
A lover wept over Layla, his eyes spilling tears

صب بليلى ذرفت مقلتاه

1. A lover wept over Layla, his eyes spilling tears
Crying but his weeping did not benefit him

١. صَبٌّ بليلىَ ذَرَفَتْ مقلتَاه
بِكا ولم ينْفعْه فيها بُكاه

2. Do not blame him, for he is infatuated
With his love for you just as you blame him

٢. لاَ تعذُلاهُ فهو مُستَهْتِرٌ
بُحِبَّها إيَّاكما تعْذُلاه

3. Stop blaming him, for he is filled
With love for Layla that has overwhelmed him

٣. كُفّا عَن اللَّوم له قَدْبه
مِنْ حُبِ ليلى عامرٍ ما كفاه

4. Nothing cures him but her abandonment
While her union would heal him if her lips approached

٤. ماداه إلاّ هجرها إنما
في وصلها أنْ واصلته شِفاه

5. Lips that have kissed away his misery
His kissing between those lips

٥. شفاه ممامسَّه من ضَنىً
تقبيله ما بين تلك الشفاه

6. He yearns to meet her, but she has turned
Away from all he desires and refuses to meet him

٦. يهوى لِقاهَا وهي قد أعرضت
عن كلِّ مَا يهوى وتأبى لقاه

7. O people, nothing is harder than a lover
Infatuated, whose love does not desire him

٧. يا قومُ مَا أصعبُ مِنْ عَاشقٍ
صَبٍّ لُقْيَاه من لا يشاه

8. So alas for the life now past
And words of lament did not benefit what is past

٨. فأَهِ للعيش الذي قد مضى
ولم يُفد فيما مضى قولُ آه

9. We were with him at the Kuthayb dunes
While Layla’s absence made us forget him

٩. إياه كنّا بكثيب الحِمى
وخِدرَ ليلى خدرنا من سناه

10. As for Haifaa, her follow-up is vigilance
Shaking from its peaks, those palm trees

١٠. هيفاء أمّا ردفُها فالنَّقا
تهتزُ من أعلاَه تلك القناه

11. O you who light up the valley, clouds have gathered
Over it, watering its pasture

١١. يا بارقا بالغور أمستْ له
سحائبٌ بالودق تسقى رُباه

12. As if the blessings coming from it are dew
Whose right hand Fate has made successful

١٢. كأنما الأنواء منها ندىَ
يمينُ يحيى صَادفته العُفَاه

13. Yahya ibn Ibrahim, reviver of dew
After death! What a life you have!

١٣. يحيى بن إبراهيم محيي النَّدى
بعدَ الفنا يا لكُما من حياه