
The lights of the oneness of the Truth appeared

تجلت لوحدانية الحق أنوار

1. The lights of the oneness of the Truth appeared
Indicating that denial is disgrace

١. تَجَلَّت لِوحدانية الحق أَنوار
فدلت عَلى أَن الجحود هو العار

2. And inviting every monotheist to the caller of Truth
To the abode of truthfulness, how good is the neighbor and the house

٢. وَأَغرت لداعي الحق كل موحد
بمقعد صدق حبذا الجار وَالدار

3. And its meanings were manifested through its attributes
So the intellects of the lovers could not deny

٣. وَأَبدَت مَعاني ذاته بصفاته
فَلَم يحتمل عقل المحبين أنكار

4. Its majesty appeared to them in the unseen
Visible, but not grasped by hearing and sights

٤. تَراءى لهم في الغَيب جل جَلاله
عيانا فَلَم يدركه سمع وَأَبصار

5. The intellects were bewildered by its meanings
And its approach in the realm of investigation turned away

٥. مَعان عقلن العقل وَالعَقل ذاهِل
واقباله في برزخ البحث أَدبار

6. When they attempted with imaginative thinking to comprehend its essence
Contradictory illusions about it arose

٦. اذاهمّ وَهم الفكر ادراك ذاته
تعارض أَوهام عليه وَأَفكار

7. And how can a 'how' encompass grasping its limit
When it has no limit or measure in 'how'

٧. وَكَيفَ يحيط الكيف ادراك حده
وَلَيسَ له في الكَيف حدو مقدار

8. And where can a 'where' be in relation to it when
None but God has existed with it as essence and traces

٨. وَأَينَ يحل الاين منه وَلَم يَكن
مَع اللَه غير اللَه عين وَآثار

9. And no thing is known and the universe is not illuminated
And sustenance is not divided and creation did not appear

٩. وَلا شيء مَعلوم وَلا الكَون مضيئة
وَلا الرزق مَقسوم وَلا الخلق افطار

10. And the sun is not illuminated by the shining light
Nor the wandering moon nor the moving star

١٠. وَلا الشمس بالنور المنير مضيئة
وَلا القمر الساري وَلا النجم سيار

11. So He originated in His dominion the earth and the heavens
To create from them whatever He wills and chooses

١١. فأنشأ في سلطانه الأرض وَالسَما
ليخلق منها ما يَشاء وَيَختار

12. And adorned His kingdom with the Throne and the Chair
So veils of His Light cover Him and conceal

١٢. وَزين بالكرسي وَالعَرش ملكه
فمن نوره حجب عليه وَأَستار

13. So Glorified is He whose faces are humbled to His Face
And whom He meets resigned in humiliation though mighty

١٣. فَسُبحان من تعنو الوجوه لوجهه
وَيَلقاه رهن الذل من هو جبار

14. And everything is submissive under His coercion
His disposal in compliance and coercion is predestined

١٤. وَمن كل شيء خاضع تحت قهره
تصرّفه في الطوع والقهر أَقدار

15. Great, the greatest are humbled by His might
Powerful, sufficient for subduing the subjugator, Vanquisher

١٥. عَظيم يهون الاعظمون لعزه
شديد القوى كاف لدى القهر قهار

16. Subtle with the subtlety of creation, He favored us
Over uncountable creatures, and that is grace

١٦. لطيف بلطف الصنع فضلنا على
خَلائق لا تحصى وَذَلكَ ايثار

17. He sees the movements of ants in the darkness of night
And nothing of secrets is concealed from Him

١٧. يرى حركات النمل في ظلم الدجى
وَلم يحف اعلان عليه واسرار

18. And counts the number of ants, drops, pebbles
And that which the expanses of Najd contains and its valleys

١٨. وَيحصى عديد النمل وَالقطر وَالحصى
وما اشتملت نجد عليه وأغوار

19. And weighed the mountains, how many loads, by His Light
He knew the weight of the sea and the sea is a current

١٩. ووزن جبال كم مَثاقيل بنوره
دراها وكيل البحر والبحر تيار

20. The hearts of the knowers were illuminated by His Light
So the secrets of the lovers' states were disclosed

٢٠. أَضاءَت قُلوب العارفين بنوره
فَباحَت بأحوال المحبين أَسرار

21. And they were named after His Names over the original
So He is the Pious and they are the righteous

٢١. وَشق عَلى أَسمائهم من عَلى اسمه
عَلى الاصل فهو البر والقَوم أَبرار

22. He is the one to whom they flee, trusting in Him
And He veils with forbearance though disobeyed

٢٢. فَذاكَ الَّذي يلجا إِليه توكلا
عليه وَيَعصى وَهُوَ بالحلم ستار

23. So the least hope for creation is from the gate of His grace
That He may erase errors and forgive sins

٢٣. فأدنى الرجا للخلق من باب فضله
لتمعي اسا آن وَتغفر أَوزار

24. And the guarantee of hopes strives gently
To the treasury of His forgiveness, and He is Forgiving

٢٤. وَضامنة الآمال تَسعى مواشيا
إِلى مزن استغفاره وَهُوَ غفار

25. The particles of existence glorify Him with praise
And stars and trees bow down honoring Him

٢٥. تسبح ذرّات الوجود بحمده
وَيسجد بالتَعظيم نجم وَأَشجار

26. And the rain clouds weep voluntarily by His command
So the flowers smile at what the rain does

٢٦. وَيبكى غمام الغيث طوعا لامره
فتَضحَك مِمّا يَفعَل الغَيث أَزهار

27. And Who split the face of the earth, revealing pastureland
And rivers flow though none but God flows

٢٧. ومن شق وجه الأَرض عن معشب الثرى
وَتَجري وَلا يَجري سِوى اللَهَ أَنهار

28. And Who marshalled the birds in thanks to their Lord
So they responded with the most melodious divine songs

٢٨. ومن عرد القمرى شكرا لربه
فَجاوبن بأسجع الالهى أَطيار

29. And if the gentle breeze blows, it is perfumed
With it the robes of the cosmos and stillness are scented

٢٩. وان نفحت هوج النسيم تعطرت
به خلع الأَكوان وَالسكون معطار

30. Blessed is the Lord of the dominion and kingdom, of
Wondrous things He relates to nomad and settled

٣٠. تَبارك رب الملك وَالمَلكوت من
عَجائِب يرويهن بدو وَحضار

31. So O self, return to benevolence, perhaps
You may lessen vice, for man is prone to vice

٣١. فَيا نفس للاحسان عودى فربما
أقلت عثارا فابن آدم معثار

32. And O fellowship of loved ones, though disagreeing, not consenting
Maybe by God's subtlety we will be united in the house

٣٢. وَيا فرقة الاحباب بالرغم لا الرضا
لعل بلطف اللَه تجمعنا الدار

33. And I became in the distant land whose era passed
So there is no homeland or homelands there

٣٣. فأصبح في الأَرض البَعيدة عهدها
فَلا ثم أَوطان وَلاثم أَقطار

34. And I attained from the basil of the heart a gaze
And saw it as the heart's fasting, a feast and breakfast

٣٤. وأدرك من ريحانة القلب نظرة
وَراها لصوم القلب عيد وافطار

35. O God, let me taste the coolness of Your pardon and guide me
To You by what pleases You, for worldly life is deceptive

٣٥. الهى أذقني برد عفوك واهدنى
اليك بِما يُرضيك فالدهر غرار

36. Join the cord of my intimacy by gathering my loved ones
For the cutting of the cord of intimacy brings gloating enemies joy

٣٦. وصل حبل أنسى باجتماع أحبتى
فَفي صرم حبل الانس بشمت غدار

37. And protect the water of my face from the abode of humiliation
And fortify it from the tyrants' injustice when they treat unjustly

٣٧. وصن ماء وَجهي عَن مقام مذلة
وَحصنه من جور الطغاة اذا جاروا

38. For by my shortcoming, poverty, and need
I have few hopes from Your sanctuary

٣٨. فاني بِتَقصيري وَفَقري وَفاقَتي
عَلى أَملى من مصر حودك أَمتار

39. I took off my finery and sought Your excuse, my Master
And after my excuses, no more excuses remain

٣٩. خَلعت عذارى واعتذرتك سيدى
وَلَم يَبقَ لي بعد اعتذاري أعذار

40. So say: Be glad, O Abdurraheem, by My mercy
And you are content, no disgrace or shame for you

٤٠. فَقل فزت يا عبدالرَحيم بِرَحمَتي
وَطبت وَلا خزى لديك وَلا عار

41. And honor for My sake those who follow Me and grant us
Safety from the fire the day the fire blazes

٤١. وأكرم لاجلى من يَليني وأعطنا
من النار أَمنا يوم تستعر النار

42. And bless the soul of the beloved Muhammad
Praiseworthy in efforts, so he is chosen among creation

٤٢. وَصل عَلى روح الحَبيب محمد
حميد المَساعي فَهُو في الخلق مختار

43. And his wives, Family, and Companions, they are
For him and for the religion of truth, helpers of truth

٤٣. وَأَزواجه والآل وَالصحب انهم
له وَلدين الحق بالحق أَنصار