
Our loved ones, how many greetings were repelled,

أحبابنا كم عسى الصدود

1. Our loved ones, how many greetings were repelled,
And yet, you had no covenants,

١. أحبابنَا كم عَسى الصدودُ
ومَا لكم مَا لكُم عُهودُ

2. You promised me the sands of Hazwa,
Yet the vows were never fulfilled.

٢. وعدتموني برمل حزْوى
وصلاً فما تمت الوُعوُد

3. And you said, “Ask about us,”
The sanctity of love did not prevent you,

٣. وقلْتُمُ قد سلوتَ عنّا
وهَذه أدمعي شهودُ

4. Nor did the pleading of my resolute heart.
Since you deserted the abode of Ani,

٤. وَحُرْمةُ الودِ ما قَلاَكم
ولا سلا قلبي العَمْيدُ

5. I say, no longer does the abode seem desolate.
In her herd, I was told there are gazelles

٥. ومُذ حَلَلْتم زرودَ أني
أقول لا أوْحشت زرود

6. With a glance, they hunt the lions.
Beneath your tents are alluring doe

٦. في سِرْبهَا قِيْلَ لي ظبّاءٌ
بلحظهَا تُقْنصُ الأسودُ

7. Shaded by the towering palm.
When they walk, they touch the heights,

٧. وتحت أخداركم مهَاةٌ
يظلُّها الفاحمُ الجعيد

8. And when settled, the coolness spreads.
For the rod, they have grace,

٨. إذا مشت ماست الأعالي
وأرتج ما حازت البرود

9. And for the fawn, charm.
If little of their clan is kind

٩. فقدّها للقضيب قَدٌّ
وجيدُها للغزالِ جيدُ

10. Or abundant in meadows and flowers.
In the abode of Al-Walid is a sea,

١٠. إن قلّ من قومها رحيم
أوعزّ منْ مائهم وَرود

11. Where delegations alight around it.
Suhail, the father of deserts,

١١. ففي مَحَلّ الوليد بحرٌ
تنيخُ من حولِه الوفودُ

12. And the towering, straight, towering palm.
None can be found like Abu Al-Mazin,

١٢. إذا سُهَيلٌ أبو الغوادي
والسؤدد الطارف التليد

13. Whence can his equal be found?
Of high glory, of high lineage,

١٣. مثل أبي المزن لَيْسَ يُلْقى
من أينْ يُلقي له نَديد

14. Ransoms offered to curb his assault.
In his hand appears a full moon,

١٤. رفيعُ مجدٍ رفيعُ جَدٍ
فدت حِذا حده الخُدود

15. Illuminating, or clouds that pour forth.
From his palm pours forth bounty,

١٥. يَطْلعُ في الدست منه بدر
ينيرُ أو وابلٌ يجود

16. The least of which is Dirhams and Dinars.
How oft has fate sought to mar

١٦. يفيضُ من كفّهِ عطايا
أقلُّها القُودُ والنقود

17. His upright opinion, yet it holds firm.
Matters are surrendered to him, only intending

١٧. كم حاول الدهرُ ثلم عَكّ
فْسدّه رأيه السَّديد

18. That which he intends.
And with them, how many troops has he invaded,

١٨. ألْقَتْ إليه الأمور فما إن
تريد إلا الذي يريد

19. After which, troops followed in succession.
From them, he leads countless legions

١٩. وكم بها قد غزا جنودا
منها على إثرها جنودُ

20. With his like, the countless thrives.
He has ruled them as a youth and elder

٢٠. يقودُ منها العديدَ فردٌ
بمثلِه يَكْمُلُ العَديد

21. And one like him is destined to rule.
O Father of Ali, O Father Al-Walid

٢١. قد سادها يافعاً وكهلاً
ومثله واجب يسود

22. May your star never abandon highness.
My song was beneath the ridge of my abode

٢٢. أبا عليٍّ أبا وليدٍ
لافارقت نجمَك السعود

23. And to me belonged soft lament and hand.
So O son of Zann and O son of Sa’d

٢٣. أغنيتي تحت عقر داري
وكان لي أينقُ وبيد

24. And O son of ‘Akk, for they are lions.
Garb me in that which will not perish

٢٤. فيا ابن زَنٍّ ويا ابن سَعْد
ويا ابن عكٍ وهم أسود

25. With praises never perishing.
Inherited in your sons, not old,

٢٥. كسوتني ما يبيد فَالْبَس
مدائحاً قط لا تبيد

26. Among them, its embroidery renewed.

٢٦. موروثة في بنيك لابل
بينهم برْدُها جديد