
With Muhammad dangers of praise become great

بمحمد خطر المحامد يعظم

1. With Muhammad dangers of praise become great
And crowns of crowns are well-organized

١. بمحمد خطر المحامد يعظم
وَعقود تيجان العقود تنظم

2. And for him is the supreme intercession
The day when hearts will be suppressed in throats

٢. وَله الشَفاعة وَالمقام الاعظم
يوم القلوب لَدى الحَناجر كظم

3. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
A moon singular in his perfection and perfection

٣. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
قمر تفرد بالكَمال كماله

4. Containing beauty, his beauty and charm
And embracing abundant generosity in his bestowal

٤. وَحَوى المَحاسن حسنه وَجماله
وَتَناول الكرم العَريض نواله

5. And containing prides, his leading pride
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٥. وَحَوى المفاخر فخره المتقدم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

6. By Allah, neither a God nor a righteous one
Nor an angel like Ahmed in existence

٦. وَاللَه ما ذرأ الاله وَلابرا
بشرا وَلا ملكا كأحمد في الورى

7. So upon him Allah prayed, as long as a pen flows
And his shining light smiles

٧. فَعَليه صَلى اللَه ما قلم جرى
وَجلا الدياجي نوره المتبسم

8. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
The sun of his existence rose upon horizons

٨. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
طلعت عَلى الآفاق شمس وجوده

9. With good in its depths and generosity
So people pasture on the countryside of his kindness

٩. بالخير في أَغواره وَنجوده
فالخلق تَرعى ريف رآفة جوده

10. Generously, and our souls cannot tolerate him
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

١٠. كرما وَجارحنا به لا يهضم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

11. The fences of praise are from his letters
And praises of names are from his names

١١. سور المثانى من حروف ثنائه
وَمحامد الاسماء من أَسمائه

12. So the messengers will gather under his banner
The day of return, and the sinner will seek refuge

١٢. فالرسل تحشر تحت ظل لوائه
يوم المعاد وَيستَجير المجرم

13. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
And the universe is elated with the splendor of his splendor

١٣. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
والكون مبتهج بهاء بهائه

14. And the beauty of his style and loyalty in his loyalty
So for the secret of his conduct and glory in his glory

١٤. وَبجيم نحدته وَفاء وَفائه
فلسر سيرته وَسين سنائه

15. An honorable lineage that is long
And a strong hold that cannot be severed

١٥. شرف يَطول وعروة لا تقصم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

16. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
The full moon is insignificant before the rise of his full moon

١٦. البدر محتقر بطلعة بدره
وَالنجم يقصر عَن مراتب قدره

17. And the stars fall short of the degrees of his worth
How fortunate are those who find pleasure in his mention

١٧. ما أَسعَد المتلذذين بذكره
في يوم تعرض للعظام جهنم

18. On a day when Hellfire will confront the bones
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

١٨. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
دهشته أَخطار النبوة في حرا

19. The dangers of prophecy bewildered him at first
So he came to Khadija confused and astonished

١٩. فأتى خَديجة باهتا متحيرا
فحكت خديجة لابن توفل ماجرا

20. So Khadija told her son Waraqa what happened
From the affair of Ahmed when he began to understand

٢٠. من شأن أَحمد اذغدت تسنفهم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

21. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
She said: He raved in seclusion

٢١. قالَت أَناه السبع في المتعبد
برسالة أقرأ باسم ربك وابتد

22. With a message saying "Read in the name of your Lord" and begin
So he replied: I am not a reader since I was born

٢٢. فأجاب لست بقارىء من مولدى
فَثنى عليه اقرأ وَرَبُكَ أَكرَم

23. So he praised him: Read, and your Lord is the most Generous
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٢٣. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
قال ابن نوفل ذاك يؤثر عن نبي

24. Ibn Nawfal said: That conveys a prophet
Who will rise in Mecca and reside in Yathrib

٢٤. ينشا بمكة وَالمقام بيثرب
سَيَقوم بين مصدق وَمكذب

25. There will be between a believer and disbeliever
And many will be killed and blood will be shed

٢٥. وَستكثر القَتلى وَينسفك الدم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

26. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
This is his sign and this is his description

٢٦. هَذى عَلامته وَهذا نعته
وَالوَقت في الكتب القَديمة وَقته

27. And the time is his time in the ancient books
Had I lived to see him I would have served him

٢٧. وَلَو أَنَّني أَدركته لاطعته
وَخدمته مع من يطيع وَيخدم

28. And served him with those who obey and serve
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٢٨. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
قالَت له فمني يَكون ظهوره

29. She said to him: From whom will his emergence be?
And with what will his affairs be corrected?

٢٩. وَبأى شيء تَستَقيم أَموره
قال المَلائكة الكِرام ظَهيره

30. He said: The honorable angels are his supporters
And the eggs will shake and the nests will shatter

٣٠. وَالبيض ترجف وَالقَنا يَتَحَطَم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

31. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
And after forty years completed

٣١. وَعَلى تمام الاربعين سَتَنجَلي
شمس النبوّة لِلنَبي المرسل

32. The sun of prophethood will dawn upon the sent prophet
With the best of manners and sublime lineage

٣٢. بِمَكارِم الاخلاق وَالشرف العلي
فَسَناه ينجد في البلاد وَيتهم

33. So his help in the lands will be coveted and blamed
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٣٣. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
وَمن العلامة يوم يبعث مرسلا

34. And of the signs when he is sent as a messenger
There will remain no rock or rolled up

٣٤. لَم يَبقَ من حجر وَلا مدرولا
نجم وَلا شجر وَلا وحش الفلا

35. Star, tree, or beast of prey
Except declaring openly and submitting

٣٥. الا يصلى مفصحا وَيسلم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

36. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
So upon him Allah prays every evening

٣٦. فَعَليه صَلى اللَه كل عشية
وَضحى وَحياه بكل تحيَّة

37. And morning, and He guided, purified, approved and had mercy
The best guidance is gifted to the best of creation

٣٧. تهدى لخير الخلق خير هداية
وَتعزه وَتجله وَتكرم

38. Honoring him, extolling him, and generously rewarding him
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٣٨. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
طمس الضلال نور حق بين

39. He erased misguidance, the light of truth apparent
And called the servants to the most beautiful way

٣٩. وَدَعا العباد إِلى السَبيل الاحسن
وَلربما صدم الطغاة فينثَني

40. Sometimes he would collide with the tyrants, so they withdraw
And the people are felled, and the spoils distributed

٤٠. وَالقَوم صَرعى وَالمَغانِم تقسم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

41. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
His prophethood was quenched, and Adam is its clay

٤١. سقت نبوّته وآدم طينة
بوجود سرو وجوده معجونة

42. Kneaded with the existence of the cypress of his existence
In it are the positions and origins protected

٤٢. فيها المَناصِب والاصول مصونة
وَقُرَيش أَرحام لديه وَمحرم

43. And Quraish are his kin for whom he cares
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٤٣. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
وَقبائِل الانصار خيل جهاده

44. And the tribes of the Helpers are his horses of jihad
And supporters of his dispute and his executioners

٤٤. وَولاة نصر جداله وَجلاده
وردوا الردى في اللَه وفق مراده

45. They returned the transgression for God as He willed
Going and coming while he is pleased with them

٤٥. وَغدوا وَراحوا وَهُوَ راض عنهم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

46. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
Good tidings to a servant who visits the good shrine

٤٦. طوبى لعبد زار مشهد طيبة
وَجلا بنور القَلب ظلمة غيبة

47. And sees with the light of his heart the darkness of occultation
Approaching with awe to send peace upon him

٤٧. يَدنوا وَيَبتَدىء السَلام بهيبة
وَيمس ترب الهاشمي وَيلثم

48. And touching the soil of Al-Hashimi and kissing it
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٤٨. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
قبر يحط الوزر مسح ترابه

49. A grave that removes sins by touching its soil
And its visitor attains tremendous reward

٤٩. وَيَنال زائره عَظيم ثوابه
لَم لا وسر المرسلين ثوى به

50. Why not, and the secret of the messengers rests in it
The moon of praise and most merciful of the merciful

٥٠. قمر المحامد وَالروف الارحم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

51. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
The clouds poured for his honor and shaded

٥١. هطلت لعزته السحاب وَظللت
وَكَذا الرياح بنصر أَحمد أرسلت

52. And likewise the winds sent to help Ahmed
And upon him the gazelle submitted and came

٥٢. وَعَليه سلمت الغَزال وَأَقبَلَت
تَشكو كنطق العضو وَهو مسمم

53. Complaining in the speech of the disabled, while poisoned
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٥٣. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
وَالثدى فاضكَفَيضِ نهر يمينه

54. And the breast overflowed like the torrent of his right hand
And the arrow from his uncle's side declared for him

٥٤. وَالسهم عَن ثمد سما بمعينه
وَالجذع أَفهم شوقه بحنينه

55. And the tree trunk understood its longing in its moan
And with his palm, the pebbles spoke

٥٥. وَبكفه صم الحصى تتكلم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

56. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
And when Quraish decided to emigrate

٥٦. وَقريش اذعزم الرَحيل مهاجرا
ملؤا المسالك راصدا وَمشاجرا

57. Filling the roads, spying and quarreling
So he went for his need, not contending

٥٧. فَمَضى لحاجته وَلَم يرحاجرا
وَالقَوم يَقظى وَالبَصائِر نوّم

58. While the people were asleep and the insights lulled to sleep
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٥٨. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
نثر التراب عَلى رؤس الحسد

59. He scattered the dust upon the heads of envy
And traveled while they stood in ambush for him

٥٩. وَسَرى وَقَد وَقَفوا له بالمرصد
قولوا لاعمى العين مَغلول اليد

60. Say to the blind of sight and tied of hand
Cure is denied with hatred of Ahmed forced

٦٠. أَنف الشفى ببغض أَحمد مرغم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

61. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
When the cave saw him approaching

٦١. لَما رأى الغر اِنثَنى متوجها
فرقت وراه قريش زاخر لجها

62. Quraish dispersed behind him, angry
And the spider built its web around him

٦٢. وَبنت عليه العَنكَبوت بنسجها
وَبيضها سخت الحمام الحوّم

63. And its eggs hardened, and the pigeons cooed
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٦٣. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
ملأت محاسنه الزَمان فأفرعت

64. His virtues filled the universe, so it branched out
The tree of guidance in all directions, and it fruited

٦٤. شجر الهَداية في الجهات وَأَينَعَت
وَتَلَوَّنَت ثمراتها وَتَنوعّت

65. And its fruits varied and diversified
So all live in its blessings and enjoy comfort

٦٥. فالكل فير بركاته يتنعم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

66. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
Al-Buraq trotted for him for the necessity of intention

٦٦. سرت البراق له لموجب نية
واشارة في الغيب بانية

67. And a sign in the unseen clearly
And the beloved traveled the path of intimacy

٦٧. وَسَرى الحَبيب سمير وحدانية
طابَ المَسير بها وَطابَ المقدم

68. The journey was beautiful with it, and the arrival pleasant
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٦٨. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
من بعد ما قد جاز سدرة منتهى

69. After traversing the Lote Tree of the extremity
And his beloved Jibreel reached the end of the journey

٦٩. وَحَبيبه جبريل في السيرانتهى
فخرت بموطىء نعله حجب البها

70. The veils of might fell with the step of his slipper
So the light shines, and glad tidings come

٧٠. فالنور يسطع وَالبَشائِر تقدم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

71. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
And the earth rejoices, and the highest heavens

٧١. وَالأَرض تبهج وَالسَموات العلى
وَعَروس مكة بالكَرامة تجتلى

72. And the bride of Mecca is adorned with prestige
And the Throne was filled with the guest and lodger

٧٢. وَالعرش بالضَيف النَزيل قد امتلا
كرما وَضيف الاكرمين مكرم

73. Generously, and the guest of the most generous hosted generously
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٧٣. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
سبقت عنايته لسبق عناية

74. His care preceded the precedence of care
So he ascended to the Owner of the Throne, beyond any limit

٧٤. فرقى الى ذى العرش أبعد غاية
وَرأى من الآيات أَكبر آية

75. And he saw from the signs the greatest sign
Magnified, and supported by the decisive Book

٧٥. عظمت وأيدها الكتاب المحكم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

76. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
So the state of nearness cried out, welcoming

٧٦. فَلِسان حال القرب يَهتف مرحبا
بقدوم محترم الجناب المجتَبى

77. The arrival of the revered chosen one
Ask me for your right what is most warranted

٧٧. سلني بحقك ما أَحق وَأَوجبا
بخلاف من يعطى سواك وَيحرم

78. Unlike one who gives to others instead of you and deprives you
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٧٨. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
سل تعط يا من لَيسَ ينطق عَن هَوى

79. Ask and you will be given, O you who does not speak of desire
And help and facilitate with guidance whoever strayed

٧٩. وأفد وأرسد بالهداية من غوى
فَلك الفَضيلة وَالوَسيلة وَاللوا

80. For you is virtue, the means, and the banners
And the Hawd which is the copious Kauthar

٨٠. وَالحَوض وَهُوَ الكوثر المتلطم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

81. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
So drink the drink of humanity, sufficient for my sufficiency

٨١. فاشرب شراب الانس كاف كفايتي
وَسلاف سالف عصمتي وَهدايَتي

82. And a predecessor of my infallibility and guidance
And look with the eye of my care and protection

٨٢. وانظر بعين عنايتي وَوقايتي
واحكم بِما تَرضى فأَنتَ محكم

83. And judge with what you approve, for you are the decisive
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٨٣. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
شرفت قدرك بي وضدك أَحقر

84. I have ennobled your worth through Me and debased your foe
And I have raised your mention wherever you are remembered

٨٤. وَرفعت ذكرك حيث اذكر تذكر
فَعَليك أَلوية الولاية تنشر

85. So over you are the banners of patronage spreading
And by your life the revealed revelation swears

٨٥. وَبعمرك الوحي المنزل يقسم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

86. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
And for you is the intercession I have guaranteed you obtain

٨٦. وَلَك الشَفاعة أَحرزت لتنالها
وَعَليك كل المرسلين أَحالها

87. And upon you I placed all the messengers
So you prostrated proudly and said: I will obtain it

٨٧. فسجدت مفتخرا وَقلت أَنالها
جاهى وَحبل وَسيلَتي لا يصرم

88. Through my status, and my means and hold do not sever
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٨٨. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
يا خير مَبعوث لا كرم أمة

89. O best of those sent, no nation has greater generosity
You are hoped for in times of adversity

٨٩. أَنتَ المؤمل عند مل ملمة
فاعطف عَلى عَبدالرَحيم برحمة

90. So turn to Abdurrahman with mercy
For the cloud of your favor pours forth its rain

٩٠. فغمام فضلك فيضه متمجم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

91. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
So stand with him and the Companions after him

٩١. فانهض به وَبِمَن يليه صحابة
وَصهارة وَنسابة وَقَرابَة

92. And in-laws and relatives and kinship
And make your supplication accepted response

٩٢. واجعل لدعوته القبول اجابة
فيجاه وجهك يُستَغاث وَيرحم

93. For the sake of your face that is implored and has mercy
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٩٣. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
وابن الوَهيب أَجِب سميك أَحمدا

94. And Ibn Al Wahhab, answer those who call you Ahmad
And help him in this life and the next, O guide

٩٤. واغثه في الدارين يا علم الهدى
واجمع بنيه ومن يلوذ به غدا

95. And gather his children and those who take refuge in him tomorrow
For you are a fortress for the venomous and shelter

٩٥. فَلأنتَ حصن للسممى وَملزم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا

96. So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him
And upon you peace bestowed the Majestic and salutations

٩٦. وَعَلَيكَ صَلى ذو الجَلال وَسلما
وَهدى وَزكى واِرتَضى وَترحما

97. And guidance, purification, approval, and mercy
As long as the turtledoves cooed in the sanctuary

٩٧. ما غردت ورق الحَمائم في الحمى
وَسَرى عَلى عَذب العَذيب نَسيم

98. And breeze flowed upon the sweetly-flowing
So for his right, send your prayers and peace upon him

٩٨. فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا
وَعَلى صحابتك الكِرام الأَتقيا

99. And upon your noble Companions, the most pious
The people of faith, trust, and life

٩٩. أَهل الديانة والامانة وَالحَيا
وَكَذا السَلام عليهم وَعليك يا

100. And likewise peace be upon them and upon you, O
Light upon the horizons not concealed

١٠٠. نورا عَلى الآفاق لا يَتَكَتَم
فَبحقه صَلوا عليه وَسلموا