribe among us she bid farewell

٧. وبعدَ حضورها غبنا وشطتْ
بكل قبيلة منّا نواها

8. And settled in lands where I cannot see her
Neither the mother of sons nor the one I love

٨. وحَلت في بلادٍ لا تراني
بها أمُّ البنين ولا أراها

9. To God is my lament over a time
In which days have shown me their harshness

٩. إلى الله الشكايةُ من زمان
به الأيامُ أبدتْ لي جفاها

10. A time in which you see no rich man
Who suckles a baby except the one who bore her

١٠. زمان لا ترى فيه غَنِيا
يُشامُ مُروَأةً إلاّ أتاها

11. And people used to herd one another
Even the wolf would spare the lambs

١١. وكان الناس يرعى البعض بعضا
وحتى الذئب يستبقي الشياها

12. And before this there was Khensa of Sakhra
When she grew poor she would call Sakhra her brother

١٢. وكانت قبل ذا خنساء صخْرٍ
إذا افتقرت دعت صخراً أخاها

13. Giving her the choice of the best he owned
And asking her and disclosing her secrets

١٣. يُخَيّرها كرائمَ ما حَواه
ويسألها ويكشف ما عَنَاها