1. The affection between Harun and Musa, son of his mother,
Is like the affection between me and my Qasim.
١. وما بين هارونٍ وموسى ابن أمه
من الود ما بيني ومَا بين قاسِم
2. When Syria kept him away from me and deprived
My country - oh time of separation and agony!
٢. ولما حوته الشام عني وأيْمنَتْ
بلادي وهذا الدهر اجورُحَاكم
3. I sent him a message in verse
Expressing what was in my heart and mind,
٣. سطرت إليه في الطروس رسالةً
تعبّر عما في الحَشا والحيازم
4. Which my innermost self addressed
And my hand of longing wrote through falling tears.
٤. وما طرسُها إلاّ الفؤاد يُخطه
يُد الشوق عني بالدموع السواجِم
5. If only the paper knew what was in its folds,
It would have complained and cried, but it does not know.
٥. فلو علم القِرطاس مَا في ضميره
شكى وبكى لكنّه غير عالم