1. I asked this steadfast heart but it would not beseech
I admonished it but it refused to heed admonition
١. سَليتُ ذا القلبَ العميد فما سلا
وعذلْتُه فأبى يُطيعُ العُذّلا
2. I scolded this aching heart but it was not made wary
I restrained these sickly eyelids but they said no
٢. وزجرتُ ذا القلب الجريح فما ارعوى
وكفَفْتُ ذا الجِفنَ القريحَ فقال لاَ
3. Would that the warriors at dawn were at ease after their warring
And the riders when the guide hastened the slow camels
٣. ليت الحداة غداة راحة ما حدوا
والركب ما حث القلاص البزلا
4. Since I was told that Rudainah had departed and betrayed me
My patience was lost and I was not pleased that she left
٤. مُذْ قِيل لي رحلت رُدينةُ خانني
صَبْري ولم أكُ راضياً أن ترْحَلاَ
5. They set forth with heavily loaded litters then lightened
Their burdens - how pleasant is the lightened heavy load!
٥. رحلوا بمُثْقَلَةٍ الروادف خُفّفْ
خصْراً فما أحلى الخفيفَ المُثْقلاَ
6. They traveled with her, hiding the track of their mounts
And when night fell, its darkness hid them completely
٦. وسروَا بها يُخفونَ خطو مطيهم
والليلُ حينَ جَلَتْ ترائبها أنجلا
7. They perfumed the valley through which they passed
So its dust became musk diffusing perfumes
٧. هم عَطَّروا الوادي الذي عبروا به
فتُرابُه مِسْكُ يِفوحُ ومِندلاَ
8. Oh would that they had tethered the mounts though
Before my sight and not disappeared into the horizon
٨. يا ليتهُم حَبَسُوا المطي ولو عَلى
بصري ولا تفلْي بهم عرض الفلاَ
9. Great is the difference between me and my beloveds
The healthy cannot be compared to the injured and weak
٩. شتانَ مَا بيني وبين أحبّتِي
ليسَ المُعافى يستوي والسُبنَلى
10. They said you have abandoned comfort, I said I have abandoned it
And refrained a month's fast when they arrived
١٠. قالوا هجرتَ الراحَ قلتُ هجرتها
وعَفَفْتَ شهر صيامهم إذ أقبلا
11. Tomorrow when Shawwal comes I will still be found
Cloaked and robed between the threshing floors
١١. وغدا إذا شوّال جَاء وَجَدتَني
بين الدنان مقمّصاً ومُسَرْبلا
12. An old man's repentance amounts to no more
Than a month even if he were the greatest ascetic
١٢. والشيخ ليس تزيد توبتُه على
شهرٍ ولو كان الجُنيدُ الأفضلاَ
13. It is the wine of Paradise drank by its dwellers when they asked
About the one who read the Book sent down
١٣. هي شربُ سُكّانِ الجنانِ وسَائلوا
عن ذاك من قرأ الكتابَ المُنْزلاَ
14. What is Tihama to me when its passes were closed
And every door returned locked
١٤. ما لي ومَا لتهامةٍ كَسَدَ الثنا
فيها وعاود كلُّ بابٍ مُقْفَلاَ
15. Poetry is incumbent on me so when I compose
I must first praise the victorious king
١٥. والشعرُ لي فإذا شَعَرْتُ فواجبٌ
أن أمدحَ الملكَ المظفر أوّلا
16. My poetry falls short of even a few of his attributes
If I were Bu'ayth or Jarwal the most eloquent
١٦. ويَقلُّ شعري عن أقلِّ صفاته
لو أنّني كنتُ البُعَيْثَ وجَرولاَ
17. What can my poetry and epics do
Against the clouds of his magnanimity that filled the horizon
١٧. ماذا عسى طرسي وأين أساطري
مِمن سحاب سَماحِه ملأ الملا
18. Oh Jesus my mother is honored and like Joseph
You find perfect and chained pearls
١٨. يا عيسُ أمّي بي تعزَّ ويُوسفاً
تَجدي الخمائل والزلاَل السّلْسلاَ
19. You meet the happy face and see the sea
Of benignity with the sun of loftiness shining
١٩. وتُقابلي وجهَ الفلاَحِ وتبصري
بحرَ السَّماح وتجتلي شمس العُلا
20. King Abu Malik his father with your knowledge
Is a king crowned with loftiness and clothed in power
٢٠. مَلِكُ أبو ملك أبوه بعلمكم
ملكٌ تتوج بالعُلاَ وتسَرْبلا
21. The borders called him so he reinforced them
With troops and sent to each border an army
٢١. نادته أطرافُ الثغورِ فشَدّها
خيلاً وساق لكل ثغرٍ جحفلا
22. With battalions in Dathina and battalions
That made the ground shake so it quaked
٢٢. وكتائباً بِدَثْينةٍ وكتائباً
قد زلزت بيشاً فبات مُزَلزلا
23. The people of Hail feared him
And would have fled terrified if they heard his shout
٢٣. وبأهل حَلْي رُعدةٌ من خوفه
والبِرْك لو سمع المصفق هَرْولاَ
24. The preacher of Mecca cannot mention Joseph
Except that he exalts and praises from his minbar
٢٤. وخطيبُ مكةَ ليس يذكر يُوسفاً
إلاّ وكَبّر مَنْ هناك وهلَّلاَ
25. The wilderness from Aden to Khabafi Minna
Was filled with the horses of his soldiers to overflowing
٢٥. والغورُ من عدنٍ إلى خَبْفي مِنىً
ملأته خيل جنوده حتى امتلاَ
26. So his rule is above all others and his kingdom
Above the Tababi and the first Akasira
٢٦. فسُعوده فوق السعود وملكُه
فوق التبابع والأكاسرة الأولى