1. For every important matter, God suffices me
I hope through Him for safety from what I feared
١. لكل خطب مهم حسبي اللَه
أَرجو به الامن مِمّا كنت أَخشاه
2. And I seek refuge in Him in every affliction
And I have no refuge in the two abodes but He
٢. وأستَغيث به في كل نائبة
وَما مَلازي في الدارين الا هو
3. The Owner of favors, glory, and great virtue
And whoever asks Him, his Lord satisfies him
٣. ذو المن وَالمَجد وَالفَضل العَظيم ومن
يَدعوه سائله رباه رَباه
4. To Him belong gifts, blessings and the highest example
That no perception can encompass its sublimity
٤. له المَواهِب والالاء وَالمثل ال
لأعلى الَّذي لا يحيط الوهم علياه
5. The All Capable, the Commander, the Forbidder, the Disposer
He does not accept disbelief for us, and He accepts faith
٥. القادِر الآمر الناهي المدبر لا
يَرضى لَنا الكفر والايمان يَرضاه
6. One whose state cannot be said "How?" and for His virtue "How much?"
Exalted is my Lord Allah
٦. مَن لا يقال بحال عنه كيف وَلا
لفضله كم تَعالى ربنا اللَه
7. And the passage of ages, cycle of eras and events do not change Him
And He is not described with incarnation or transference, neither drawing near nor receding, God forbid
٧. وَلا يغيره مر الدهور وَلا
كر العصور وَلا الاحداث تَغشاه
8. He created the worlds as signs of His power
And drowned them all in an ocean of His blessings
٨. وَلا بعبر عَنه بالحلول وَلا
بالانتقال دنا أَو شط حاشاه
9. And originated creation from the Creator of creation from nothingness
For the sake of the love of the best of creation, had it not been for him
٩. أَنشا العَوالِم اعلاما بقدرته
وأغرق الكل منهم بحر نعماه
10. Muhammad whom the sun of existence was purified by him
And the letters of the universe became fragrant by his link
١٠. وأوجد الخلق باري الخلق من عدم
عَلى محبة خير الخلق لَولاه
11. The secret of the prophets, reviver of religion, noble
His locks were pure in their origin and growth
١١. محمد من زكت شمس الوجود به
وَطابَ من ثمرات الكون حرفاه
12. The unique majesty, the unique generosity who adorned him
With the crown of majesty as a gift to creation
١٢. سر النبيين محيي الدين ذو شرف
طابَت ذوائبه فرعا وَمنشاه
13. Gabriel clothed him with a garment of light in which he deposited
By the permission of God when he covered him with it
١٣. فرد الجلالة فرد الجود البسه
تاج الجَلالة من للخلق أَهداه
14. So the cosmos shone from the light of his joy
And his visions became beautiful when his visions became beautiful
١٤. أَغشاه خلعة نور فيه أودعها
جبريل وَهُوَ باذن اللَه أَغشاه
15. God pierced him with lights transmitted
By imams who have victory and status
١٥. فأشرق الكون من نوار بهجته
وَطابَ رياه لما طاب رياه
16. It is an interceding secret from the secret of the unseen so
The sights of the people of truth have not ceased to observe it
١٦. لِلَّه خرقه أَنوار تداولها
أَئمة لهم التَمكين والجاه
17. What is between Gabriel and the grandson of Amina
To Imam Ali was its course
١٧. سر تشفع من سر الغيوب فَما
زالَت بَصائِر أَهل الحق تَرعاه
18. And in al-Husayn and the son of al-Husayn and ornament
Of worshippers, the merciful hearted Zayn al-Abideen
١٨. ما بَينَ جبريل وَالطهر ابن آمنة
إِلى الامام عَلي كان مسراه
19. And the scholar of knowledge, al-Baqir Ja'far
And the restrainer of anger, Musa bin Ja'far
١٩. وَفي الحسين وَفي نجل الحسين وز
العابدين رحيم القلب أَوّاه
20. Terminating in the pleasure, the virtuous, and how much
The receiver of the secret from the past has received it
٢٠. وَباقر العلم فالمَيمون جعفره
وَكاظم الغيظ موسى من كموساه
21. Imams from the House of Zahra, honorable
Among them is Haydar and his blossom
٢١. أَبى عَلى الرضا سامى الفخار وكم
مستقبل السر من ماض تَلقاه
22. They knew al-Shaykh Ma'roof well, brother of Karakh
They drew him near before the night journey and He drew him near
٢٢. أَئمة من بَني الزهر الهم شرف
هم خمسة حيدر فيهم وَزهراه
23. Al-Sarir traveled the traces of their conduct
To al-Junayd when he hosted him
٢٣. هم عرفوا الشيخ معروفا أَخا كرخ
أَدنوه قبل سرى وَهوَ أَدناه
24. Al-Junayd passed the light of guidance
To guide creation cleanly then passed it
٢٤. سار السرى عَلى آثار سيرتهم
إِلى الجنيد مجدا حين آخاه
25. To the narrator Abd al-Wahid the shining moon
The walker so he entrusted to him his lamp of life
٢٥. أَلقى الجنيد الى الشبلى نور هدى
هداية الخلق طرا ثم أَلقاه
26. I mean Abu Al-Faraj the guide so he particularly blessed him
Abu Said thus the unique ended his succession
٢٦. الى المحدث عبدالواحِد القمر
الساري فأودعه مصباح دنياه
27. And from him in Shaykh Abd al-Qadir, the signs
Of grace shone light in his life
٢٧. أَعنى أَبا الفرج الهادى فخص به
أَبا سَعيد كَذاك الفرد عقباه
28. Like the dawn shining from the furthest of its east
Beautifully and like the full moon filling the sight is its witness
٢٨. وَمنه في الشيخ عبدالقادر ابتهجت
طَلائِع الفَظل نورا في محياه
29. And like the cloud when it rains generously
And like the morning breeze in manners if its inclination is gentle
٢٩. كالشمس تسفر من أَقصى مطالعها
حسنا وَكالبَدر ملء العين مرآه
30. From the House of Fatimah the daughter of Ahmad, noble
Time has brought him uniquely dispelling his equal
٣٠. وَكالغمام اذا استمطرته كرما
وَكالصبا خلقا ان رق مهواه
31. Upon his perfections the lights of his awe
Like the sword if its sharpness polishes its edge
٣١. من آل فاطمة لزهراء ذو شرف
أَتى به الدهر فردا عَن مثناه
32. Pride of both worlds through him
As the highest nobility is his limit
٣٢. عَلى جملالته أَنوار هيبته
كالسَيف ان راق حسنا رق حداه
33. He passed from the secret to al-Haddad the light of guidance
He guided him and he passed it to the unique of the age
٣٣. فخر الجيلان دون العالمين به
اذ غاية الشرف الاعلى قصاراه
34. Muhammad the pious the Meccan son of Abu
Bakr thus Allah manifested his secret
٣٤. أَلقى من السر في الحداد نور هدى
هداه وَهُو لفرد العصر أَداه
35. To his son Shaykh Abd al-Wahid it reached
His reasons so Abu Uthman is his master
٣٥. محمد ذي التقى المكي ابن أَبي
بكر فذلك سر اللَه آناه
36. To Abu Bakr al-Shami from Umar
To his brother Ali star of his ascent
٣٦. إِلى ابنه الشيخ عبد الواحد اتصلت
أَسبابه فأبو عثمان مَولاه
37. And Sarim al-Din Ibrahim their protégé
His state among their protégés is blind
٣٧. إِلى أَبي بكر الشامي من عمر
إِلى أَخيه عَلى نجم علياه
38. Al-Nasibi Shahab al-Din our master
Sun of the religion of guidance his traits are beautiful
٣٨. وَصارم الدين ابراهيم صنوهما
أَجله في ذرا صنويه عماه
39. Al-Makhdum al-Huwsi the selective east
In a position he attained what he wished from it
٣٩. الناصبي شهاب الدين سيدنا
شمس لدين الهدى طابَت سَجاياه
40. Al-Arabi was shaded by the lights of his joy
The secret of the divine care when he befriended him
٤٠. الماخذ الحوضى المنتقى شرقا
في رتبة نال منها ما تَمناه
41. So Umar al-Farouq has not ceased to await
The side of the dear mighty raising his aspiration
٤١. أَغشى العرابي من أَنوار بهجته
سر العناية منه حين والاه
42. Those are the flowers, the lords of perfection so
His hearing and sight have not ceased to be among them
٤٢. فَلَم يزل عمر الفاروق مرتقبا
الى جناب عزيز عز مرقاه
43. The people of sanctity and the cave for whom
There is pride sufficient even for the brave among them
٤٣. اولئك الزهر أَرباب الكمال فَما
يَزال مسمعه فيهم وَمرآه
44. The travelers to the spring of reality in
The most guided path, facilitated it, named it
٤٤. أَهل الولاية وَالغر الَّذين لهم
فخر ينيف عَلى الجوزاء أَدناه
45. Blessing does not cease from them but for them and by them
Is its purpose forever through them and their duration
٤٥. السائرين إِلى عين الحَقيقة في
أَهدى السَبيل واسناه واسماه
46. The inheritors of the Messenger of God their path
Each of them after him similar in guidance
٤٦. ما يبرح الفضل منهم بل لهم وَبهم
معاده ابدا فيهم وَمداه
47. And how many creatures beyond counting unlike them
In our torn path wandered or did not wander
٤٧. الوارثين رَسول اللَه سيرتهم
فَكلهم بعده في الهدى أَشباه
48. Perhaps through the status of those people He will forgive me
As I am hopeful yet fearful
٤٨. وَكَم خَلائق لا يحصون غيرهم
في نهج خرقتنا تاهو أَو ما تاهوا
49. So I have scrolls filled
With poetry and I shy when I recite them
٤٩. عَسى بجاه اولاك القوم يغفر لي
مهيمن أَنا أَرجوه وَأَخشاه
50. I went astray in ignorance from the aim of the path and one who
Strays from it, then Hell is its shelter
٥٠. فَلي صَحائف بالوزار قَد ملئت
واخجلتي من كِتابي حينَ أَلقاه
51. And I was, my Master, a slave who has erred and none
Can erase my sins but my Master who pardons
٥١. ضللت بالجهل عَن قصد السَبيل وَمن
يضل عَنه فان النار مأواه
52. O Guide of (the land) al-Jura with ruins, ask is
There life in the high abode its life marked
٥٢. وَكنت مَولاي عبدا قد خطئت وَما
يَمحو خَطاياه الاصفح مَولاه
53. And do the Arak branches rest
In the wind breeze and relax its entanglement
٥٣. يا رائد الحي بالجرعاء سائل هَل
رأَيت صوب الحَيا الوسمى حياه
54. By God sound peace upon the valley, its neighbor
And what it contains, its mosques and its plains
٥٤. وَهَل تريحن أَغصان الاراك به
لنسمة الريح واِرتاحَت خزاماه
55. How the love of the people of virtue is invoked within me
From one whose love is not verified by his claim
٥٥. بِاللَه سلم عَلى الوادي وَجيرته
وَما حَواه مَصلاه وَمَسعاه
56. And how much affection from those who found me for my phantom
One whose eye is not made fortunate by tears
٥٦. كَم يدعى حب أَهل المروتين مَعي
من لا تصدقه في الحب دعواه
57. I concealed my love from them and denied it
And I made the excuse road difficult hiding it
٥٧. وَكَم تواجد من وَجدي لشبهتي
مَن لَيسَ تسعده بالدمع عَيناه
58. And how can I conceal a secret that testifies that
Tears are pouring and a heart among its sorrow
٥٨. أَخفى محبتهم عنهم وأجحدها
وأصعب المذهب العذرى أَخفاه
59. What is wrong when the Ruwaytis are remembered with me
My pouring tears most precious
٥٩. وَكَيفَ أَكتم سرا يشهد ان به
دمع يَسيل وَقَلب بين أَحشاه
60. Remembrance of a beloved in the land of Sham whom
My heart loves from afar between our houses
٦٠. مالي اذا ذكر واجرعاء ذى سلم
أَرخصت مِن دَمعي المهراق أَغلاه
61. A nature from the fife dispositions dictates
Upon perceptions of the heart its memories
٦١. ذكرى حَبيبا بأرض الشام يعشقه
قَلبي عَلى بعد دارَينا واهواه
62. Love of the Messenger of God I stored
For the day I am asked about my sins so reward me
٦٢. طَبيعة من طباع النفس خامسة
تملى عَلى خطرات القَلب ذكراه
63. You honored my expectation and hopes O Generous One
You met me before I met You good news
٦٣. محبة لرسول اللَه أدخرها
ليَوم أسئل عَن ذَنبي فأجزاه
64. Muhammad master of masters whom
The highest curtains treaded his shoes the night of ascension
٦٤. حسنت ظني وآمالي بذى كرم
تَلقاك من قبل أَن تَلقاه بشراه
65. With the refined manners and etiquettes his delight
Its good title informs you of its goodness
٦٥. محمد سيد السادات من وطئت
حجب العلى لَيلة المعراج نعلاه
66. And its like the centuries have not seen and nor heard
And nor have mouths in existence spoken about
٦٦. بمهذب الخلق والاخلاق بهجته
ينبيك عَن حسنه عنوان حسناه
67. All the honored angels and messengers
Are shadows and He is their meaning
٦٧. ومثله ما رأت عبر وَلا سمعت
وَلا به نطقت في الكون أَفواه
68. My comfort and comfort of my soul you, you so
Nothing is more delightful than your remembrance in my heart
٦٨. كل المَلائك وَالرسل الكِرام عَلى
فص الجَلالة شكل وَهُو مَعناه
69. O my master O Messenger of God take my hand
In every fear among fears I meet
٦٩. راحى وَراحَة روحي أَنتَ أَنتَ فَما
أَلَذ ذكرك في قَلبي وأَحلاه
70. O my support, my savior in adversities when
The strangulation is narrowed upon a tired heart
٧٠. يا سَيدي يا رَسول اللَه خذ بيدي
في كل هول من الاهوال أَلقاه
71. If a people have visited you I did not visit with them
So your slave his sins have prevented him
٧١. يا عدتي يا نجاتي في الخطوب إِذا
ضاقَ الخناق لِقَلب جل بَلواه
72. And pardoning is more expansive than holding to account one whom
Sins have made fall and did not straighten his riding animal
٧٢. ان كان زارك قوم لم أَزر معهم
فان عبدك عاقته خَطاياه
73. And however much from You they seek intercession those
Who loved them or we were unjust towards them or weakened them
٧٣. وَالعَفو أَوسع عَن تَقصير من قعدت
به الذنوب فَلَم تنهض مَطاياه
74. So listen to genuine praises about you, their ink
Is ink if the poetry sea is filled with it
٧٤. وَكلما منك راجون الشَفاعة من
هوى أَطَعناه أَوحق أَضَعناه
75. Wanderers whose banners
Were raised above praise that none other rises to its level
٧٥. فاسمع جواهر مدح فيك حبرها
حبر إِذا ماج بحر الشعر أَملاه
76. So have mercy upon its composer, Abd al-Rahim, and be
Its protector from worries of his life and his shame
٧٦. مهاجرية افترت كمائمها
عَن نعت مدح ثناه لا ثَناياه
77. And praise belongs to God, praise without limit
And God suffices me, when there is no god but He
٧٧. فاِرحم مؤلفها عَبد الرَحيم وَكُن
حماه من هم دنياه واحمراه
78. And after the greeter, prayers and gift
Upon the majesty one whose resting place is pure
٧٨. وَالحَمد للَهَ حمدا لا اِنقصاء له
وَحَسبي اللَه اذ لا رب إِلّا هو
79. Continuous connected with God's eternal peace
Coming to him from fragrances of musk, most aromatic
٧٩. وَبعد زاكى صَلاة ثم ثاوية
عَلى جَلالة من قد طابَ مَثواه
80. And includes the Family and the honorable Companions and whoever
Cared for loyalty to him truly and pastured it
٨٠. موصولة بِسَلام اللَه دائمة
تؤتيه من نسمات المسك أَذكاه
81. As long as light has not disappeared from the corners of his dome
And as long as pilgrims have not shunned his odes
٨١. وَتَشمل الآل والصحب الكِرام ومن
رَعى الوفاء له حقا وَأَرعاه
٨٢. ما لاحَ نور عَلى أَرجاء قبته
وَما تيممت الزوّار مغناه