1. They are the loved ones, whether they are unkind or fair,
I have no substitute for them even if they are unfair,
١. هم الأحبة إن جاروا وإن عدلوا
فَلَيسَ لي معدل عنهم وإن عدلوا
2. And everything other than them is worthless to me
Compared to them, and I have no substitute for them apart from them.
٢. وكل شيء سواهم لي به بدل
منهم وَمالي بهم من غيرهم بدل
3. Even if they tempted my liver with their love,
I remain loving them, content with what they have done.
٣. اني وان فتنتوا في حبهم كبدي
باق عَلى ودهم راض بما فعلوا
4. I drank the chaste cup of passion thirstily,
And my delight was honey and drink in passion.
٤. شربت كاس الهَوى العذرى من ظمأ
وَلذلي في الغَرام العسل وَالنهل
5. If only I knew, while the world separates
Friends, and the days of life change,
٥. فَليت شعري وَالدنيا مفرقة
بين الرفاق وايام الورى دول
6. Will the house return friendly after absence?
And will our first days return to us?
٦. هَل ترجع الدار بعد البعد آنسة
وَهَل تعود لنا ايامنا الاول
7. O those who pierced my heart wherever they pierced,
And dwelled in my heart wherever they dwelled,
٧. يا ظاعنين بِقَلبي اينما ظعنوا
وَنازلين بِقَلبي اينَما نَزَلوا
8. Be gentle with a heart that went to you when passions left with the camels.
By Him whose House the pilgrims circled,
٨. ترفقوا بفؤاد في هوادجكم
راحَت به يوم راحَت بالهَوى الابل
9. And who calls and implores when afflicted by it,
Your love certainly flowed like my blood, so my blood
٩. فَو الَّذي حجت الزوار كعبته
ومن الم بها يَدعو وَيبتهل
10. After separation remains at your ruins.
I did not forget the night I left the comrades when
١٠. لَقَد جَرى حبكم مَجرى دَمي فَدمي
بعد التفرق في اطلالكم طلل
11. They avoided bidding farewell to the loved one and moved on.
When they saw a fire at Dhi Salm,
١١. لَم أَنس لَيلة فارقت الفَريق وَقَد
عاقوا الحَبيب عَن التَوديع واِرتَحَلوا
12. They went on, and were cut off from it while connected to it.
The mounts do not know where they are going
١٢. لما تَراءَت لهم نار بذي سلم
ساروا فمنقطع عنها وَمتصل
13. If they do not stop where the mind cannot bend.
In a garden of the gardens of Paradise I rejoiced,
١٣. لادر در المَطايا أَينَما ذهبت
ان لم تنخ حيث لا تثنى لها العقل
14. Beautiful, and the dwelling in it was sweet.
Where his prophethood has its pavilion pitched,
١٤. في روضة من رياض الجنة ابتهجت
حسنا وَطاب بها للنازِل النزل
15. And the light rises shining in the horizons,
And where the existence was ennobled by God through him,
١٥. حيث النبوّة مضروب سرادقها
وَطالع النور في الآفاق يشتعل
16. So virtue overwhelmed uniquely what equals him,
Muhammad, master of masters, from Mudar,
١٦. وَحيث من شرف اللَه الوجود به
فاِستغرق الفضل فردا ماله مثل
17. The secret of secrets, a sun that has no peer,
١٧. محمد سيد السادات من مضر
سر السَرارة شمس ماله طفل
18. The birds of glory nestle in his meanings,
And the branch of his kindness is fresh and lush.
١٨. شوارد المجد في مَعناه عاكفة
وَريف رأفته غصن النى الخضل
19. The verses glorify him whenever they are recited,
As the regions and roads were illuminated by him.
١٩. تثنى عليه المَثاني كلما تلبت
كَما اِستَنارَت به الاقطار وَالسبل
20. A sea whose depth knowledge cannot plumb,
And a full moon in the celestial sphere.
٢٠. بحر طوا رقهبر وَمكرمة
بدر عَلى فلك العَلياء مكتمل
21. He continued with light from loins to womb
Passing from ancestors to masters through the ages,
٢١. ما زالَ بالنور من صلب الى رحم
من عهد آدم في السادات ينتقل
Until he reached the last of Hashim and Samaa
٢٢. حَتّى اِنتَهى في الذرا من هاشم وَسما
فَتى وَطفلا وَوفى وَهو مكتهل
23. A youth, infant, loyal, fully grown.
So in existence there was no shape to compare him by,
٢٣. فَكانَ في الكَون لا شكل يقاس به
وَلا عَلى مثله الاقطار تشتمل
24. Nor do horizons encompass one like him.
Through him the straight path fixed its foundations,
٢٤. به الحَنيفة مرساة قواعدها
فوق النجوموَنهج الحق معتدل
25. Balanced above the stars and the way made clear.
From him the banner of praise shelters us
٢٥. وَمنه ظل لواء الحمد يشملنا
اذا العصاة عليهم من لطى ظلل
26. When rebels, shadows envelope them.
He is the just arbitrator whose religion
٢٦. وانه الحَكَم العدل الَّذي نسخت
بدين ملته الاديان وَالملل
27. Abrogated creeds and faiths with its nation.
O best one whose tomb perfumed the mighty earth,
٢٧. يا خير من دفئت بالترب اعظمه
فَطاب من طيبهن السهل وَالجبل
28. From his scent the plain and mountain turned fragrant.
My soul be sacrificed for the grave you inhabit,
٢٨. نَفسي الفداء لقبر انت ساكنه
فيه الهدى وَالندى وَالعلم وَالعمَل
29. In it is guidance, dew, knowledge and deed.
You are the beloved we hope for kindness from
٢٩. أَنتَ الحَبيب الَّذي نَرجو عواطفه
غند الصراط اذا ما ضاقَت الحبل
30. At the narrow bridge when the rope grows taut.
We hope for your great intercession for our sins,
٣٠. نَرجو شَفاعتك العظمى لمذنبنا
بجاه وجهك عنا تغفر الزلل
31. Through your splendor our lapses are forgiven.
My master, O Messenger of God, take my hand
٣١. يا سَيدي يا رَسول اللَه خُذ بيَدي
في كل محادثة مالي بها قبل
32. In all conversation I had no precedent for.
They said your protege does no harm, yet here I am, exposed,
٣٢. قالوا نزيلك لا يؤذي وَها اناذا
دَمي وَعرضي مباح وَالحمى همل
33. My blood and honor violated, protection abandoned.
He who is named for you, distress has intensified for him,
٣٣. وَذا المسمى بك اشتد البَلاء به
فاِرحمن مدامعه في الخد تنهمل
34. So have mercy on the tears flowing down his cheek.
And untie the knot of sorrow from him, never ceasing,
٣٤. وَحل عقدة هم عنه ما برحت
واشرح به صدرام قَلبها وحل
35. And reassure through him a chest, its heart distraught.
Join in mercy Abdel Rahim and whoever follows him, hopes in you never dashed, nor expectation failed.
٣٥. وَصل بمرحمة عَبد الرَحيم ومن
يَليه لا خاب فيك الظن والامل
36. Bless and salute, my Lord, forever, eternally,
Upon you O best of those who are covered and wrapped.
٣٦. صَلى وسلم رَبي دائماً ابدا
عليك يا خير من يحفى وَيفتعل
37. And upon the Family and Companions as long as
Caravans continue and generations come one after another.
٣٧. والآل وَالصحب ما غنت مطوّقة
وَما تعاقبت الابكار والاصل