
Tell the one whose journey was prolonged after kissing its right and left

قل للمطي اللواتي طال مسراها

1. Tell the one whose journey was prolonged after kissing its right and left
That the day of parting would not have harmed her had she stopped

١. قل للمطي اللَواتي طال مسراها
من بعد تَقبيل يمناها وَيُسراها

2. There would have been no shortage of life's complaints and laments
Had she borne some of the agony I carried, she would not have enjoyed its clear sweet water and pasture

٢. ما ضرها يوم جد البين لو وقفت
نقص في الحي شَكوانا وَشَكواها

3. But she knew my passion so she felt passion
Yearning for Damascus made me cry and made her cry

٣. لَو حملت بعض ما حملت من حرق
ما اِستَعذبت ماءها الصافي وَمَرعاها

4. No breeze blew from my Najdi mountain to Ghor
Except it made me sleepless thinking of her and made her sleepless

٤. لكنها علمت وجدي فأوجدها
شوق إِلى الشام أَبكاني وأَبكاها

5. No smiling Meccan lightning flashed
Except it made me stay up late with her on my mind and made her stay up late

٥. ما هب من جبلي نجد نسيم صبا
للغورالا وأَشجاني وأَشجاها

6. She left rapidly like lightning
As if the voice of Allah's Messenger called to her

٦. وَلا سَرى البارق المكي مبتسما
الا وأسهرني رهنا وأَسراها

7. Until when she saw the light of the Prophet, she saw
The sun and moon as imperfect and incomplete compared to him

٧. تَبادَرَت من ربانا بتي برع
كأن صوت رَسول اللَه ناداها

8. She landed in the plains of Allah's Messenger and unloaded
Her burdens, and by him her resting place was blessed

٨. حَتّى اذا ما رأت نور النَبي رأت
للشمس وَالبدر أَمصالا وأَشباها

9. The green clouds bid the green gardens good morning
So the grave and the green garden bid her good morning

٩. حطت بسوح رَسول اللَه واطرحت
أَثقالها وَلديه طاب مَثواها

10. Where his prophethood has its pavilion pitched
And the pinnacle of religion is high above the stars

١٠. حيا الغمام الرحاب الخضر منسجما
فالقَبر فالرَوضةالخَضراء حياها

11. There is Al Mustafa Al Mukhtar from Mudar
The best of creation, its highest and its lowest

١١. حيث النبوة مضروب سرادقها
وَذروة الدين فَوقَ النجم علياها

12. Allah sent him as a messenger and his nation
On the verge of a crumbling cliff He rescued

١٢. هنالك المُصطَفى المختار من مضر
خير البَريّة أَقصاها وأَدناها

13. And the people exchanged misguidance for guidance
And He broke the idols with the sword when He strengthened it

١٣. أَتى به اللَه مَبعوثا وأمته
عَلى شفا جرف هارفأ نحاها

14. How many judgments the swords and white blades ruled
Among the worshippers of Lat and Uzza, so He eliminated them

١٤. وأبدل الخلق رشدا من ضلالتهم
وَفل بالسيف لما عز عزاها

15. And the stallions of the horses marched traitorously
In the path of battles, along their channels and watering places

١٥. كَم حكم السيف وَالبيض القواضب في
معاشر اللات وَالعزى فأفناها

16. That bearer of good tidings, warner, caller for help
The secret of prophethood in the world and its meaning

١٦. وَساقَ جرد جياد الخيل خائنة
مَجرى الكَماة بِمَجراها وَمرساها

17. The sun of existence whose lights from his birth
Filled what is between Canaan and Basra

١٧. ذاكَ البَشير النذير المُستَغاث به
سر النبوّة في الدنيا وَمَعناها

18. The hall of Chosroes cracked from his awe
And the fire of Persia, that baby extinguished it

١٨. شمس الوجود الَّذي أَنوار مولده
ملأن ما بين كنعانوَبصراها

19. And how many miracles He specializes for him with
And many amazing miracles we know

١٩. وانشق ايوان كسرى من مهابته
وَنار فارس ذاك الطفل أَطفاها

20. The baby sucked milk and the clouds shaded Him
And the moon split in two halves in the darkness

٢٠. وكم له من كَرامات يخص بها
وَمعجزات كَثيرات عرفناها

21. And the trunk bowed and water flowed from his hand
Ten and a half times ten He watered

٢١. الثدى در له وَالغيم ظلله
وانشق في الافق بدر شق ظلماها

22. And the spider built a house over him so
A group of straying disbelievers would turn away

٢٢. وَالجذع حن وأجرى الماء من يده
عشر المئين وَنصف العشر أَرواها

23. And the trees bowed in prostration to him
And the gazelle complained of affliction so he relieved her

٢٣. وَالعنكبوت بنت بيتا عليه لكي
ترد فرقة كفر ضل مَسعاها

24. Good tidings the poem is happy for it found
The master of Arabs, their best buy

٢٤. وَالفعل ذل وأوما بالسجود له
وَالظبية اِشتَكَت البَلوى فأَشكاها

25. So praise be to God, we won with him
In a blessed nation, best consequence in the next home

٢٥. بشرى طراف القَوافي انها ظفرت
بسيد العَرَب العرباء شراها

26. This is Muhammad, praiseworthy is his ways
This is the most righteous of people and their most loyal

٢٦. فالحَمدُ لِلَّه نحن الفائزون به
في ملة نعم عقبى الدار عقباها

27. This is the one who when he brought us the message in
The valley of Mecca, the light covered its valley

٢٧. هَذا محمد المَحمود سيرته
هَذا أبر بني الدنيا وَأَوفاها

28. No tree or stone remained
Except greeted him when meeting him

٢٨. هَذا الَّذي حين جانا بالرسالة في
بَطحاء مكة عم النور بطحاها

29. And the inanimate creation spoke to him
As if it had senses and mouths

٢٩. لَم يَبقَ من شجر فيها وَلا حجر
الا تحييه نطقا حين يَلقاها

30. The birds, beasts, and angels never stopped
Greeting peace upon him however God wishes

٣٠. وَكلمته جَمادات الوجود عَلى
علم كأن لها حسا وأَفواها

31. Peace be upon the light which delighted
The heavens when it traversed their heights

٣١. وَالطير وَالوَحش والاملاك ما برحت
تهدى السَلام له كي تَرضى لِلَّه

32. And the Throne and Chair rejoiced and the veils
Of Majesty filled with light when it drew near

٣٢. مني السَلام عَلى النور الَّذي اِبتهجَت
به السَموات لما جاز أَعلاها

33. O owner of abundant grace, seal of messengers, O Yasin, O Ta Ha
The prophets have no attributes that he does not

٣٣. واِستَبشر العرش وَالكرسي وامتلأت
حجب الجلالة نورا حين واناها

34. So the pinnacle of their beauty is in him
You are the one who nothing in existence resembles

٣٤. يا من له الكوثر الفياض مكرمة
يا خاتم الرسل يا يس يا طه

35. Far-fetched! Where are their bits compared to his bits
None earned your merit but you, nor

٣٥. ما للنبيين منوصف وليس له
فمنتهى حسنها فيهوَحسناها

36. Reached your pride, or matched it
The King of Majesty, accepter of intercession, the highest

٣٦. أَنتَ الَّذي ماله في الكون من شبه
هَيهات أَين ثراها من ثرباها

37. Of prophets in rank on Judgment Day
My Master what is most beautiful is your kindness to me

٣٧. ما نالَ فضلك ذو فضل سواك وَلا
سامى فخارك ذو فخر وَلا ضاها

38. So grant eyes that look to you and regard them
And include in your mercy a servant of the Merciful, join

٣٨. فرد الجَلالة مَقبول الشَفاعة في
يوم القامة أَعلى الانبيا جاها

39. Family, companions, and relatives with their Master
And help a soul when your nation sets out

٣٩. مَولاي مالي الاحسن لطفك بي
فهب لعيني عينا منك تَرعاها

40. Seeking visitation, but sins hinder it
And grant it security in the two abodes, show it

٤٠. واشمل بمرحمة عَبد الرَحيم وصل
أَهلا وَصحبا وارحاما لمولاها

41. Good thoughts, for its world and Hereafter
And make goodness the fate of your nation

٤١. وانهض بنفس اذا أمتك من برع
تَبغي الزيارة عاقتها خَطاياها

42. And Paradise their final dwelling
O my God, bestow prayers upon Muhammad

٤٢. وَهب لَها الامن في الدارين وارع لها
حسن الظنون لدنياها وأخراها

43. As long as the creation praises and journeys to him
Greetings that incline to his family, its emergence

٤٣. واجعل لامتك الخَيرات منقلبا
يوم القيامة وَالجنات مأواها

44. Fortunate, and the wind of musk blows its scent

٤٤. صَلى عليك الهى يا محمد ما
دامَت اليك الورى تحد وَمطاياها

٤٥. تحيَّة يَنثَني في الآل طالعها
سعدا وبفضح ريح المسك رياها