
I have found enough suffering from you, O Possessor of beauty,

بي منك يا ذات الدمالج ما كفى

1. I have found enough suffering from you, O Possessor of beauty,
From you comes the illness of my heart, and in you lies the cure,

١. بي منك يا ذات الدمالج مَا كفَىَ
منك السَّقامُ لمهجتي وبك الشفا

2. And I saw your love does not last for a lover,
And I saw your people do not keep faith with those faithful.

٢. ورأيتُ وَدّك لا يدومُ لعاشقٍ
ورأيتُ قومَك لا يفونَ لمنْ وفى

3. They made the horses over your traces a canopy,
As though the horses were ostriches and the iron shod with sharpness,

٣. جَعَلوا الجيادَ على خِبَاك سُرادقا
والسمهرية والحديدَ المرهفا

4. Why should I and why should you - my tears are still
Clouds over the ruins of your abode, and will not cease,

٤. مالي وَمَالَك لا تزالَ مدامعي
سُحْباً على أطلالِ رَبْعِك وُكَّفَا

5. The doe of your neck is more delicate, and her love
As though she were adorned with colocynths hung in clusters,

٥. الظبي جيدُك أجيد وبوده
لو كان مثلُك بالشنوفِ مُشنّفَا

6. You knew the boughs of musk when you dwelt near them,
The hot wind and the bough looking gracefully bent.

٦. عَلْمتَ غصنَ البان إذ جاورته
هَيفَ الحَشّا والغصنُ ينظر أهيفاَ

7. If I am ignorant and deny my friends,
Then ask the gazelles and the fleeing oryxes.

٧. أنا إن جهلت وإن نكرت معارفي
فسلي النجائب والبناق العسفا

8. If I crossed the deserts with them, and how often
I subdued their mad courses they will not be subdued,

٨. أنا إنْ قطعتُ بها القفارَ وكم بها
كم قد عسفتُ مهامها لن تُعسفا

9. And when a fleet ostrich passes at morn, and a fleet
Wild cow, arrows have I aimed at the time of a fertile year,

٩. وإذا نَبا مورق وأجدب سرددٌ
وسِهَامَ زُرْتُ زمانَ خَصْبَ المعتفى

10. And in the right-hand of the sand hills is a palace
Its courtyard is as one who has kissed the Black Stone and Safa,

١٠. وبأيمن التربات قصرٌ حجهُ
فرضٌ كمن حج الأباطحَ والصَّفا

11. I charged him to meet the horses, if they came,
Disheveled, and plunge among the terrified ostriches,

١١. اوصاه يلقي الخيلُ إن هي أقبلت
شعثاً ويقتحم العجاج الأكلفا

12. And when the horses come we repel them,
And when the guests come in thousands, receive them,

١٢. وإذا أتته الخيلُ صَفَّنَا ذادَها
وإذا أتاه الألف ضَيْفاً ضيّفَا

13. And he may proceed peaceably and submissively,
And again he may proceed armed and defiant.

١٣. ولقد يروق مُسَالما ومَسَلِّماً
ولقد يروع مُدّرّعاً ومُجفّفَا