1. Tell me, O Sa'd, of the people of ardour
News that takes away what is in me of grief
١. هاتِ لي يا سُعْدُ عن أهِل الحمى
خبراً يُذهِبُ مَا بي مِن ظَما
2. And whenever you talked about Kaadhimah
Relate to me what she who has grace did
٢. ومتَى حَدّثتَ عن كاظمةٍ
إحْكِ لي مَا فعلتْ ذاتُ اللِّمَا
3. And about Al-Hayy of Najd, I have
A protected one since they left it in blindness
٣. وعَنِ الحيّ بنجدٍ إِنّ لي
مقلةً مذ فارقوها في عَمى
4. I used to cry tears from their estrangement
Then they appeared so my tears flowed blood
٤. كنتُ أبكي أدْمُعاً مِن هجرهم
ثم بانَوا فجرى دمعي دَمَا
5. A rain of lightning from my burning anguish
And life from my eyelids if they are both
٥. مطر بارقة من لوعتي
وحياة من جفوني إن هما
6. A rain from my protected one in my cheek
This land and those heavens
٦. مَطَرٌ من مُقْلتي في وَجْنتي
هذه الأرض وهاتيك السما
7. O you who travel, if you passed by
Tents in the sand then pass by the tents
٧. أيُّها الرائح إنْ جزتَ على
خيمٍ بالرمِل فاتِ الخِيمَا
8. And whenever you passed by Wadi Salam
Then ask the valley and greet the two salams
٨. ومتى حزتَ بوادي سَلمٍ
فسلِ الوادي وَحيّ السَّلَمَا
9. Ask the abode of Al-Hayy about its dwellers
Does the eloquent foreigner wail to you
٩. سَلْ ديارَ الحي عن ساكِنها
هل ينْبيك فصيح أعجما
10. Oh what is in me, oh what is in my ribs
Of an inner pain that appears however suppressed
١٠. آه ما بي آه ما في أضلعي
من جوى يظهرُ مهما كُتِمَا
11. Do not remind me of a time of passion
Its livelihood has passed me by and withdrawn
١١. لا تذكرني زمَاناً باللِّوى
فاتَ عنّي عيشهُ فانصَرَما
12. And let my liver see, nay let my stomach
See the embers of my youth between them
١٢. وتبصّر كبدي بل كمدي
سِتري جمْر الغضا بينهما
13. O people of Al-Hayy from Kaadhimah
I have not seen myself degraded among you
١٣. يا أهيل الحيّ من كاظمةٍ
لم أَيت بينَكمُ مُهْتَضَمَا
14. I have a covenant with you that is kept
And the noble free man keeps covenants
١٤. لي منكم ذمةٌ مرْعيّةٌ
والكريمُ الحرُّ يَرْعى الذّمَمَا
15. You are my hearing and you are my seeing
And my heart wherever you two are
١٥. أنتمَ سمعي وأنتم ناظري
وفؤادي حَيْثُما كنتم هُمَا
16. If you took away the sight of my eyes
And my heart, I would not say and regret
١٦. لو ذهبتم بسَوادي ناظري
وفؤادي لم أقلْ وآندمَا
17. O lightening of Al-Ghor flash weeping
Whenever you fluttered to me smiling
١٧. يا بُريقَ الغورمَالي باكياً
كلّما رفرفتَ لي مُبْتسما
18. You shone, O Yemini lightening, and
My abode became desolate in whoever became desolate
١٨. لُحْتَ يا برقُ يمانيًّا وقد
أشْأمتْ داري فيمَنْ أشأما
19. Flashing with arrows while I
With my bow, alas the shunner of sleep
١٩. تتلأَلأُ بسهامٍ وأَنا
بخَزازي وَهْيَ نأي المُرْتما
20. By the life of love, O lightning, whenever
You came pouring then be smiling
٢٠. بحياة الْحبّ يا برقُ متى
جئت شريافاً فكنْ مُبْتسَما
21. And rain upon the rugged plateau for I
Still am enamored with his love, addicted
٢١. وأمْطرالسَّوْح العُواجي فَمَا
زِلْتُ مُعرى بهواه مُغْرما
22. And roar at the son of Al-Husayn, he is
A branch in the soil of Al-Quds slumbering
٢٢. وَأَنِخْ بابن الحُسين إِنّه
غُصُنٌ في تُرْبةِ القُدسِ نما
23. So if you come, name Al-Mustafa
And he is like the full moon dispelling the darkness
٢٣. فإِذَا جئت سمّي المُصْطَفى
وهو مثلُ البدرِ يجلو الظُّلَمَا
24. And wake the saying while it is in
His infinite knowledge like the swelling sea
٢٤. ووعيتَ القول وهو في
علمِه الكوني كالبحرِ طَمَا
25. You see Al-Tusi and Al-Kirmani
And the king Al-Bujaili a valuable religion
٢٥. تنظرُ الطُوسي والكَرْخي
والملك الْبجلّي ديناً قيّمَا
26. And seek Al-Khidr you will find him wherever
That venerable figure walked or camped
٢٦. وأطلُب الخضر تجدّه حيثما
سار ذاك الشخصُ أو ماخيَّما
27. The elite of Allah and the shadow of Allah whoever
Holds firm to the rope from Him is protected
٢٧. صفوةُ الله وظلُّ الله مَنْ
يَعْتصم بالحبل منه عُصِمَا
28. And the Merciful, the Righteous, and Allah as
It is said in the Books loves mercy
٢٨. والرَّحيمُ البَرُّ والله كما
قيلَ في الكُتْبِ يُحِبُّ الرَّحما
29. How many lovers he sheltered and housed the displaced
And relieved worries and enriched the destitute
٢٩. كم حَمَى سِرْباً وأوى نازحاً
وجلاَ كرباً وأغنى عَدَمَا
30. He destroys wealth in order to build the heights
Have you seen a builder who did not destroy
٣٠. يَهْدمُ المالَ لكي يبني العُلاَ
هل رأيتم بانياً مَا هَدَمَا
31. Allah apportioned rizq through him even if
His own comfort was not apportioned
٣١. قسَمَ اللهُ به الرزقَ ولَوْ
لم تَكُنْ راحتُه مَا قَسَما
32. He tired the strivers in his traces
And their army saw him so they retreated
٣٢. أتعب السَّاعين في أثاره
ورأه جَيْشُهم فانْهزما
33. They recognized their shortcomings so they accepted less
Who can equal the towering mountain
٣٣. عرفوا تقصيرَهم فاقْتصروا
من يساوي بالسنامِ المنْسِمَا
34. They denied him only because they
Were ignorant before of what they knew
٣٤. إِنَّما أنكره مُنْكِرُهم
قبلُ لمّا جَهِلوا مَا عَلِمَا
35. Their ships sailed in his sea
So they sank in its depth and were destroyed
٣٥. سُيّرتْ سُفنُهُم في بحرِه
فهوت في قعره والْتَطَمَا
36. And he returned the lost from them confused
And the pulpit from them was muted
٣٦. واعادَ الحرَّ منهم حائراً
وثَنِيَ المِنْطِيقُ منهم مُفْحَمَا
37. And gather the secret in him, do you see
Every one with fangs called a lion?
٣٧. واجمع السّر فيه هل ترى
كلّ ذي نابٍ يُسَمَّى ضَيْغمَا
38. We have tested his glory in his patience
And tasted what we saw from them
٣٨. قد بلونا مجدَه في صَبْره
وروينَا ما رأينا عَنْهُمَا
39. And we witnessed a generosity filling the horizon
Since he arose, generosity did not grow greater
٣٩. وشهدنا كرماً ملء الفضا
مُنذ نشأ لم يتعاظمْ كرمَا
40. O Abu Abdillah, hear for how many
Deaf you have removed deafness
٤٠. يا أبا عبد الاله إسمع فكم
مَسْمَعٍ أذهَبْتَ عنه الْصَّمَمَا
41. I am but part of you, and holding
Always, do not let go of the handhold
٤١. أنا بَعْض مِنْك والكفّ على
كل حالٍ لا تضيعُ المِعْصَما
42. I have clung to your doorhandle from
The arrows of fate whenever fate shot
٤٢. قد تمسكتُ باهدابك من
أسْهُمِ الدهر إذا الدهر رمى
43. And held firm to the firmest handhold which
From you, none who holds to it will be wretched
٤٣. ولزمتُ العروة الوثقى الَّتي
منك لا يشقَى بها مَنْ لَزِما
44. No, not for the world but for the religion with it
And the Hereafter and what is between them
٤٤. لاَ لدُنْيا بَلْ لِديْن مَعْهَا
ولأخْرَى وَلمَا بَيْنَهُمَا
45. And the loving people from them, O father
Of Ahmad, and the affection narrates the womb
٤٥. ومُحتُّ القومِ منهم يا أبا
أحمدٍ والودُّ يحكي الرُّحمَا
46. The dog of the People of the Cave gained through them
The honor of companionship when they gathered
٤٦. كلبُ أهلِ الكهف قد نال بهم
شرفُ الْصحبةِ لمّا انتظما