1. O one who has departed yet my heart remains your dwelling
And though you're gone, my heart is still devoted to you
١. يا نازحاً وله فؤادي مَنْزِلُ
ومفارقاً وبه الفؤادُ موكّلُ
2. You were my life's companion, yet now in your absence
My imagination of you has faded and grown stingy
٢. ومقاسماً لي في الحياة وأنّه
ليشحُّ عني بالخيالِ ويبخل
3. Since you left, I've blamed my heart, yet found no substitute
Nor anything that could console my blame
٣. عَلّلتُ قلبي مذ بَعُدتَ فلم أحد
عوضاً ولا شيْئاً به أتعلل
4. I've kept my love for you secret, so my tears must silently
Trickle down and go neglected
٤. وكتمتُ حُبَّك أن يذيع فنمَّ بي
دمعٌ يكفكف بالرذاذ ويهمِلُ
5. If you're surprised that our passion still persists
The beautiful are indulged for their beauty
٥. أعجبتَ لمّا إنْ رأيتَ غرامَنا
بكل والمليح بما به يتدلل
6. I've seen your slender waist as a willow branch
Bending gracefully beneath the weight it holds
٦. ورأيتُ قدَّكَ من قضيب مائس
في رامح فعملتَ ما لا يُعملِ
7. Your light step belies the heaviness you bear
For true beauty is enhanced by graceful contrasts
٧. خُفّفْتَ خصراً إذ ثقلتَ روادفاً
والحْسنُ أقتله الخفيفُ المثقلُ
8. How much of Baghdad and the Tigris I still love
Though from them I departed, their love won't leave me
٨. كم لي ببغداد ودجلة من هوى
عنه ارتحلتُ وحُبُّه لا يَرْحَلُ
9. It wasn't my choice to part from you, but time
Brings days that alternate between justice and tyranny
٩. ما كان عن رأيي الفراق وإنّما
للدهر أيامٌ تجور وتعدل