
After me, the rainclouds and drizzles turn towards you

حياك بعدي صوب المزن والديم

1. After me, the rainclouds and drizzles turn towards you
And none other than you harmonizes with them

١. حياكَ بعدِيَ صوبُ المزُن والدّيم
ولا عَداك مُلِثٌ منه مُنْسَجِمُ

2. Does Su'ad's people from the Bani Jusham tribe have, near your abode
Knowledge? The sand dune and the master are ignorant

٢. هَلْ عند رَبْعِكَ مِنْ سُعدى بني جُشْمٍ
عِلْمٌ وكيفَ كَثِيبُ الرَّملِ والعَلِمُ

3. Has it become desolate, O mount of Rama, or inhabited, O Bani Salam?
O sister of Rama's ruins and reconciliation

٣. أرَملَ رَامة حَلّوا أمْ بذي سَلَمِ
يا أخت رَامة الحُلاّلِ والسّلمُ

4. They were my friends, and the world separated us
So neither misery nor comfort in it endure

٤. كانوا رِفاقي والدُّنيَا مُفَرَّقَة
فما يدومُ بهاً بُؤْسٌ ولا نِعَمُ

5. And I was the companion of Su'ad while she was my companion
The house was nearby and our friendship intact

٥. وكنتُ صَاحبَ سُعْدى وهي صاحبتي
والدّار دانيةٌ والشمْلُ مُلتئمُ

6. And my pillow was none but an embrace and a hand
From it, which never parted from mine, neither mouth nor mouth

٦. ومَا وِسَادي إلاَّ دُمْلجّ ويَدٌ
منها وما افترقا منّا فَمٌ وفَمُ

7. After that separation of our intimacy
The travelers traveled and whenever they claimed

٧. وبعدَ ذلك من تفريق أُلْفتِنا
سعى السعَاةُ وزورٌ كلّما زعموا

8. Jacob is the origin of his blindness, so he may lose his Joseph
Yet Joseph, in Jacob, is not blamed

٨. يعقوبُ أصلُ عماه فقدُ يُوسِفه
وليس يوسفُ في يعقوبِ يُتَّهَمُ

9. So no friend is lost by one who befriends him
But they are notions that nations pursue

٩. فما يضيعُ صَديقٌ مَنْ يُصَادقُه
لكنّها أَمَمٌ تسعى بها أمَمُ

10. O guide of the camel caravan, direct it wherever its tracks meander
And challenger of the dark night whose color is ember

١٠. يا حادي العيسِ حَرْفاً سيرُهَا خَبَبٌ
وعاسفَ الليل داجٍ لونُه فَحِمُ

11. And bearer of the saddle and white camphor
And the end of its tethering rope sealed with musk

١١. وحاملَ الطِّرْسِ والكافورِ أبيضُه
ورقمُ أخره بالمسك منختمُ

12. Hail to you, dweller of the befriended neighbor
Rather the family, so the home and sanctuary

١٢. حَيِّ المرابعة المَأنوسَ جارتُها
بل العريشُ فثَمّ البيتُ والحَرَمُ

13. And the most generous of accompanied people, who has
No lord to yearn nor a refined and delicate figure

١٣. وثمَّ اكرمُ مصحوبٍ وليس له
مولى يحن ومثني الأنيق الرسمُ

14. So if it appears to you, then cling to its toes
And its back, for the palms of generosity are clasped

١٤. فإِنْ بَدا لك فالثم بطنَ أنملِه
وظهرَها فبنانُ الجودِ ثلتثمُ

15. And say to it wherever its coquetries are unknown
For if people were safe from some of them, they would be safe

١٥. وقُلْ له حيثُ لا تدري عواذلُه
فالناسُ لو سلموا من بعضِهم سَلِمُوا

16. Between me and you is what is not between the indecent
And obscene, a brotherhood that does not fray

١٦. بيني وبينَك ما لا بين ذي يَزنٍ
وذي رُعينٍ إخاءٌ ليس ينْصَرمُ

17. Nor does Aaron have, from his brother Moses, what
I have from you, you have remained eternally kind

١٧. وما لهارونَ مِنْ موسَى أخيه كما
لي مِنْكَ لاَزلتَ موصولاً بك الرحمُ

18. Bajila daughter of 'Abs, you are her master
And I am the son of Hamdan, those who are

١٨. بجيلةُ ابنةِ عَبْس أنتَ سُّيدُها
وأننّي ابنُ هَمْدانِ الذيْن هُمُ

19. And I have pages of longing for you, if recited
To the clouds, would they cease raining for it?

١٩. ولي صَحَائفُ شوقٍ فيك لو قُرئِت
على السَّحاب لمذا كَفّتْ لَهُ دِيمُ

20. Muhammad son of Hussein, oh may my father be sacrificed for you
You are his son, and for you are bounties and nobility

٢٠. محمدُ بنَ حسين يا فداه أبي
أنتَ ابنُه ولك الأكرامُ والكرمُ

21. You never cease to grant my aspirations if hands held back
And spend what I sought if they deprived

٢١. مَا زلتَ تَقْتضِي لُباناتي إذا بخِلَتْ
أيدٍ وتبذِلُ مطلوبي إذا حَرَمُوا

22. So benefit from my praise no matter my need
For the night of decree, behold that dream is to be benefited from

٢٢. فاغْنَم ثنائي مَهْمَا حاجتي عرَضتْ
فليلَةُ القدرِ رُؤيا تلك تُغْتَنَمُ

23. Between seeing of the eye and its awareness
The wealthy tires and the poor who lacks becomes wealthy

٢٣. فبينَ رؤية عينٍ وانِتباهتِها
يُكْدي الْغنِي ويَغْنَى مَنْ به عَدَمُ

24. Have you not heard of Qarun and what his collecting
Sufficed him? He left and the wolf and lamb left

٢٤. أما سمعتَ بقارونٍ وَمَا جَمَعتْ
كفاه راحَ وراح الذّئب والغَنَمُ

25. And you have heard of Shaddad son of 'Aram
Seeking immortality but neither did he become immortal nor 'Aram

٢٥. وقد سمعت بشدادٍ بَني إرماً
يَبْغي الخُلُودَ فلم يَخْلُدْ ولاَ إرمُ

26. Good remains even if time is long with it
And deeds vanish but after them words remain

٢٦. الخيْرُ يبقى وإن طال الزمانُ به
والفعْلُ يفنى ويبقى بعدَه الكلِمُ

27. Were it not for seeing you as myself, my hand would not
Open with poetry from me

٢٧. لولا أراك كنفسي لاَ تردُّ يدي
مَا كان يفتحُ مني بالقريض فمُ

28. And I don't think you forget the right of my knowledge
For the learned among the people of grace are trusted

٢٨. ومَا أظنُّك تنسى حقّ معرفتي
إن المعَارفَ في أهلِ النُّهى ذِمِمُ