1. With the singular lightning, the ruins of antiquity,
As if the clouds had maintained their chastity,
١. بالابرق الفرد اطلال قديمات
لآل هند عفتهن الغمامات
2. And it was a playground where the winds sported,
As if they neither lingered there nor spent the night.
٢. وَملعب لعبتهوج الرياحبه
كَأَنَّهم فيه ما ظلوا وَلا باتوا
3. Western science denies the well-known flag,
And after the caravan, wide roads lied deserted.
٣. تنكر العلم الغربيّ من أضم
وأَقفرت بعد بين الركب رامات
4. My liver craves to gather all sorrows,
So they gathered while the caravans scattered.
٤. تَشتهم جَمع الاحزان في كَبدي
فالهم مجتمع وَالركب أَشتات
5. If you forget the departures of the heart with them,
They are the beloved of my heart, O departures.
٥. فان أَنستَ غيابات الفؤاد بهم
فهم أَحباب قَلبي يا غيابات
6. So O doves of the valley of ebony, your passion in
The shade of the meadows, my passion O doves.
٦. فَيا حَمامات وادى البان شجوك في
ظل الاراك شجاني يا حَمامات
7. And O fawns of Najd, the dawn has not played
Except it played with my heart, O fawns.
٧. وَيا أَثيلات نجد ما لعبت ضحى
الا لعبتبِقَلبي يا أَثيلات
8. The zealous yearning of my heart is aroused when
The morning breeze blows the tender branches.
٨. تهيج لوعة قَلبي المستهام اذا
هبت بنشر الصبا النهدي هبات
9. So what is the state of one far from home, an expatriate
Who has for Syria yearnings and sighs?
٩. فَكَيفَ حال بعيد الدار مغترب
له إِلى الشام حنات وأنات
10. Greetings I send from my deputyship clearly
To the Prophet whose gifts are plentiful.
١٠. يهدى التَحيَّة من نيابَتي برع
الى نَبي عَطاياه جَزيلات
11. Muhammad, the master of creation, with whom
The earth and seven heavens have filled with his light.
١١. محمد سيد الخلق الَّذي امتلأت
من نوره الارض وَالسبع السَموات
12. God took him by night from the land of Hejaz
To the Highest Heaven, where his shoes were held high.
١٢. اسرى به اللَه من ارض الحجاز إِلى
ان قبلت نعله الحجب الرَفيعات
13. He brought him within two bow lengths when He spoke
To him of the unseen, after greetings were exchanged.
١٣. أَدناه من قاب قوس حين كلمه
بالغَيب من بعد ما قالَ التَحيات
14. And increased his noble station and interceded through him
In favor of creation, so his intercessions shall not be refused.
١٤. وَزاده منه تَشريفا وَشفعه
في الخلق لا عدمت منه الشَفاعات
15. The full moons, seas, pouring rains give him life,
As do superiority, pride, and miracles to him belong.
١٥. فالبدر وَالبحر وَالقطر الملث حيا
وَالفَضل وَالفخر فيه وَالكَرامات
16. By God, religion's station would not have risen so high
If not for his towering positions.
١٦. تاللَه ما اِرتَفَعَت للدين مرتبة
لولا مراتبه الشم المنيعات
17. He gave life to the age, and the age's days because of him
Are days of favors and raids in God.
١٧. أَحيا الزَمان فأيام الزَمان به
يَومان في اللَه انعام وَغارات
18. He broke the thorns of the polytheists, pleasing
God as Lord, so no consolation or Lat remain.
١٨. وَفل شوكة أَهل الشرك مرتضيا
لِلَّه ربا فَما العزى وَما اللات
19. The horses neigh and the spears spark,
While the swords - their edges are the hewers.
١٩. فالخَيل تصهل والارماح شاحرة
وَالبيض وَالبيض مسراها العجاجات
20. The borders of the polytheists poured not but blood
Which the channels and waterfalls watered.
٢٠. ما اِستمطرته ثغور المشركين حيا
الا سقتها القنا وَالمشرفيات
21. Peace be upon the grave round which
The Highest has revolved and met its end.
٢١. مني السَلام عَلى القَبر الَّذي اعكفت
فيه العلى واِنتَهَت فيه النهايات
22. The fragrance of Taybah is sent off in all directions,
Where flowers bloom and vegetation turns green.
٢٢. وَجاد طيبة مرفض يَلوح به
زهر الرياض وَتخضر البشامات
23. A land distinguished by God's Messenger, more noble than
The land honored by forefathers and mothers.
٢٣. أَرض سمت بِرَسول اللَه اشرف من
تشرفت فيه آباء وامات
24. When will I see the light in the corners of his dome?
When will glad tidings reach me from it?
٢٤. مَتى أَرى النور من أَرجاء قبته
مَتىتباشرني منه البشارات
25. If I become distracted with the grave of the Son of Amina
It is where messages came to an end.
٢٥. فان ولهت الى قبر ابن آمنة
فهوَ الَّذي خقت فيه الرسالات
26. That beloved whose affection
The creation hopes for, the living and dead.
٢٦. ذاكَ الحَبيب الَّذي تَرجو عواطفه
وَبره الخلق أَحياء وَأَموات
27. The full moon split for him, clouds shaded him
Trunks bowed to him, and pebbles glorified.
٢٧. البدر شق له وَالغيم ظلله
وَالجذع حن وَسبحن الحصيات
28. And Shebah's ewe on the day of the army was a miracle-
What a Prophet, what an army, and what an ewe!
٢٨. وَشاة حابر يوم الجيش معجزة
نعم النَبي وَنعم الجيش وَالشاة
29. In the sun was a light no shade could diminish
Many narrations have informed us of this.
٢٩. وكان في الشمس نورا لَيسَ يشخصه
ظل بذلك حاءَتنا الروايات
30. Honor, reverence, and position belong to him
As do many miracles and signs.
٣٠. له فجار وَتَعظيم ومرتبة
وَمعجزات كَثيرات وآيات
31. My Master, my Master relieve me
Of all hardship as sins have burdened my back.
٣١. مَولاي مَولاي فرج كل معظمة
عني فَقَد اثقلت ظَهري الخطيآت
32. And fulfill what you have accustomed me to of generosity
So many times you have confused me with your goodness.
٣٢. وَعد عَلى بما عودتني كرما
فَكم حرت لي بخير منك عادات
33. And protect me and grant me honor from you,
O He whose nature is goodness and goodness.
٣٣. وامنع حماي وهب لي منك مكرمة
يا من مواهه خير وَخيرات
34. And turn to me and take my hand, O my Master,
When difficulties and worries overwhelm me.
٣٤. واعطف عَلى وخذ يا سَيدي بيدي
اذا دهتني الملمات المهمات
35. For I stand at the door of generosity, apologizing-
Forgiveness is vast and the excuse is clear.
٣٥. فقد وقفت بباب الجود معتذرا
وَالعَفو متسع وَالعذر أَبيات
36. And say, "Tomorrow you will be of the People of the Right,"
When the Abode is adorned for those brought in.
٣٦. وقل غدا أَنتَ من أَهل اليَمين اذا
زخرفن للداخلين الخلد جنات
37. And if I praise you inadequately, while admitting,
The Quran and seven oft-repeated verses praise you.
٣٧. وان مدحتك بالتَقصير معترفا
فمدحك الوحي وَالسبع القرآت
38. Say, after this, no servant who hopes for mercy will fear,
Nor will relations or family who come later.
٣٨. قل لا يخف بعدَها عَبد الرَحيم ومن
يَليه أَهل وَصحب أَو قرابات
39. O my God, bless Muhammad as long as
Signs of your light shine from the full moons.
٣٩. صَلى عليك الهى يا محمد ما
لاحَت لنورك من بدر عَلامات
40. And his Family, Companions, and Wives-
For they are the chiefs of the people of virtue.
٤٠. والآل وَالصَحب والازواج كلهم
فهملِسادات اهل الفضل سادات