
If they make a promise, they have no loyalty

إذا عهدوا فليس لهم وفاء

1. If they make a promise, they have no loyalty,
And if they make an appointment, their tryst is mirage.

١. إذا عهدوا فَلَيسَ لهم وَفاء
وان وعدوا فموعدهم هباء

2. And if I please them, they get angry out of boredom,
And if I associate with them, they do evil.

٢. وان أَرضيتهم غضبوا ملالا
وان أحسنت عشرتهم أَساؤا

3. So rest yourself, I ransom you from them,
And do not cry, for crying is of no use.

٣. فطب نفسا جعلت فداك عنهم
وَلا تَبكي فَما يغني البكاء

4. And beware of listening to blame about them,
I and those who blame them are their ransom.

٤. وَحاذر تَستَمع فيهممَلاما
أَنا وَاللائمون لهم فداء

5. They are the excess of youth and lean of body,
By your life, this has no permanence!

٥. فضول صبابة وَنحولجسم
لعمرك ما عَلى هَذا بقاء

6. And do not blacken your heart with iron,
Nor your eyes with tears of blood.

٦. وَلا مسود قلبك من حديد
وَلا عَيناك دَمعهما دماء

7. And who do you have that visits you of a beloved one,
Whose love is chaste and friendship faithful?

٧. ومن لك بالزيارة من حَبيب
حمته البيض والاسل الظماء

8. The wine on his lips in the morning is intoxicant,
As if its temper is honey and water.

٨. أصبح في لمى شفتيه خمرا
كأن مزاجها عسل وَماء

9. Sick of glance, he caused me lovesickness,
And in his lips is the cure for illness.

٩. سقيم اللحظ أَورثني سقاما
وَفي شفتيه للسقم الشفاء

10. He bid me farewell, so I melted and separation alone remained,
Is there after the farewell for us any meeting?

١٠. دَعاني للوداع فذبت وَحدا
فَهَل بعد لوداع لنا لقاء

11. If the beloved travels, then what is my life?
And after him, my death and living are equal.

١١. اذا رحل الحَبيب فَما حَياتي
وَمَوتي بعده الاسواء

12. I ransom you, what is love except
Poor hearts that are empty winds?

١٢. جعلت فداك ما العشاك الا
مَساكين قلوبهم هَواء

13. Take provision for misfortunes, patience,
For verily patience, its darkness is illumination.

١٣. تزوّد للخطوب السود صبرا
فان الصبر ظلمته ضياء

14. And take from everyone you befriend, caution,
For this life has no true brotherhood.

١٤. وَخذ من كل من واخاك حذرا
فَهَذا الدهر لَيسَ له اخاء

15. And do not feel safe with the promise of people,
If they make a promise, they have no loyalty.

١٥. وَلا تأنس بعهد من أناس
اذا عهدوا فَلَيسَ لهم وَفاء

16. And if the days cause you to stumble, then descend
Upon the most generous whom the sky shades -

١٦. وان عثرة بك الايام فانزل
بأَكرم من تظلله السماء

17. The Hashimi Prophet with a bright face,
His traits are leniency and loyalty.

١٧. نبي هاشمي أَبطحي
شَمائله السماحة وَالوفاء

18. Of long generosity, bounty and truthfulness,
The most generous and truthful were his companions.

١٨. طَويل الباع ذو كرم وَصدق
نمته الاكرمون الاصدقاء

19. By my soul that journeyed and ascended until
It saw the veils of Majesty wrapped around Him!

١٩. بِنَفسي من سَرى وَسما إِلى أَن
رأى حجب الجلال لها اِنطواء

20. And the All-Dominant called him "My beloved!
Come to Our communion and for you be felicity!"

٢٠. وَناداه المُهَيمن يا حَبيبي
هلم لوصلنا ولك الهناء

21. So say and intercede - will you see generosity and glory? -
And ask - you will be given, for generosity is our trait.

٢١. فقل واشفع تَرى كرما وَمجدا
وَسل تعطى فَشيمَتنا العطاء

22. The treasuries of My Mercy and the bliss of My Dominion
Are by your judgement, so judge in them what you wish!

٢٢. خَزائِن رَحمَتي وَنَعيم ملكي
بحكمك فاقض فيها ما تَشاء

23. For you is the Basin of Abundance, an honor O Muhammad,
And the intercession and the banner!

٢٣. لك الحوض المعين كرامة يا
محمد وَالشَفاعة وَاللواء

24. Your station, even the angels fall short of it,
And your superiority no prophet has attained.

٢٤. مقامك تقصر الاملاك عنه
وَفضلك لم تنله الانبياء

25. And how many miracles and signs you have in the Highest,
By which the Ordainment was determined!

٢٥. وَكَم لك في العلا من معجزات
وآيات بها سبق القضاء

26. If they attribute the honorable deeds and sublime traits,
Then you are their perfection and beginning!

٢٦. اذا نسبوا المَكارِم وَالمَعالي
فأنت لها تمام واِبتداء

27. You increase in generosity when the times recoil,
And your generosity is not changed by ostentation.

٢٧. تزيد اذا اشمأز الدهر جودا
وَجودك لا يغيره الرياء

28. And you make the dusty years into meadows,
And clarify whenever the serenity is muddled.

٢٨. وَتخصب في السنين الغبر سوحا
وَتَصفو كلما كدر الصفاء

29. When glory ends in nobility, then far be it!
And never will your pride reach an end!

٢٩. اذا الفخر انتهى شرفا فَحاشا
وَكلا ما لمفخرك انتهاء

30. And who can enumerate your noble deeds,
Which have glory in every order?

٣٠. وَمن يحصى مَكارمك اللَواتي
لَها في كل مرتبة سناء

31. I love - O son of the chambers - the voice of a servant,
Captive of sin, his loyalty to you remains intact.

٣١. أحب يا ابن العَواتك صوت عبد
أَسير الذَنب فيه لك الوَلاء

32. From both abodes he calls you for what
Years have ruled and hope is cut off.

٣٢. من النيابَتين دعاك لما
تَولى العمر وانقطع الرَجاء

33. I praised you since I found you as my spring,
So for me from you is freshness, and for you is praise.

٣٣. مدحتك مذ وجدتك لي رَبيعا
فَلي منك النَدى وَلك الثَناء

34. Save me by your station from mistakes
And burdens, which straiten the horizon!

٣٤. تداركني بجاهك من نوب
وأوزار يَضيق بها الفَضاء

35. And who do I have as refuge in every state?
For I have no shelter except You alone!

٣٥. ومن لي ملجأ في كل حال
فَلَيسَ الى سواك لي التجاء

36. And say: "Abd al-Rahim and those with him
Have reward in the countryside of Our Mercy."

٣٦. وقل عَبد الرَحيم ومن يَليه
لهم في ريف رأفتنا جزاء

37. For if You honor us in this life and the next,
Then the sea is not diminished by buckets!

٣٧. فان أَكرمتنا دنيا وأخرى
فَلَيسَ البحر تنقصه الدلاء

38. Upon you is your Lord's blessing for as long
As the stars of the sky shine and winds blow softly!

٣٨. عليك صَلاة ربك ما تَبارَت
نجوم الجوأ وعصفت رخاء

39. A blessing that achieves what is hoped for within it -
Your noble and reverent companions.

٣٩. صَلاة تبلغ المأمول فيها
صحابتك الكِرام الاتقياء