1. If you hurt me with a glance and wink
Then I will hurt your cheek with a kiss
١. أن كنتَ تجرحني باللّحظِ والمقلِ
فسوفَ أجرحُ في خديك بالُقبَل
2. Or if their wine was water mixed with honey
Then the wine of your saliva is above water and honey
٢. أو كان خمرُهم ماءٌ به عَسَلٌ
فخَمْرُ ريقك فوق الماءِ والعَسلِ
3. They said you are corrupted by my flirting glance, I said to them
Corruption by my flirting glance makes me better
٣. قالوا فسدتَ بساجي اللحظ قلت لهم
أن الفسادَ بساجي اللحظ أصْلَحُ لي
4. Oh his beauty like an evenly balanced rod
That sways over soft cheeks of a gazelle
٤. يا حسنُهُ كقضيبِ البانِ معتدلاً
يهتز فوقَ نقارملٍ مِنْ الكفَل
5. Arched are his eyebrows, alluring his neck
My eyes are dazzled by such a vision
٥. مقوّسٌ حاجبيه لاَفتاً عُنقاً
عني فواتعبي من ذلك العمل
6. I have not forgotten the night I pulled his apron
And his cheeks turned red from shyness
٦. لمْ أنْسَ ليلة ما جاذبتُ مِئْزرَه
وقد تورّدَ خَدّاه من الخجل
7. I blamed him so he cried, I consoled him so he complained
And he said "it's not my fault, blame the slanderers"
٧. عاتبته فبكى لاطفتُه فشكى
وقال مِن قَبِل الواشين لا قبلي