1. The women stand at her grave weeping
From burning, from sorrow, from yearning
١. تقف النساء بقبرها يبكين مِنْ
حُرَقٍ وَمِنْ حَزَنٍ وَمِنْ أشواق
2. And they continue slapping their cheeks in regret
Those weep with tears pouring down
٢. وَيظلْن يَلْطمنَ الخدودَ تأسفاً
يبكين تلك بمدمعٍ مهراقِ
3. And they say Minayib died so for long
She had acquired the sum of fortunes
٣. ويقلن ماتت مِنْيبٌ فلَطالما
حصلت قديم بجملة الأرزاق
4. O mother of Hankas, you left generously
Of praised deeds and morals
٤. يا أم حنكاسٍ ذهبت كريمةً
محمودة الأفعَال والأخلاق
5. You led even the sun in its mansions
And stole even the joy of the thief
٥. قد قدت حتى الشمس في أبراجها
وسَرِقتِ حتّى متعة السراق
6. Your house has not been devoid, since its wall was erected
Of hosting a visitor, lifting a jug
٦. لم يخل بَيْتُك مُذْ نصبت جدارَه
للّمز من ساق ورفع ساق