
The breeze knocked with its fragrance and coolness

طرق النسيم بشيحه وبرنده

1. The breeze knocked with its fragrance and coolness
Bringing musk, ambergris, and scent

١. طرقَ النسيمُ بشيحه وبرنده
مُسْتَعْبقاً وبمسكه وبندّه

2. The clouds' tears dripped on the countryside
As its flowers smiled in their blossoms

٢. وتحدرت مقلُ السحاب على الربا
وتبَسمت أزهارُه في ورده

3. Welcome, O comers, though you're now far
I'm close whether near or away from the shrine

٣. يا مرحباً بالقادمين فإنهم
أَرَبي على قرب المزار وبُعْده

4. My tears suffice as a guide, though I hid
My longing, it still appeared in my mien

٤. وكفى بدمعي واشياً فلطالمَا
أبدى الولوعُ بهم وإنْ لم أبده

5. My cheeks run blood, as if traced there
By their rosy soft hands that burn within

٥. تجري على خدي دماً فكأنما
أعداه جُؤذرهم بحمرة خدّه

6. A young man, dressed richly, erect and proud
Pearls smiling from his mouth that my heart can't resist

٦. رَشأ يقوّم في الثِّياب مثقفاً
من قدّه وسنانُه من نهْده

7. As if his necklace and lips were the same
His lips and necklace were one, joy proclaimed

٧. متبسماً عن لؤلؤٍ في مَبْسمٍ
قد أحرق القلبَ المشوقَ ببرده

8. Time's march stooped an era that's gone
How I yearned for their love as life moved on

٨. وكأنما في عِقْدِه في ثغرِه
وكأنما في ثغره في عقده

9. Today let my wishes from them come true
And time fulfill the promise it's due

٩. سمَحَ الزمانُ برد عصر المُنحْنى
وَلَكَمْ حَنَنْتُ من الغرامِ برده

10. O joy of life, your dawns have emerged
As days of yore return from night's verge

١٠. اليوم أبْلغني اللّقا مطالبي
منهم وأنجز لي الزمان بوعده

11. The clouds dragged their tails over the plains
Raining in the valleys and highlands

١١. يا فرحة الدنيا فإن سرورَها
طَلَعَتْ طوالعُه كسالِفِ عهده

12. Happy for Saif al-Din who came here
Relieving grief with his help and cheer

١٢. سَجَمَ الغمامُ على الوعيرة ذيلَه
وانهلّ في غور البلادِ ونَجْدِه

13. Prosperity arrived before his troops
His face shining though ranks obscure his view

١٣. فرحاً بسيف الدين لماّ حلهَّا
كشفَ الكُروبَ بنَصره وبسُعْده

14. His horses surging in serried lines
Warriors ready, armored for the charge

١٤. وَافى فأَمّ السعدُ يسطع قبْلَه
فلكادَ يُبْصرُ وجَهَه من بَعدِهِ

15. If Dajjal saw his lances' blue
His soul would flee his body in fear

١٥. في فيلق متكردساتٍ خيلُه
للدارعينَ كواسراً في سرْدِه

16. Or if Dhul Qarnayn saw his resolute might
The pride of his ramparts would vanish from sight

١٦. لو عاين الدجالُ زرقَ رماحِه
في النقعِ طارتْ روحُه من جِلدِه

17. His army intent around him, arrayed
Since time began its steady crusade

١٧. أو أنّ ذا القرنين شاهِد عزمَه
هانتْ عليه صِفاتُ بُنْيةِ سَدَّه

18. A man whom all the world obeys
Like servants responding to his lead

١٨. والجيش يحِدِقُ حوله بسميدع
مذ كان ما جاء الزمان بندّه

19. My Lord, you know my love won't fade
A Lord doesn't deny his servant's need

١٩. رجلُ جميعُ العالمين مطيعة
مثلُ الُعبيد لحَلّه ولعقده

20. I raised and supported him from a child
Saving him from time's perils so wild

٢٠. مولاي مَا تخفى عليك مَحَبّتي
لا ينكر المولى محبةً عبده

21. May Allah not leave your home deprived
While the breeze blows its scent far and wide

٢١. وأنا الذي ربيته وكفلته
وجذَبْتُ من نُوب الزمان بِزَنْده

٢٢. لا أوحش اللهُ المنازل منك ما
طرق النسيم بشيحه وبرَنْده