
What harm if pure love weakens me,

ما ضر وجد الهوى العذرى لوهانا

1. What harm if pure love weakens me,
And makes my heart obey play and amusement?

١. ما ضر وجد الهَوى العذرى لوهانا
عَن قلب صب اطاع اللهو وَلهانا

2. The breezes of the valley do not blow musk,
That by evening turns into affection and tenderness.

٢. ما تأتلى نسمات الغور تنشقه
مسكا فيمسي إِلى الحنان حنانا

3. Unless found copious by the rain of tears,
The terraces of Najd will not water the meadows.

٣. يسقى خَمائل نجد من مدامع
ان لم يجدها عَريض المزن هتانا

4. By God, by God, O breeze repeat
Knowledge from the Western scholar sometimes.

٤. باللَهباللَه يا ذاك النَسيم أعد
علما عَن العلم الغَربي أَحيانا

5. Did it water its valleys early while laden
With irrigation watering the green young sprouts?

٥. هَل باكرته الغواديوَهي مثقلة
بالري تسقى الاراك الغض البانا

6. Is there in Najd and on the side of Al-Ban
A loved one that makes the heart forget blessings and prosperity?

٦. وَهَل بنجد وَسفح البان من اضم
ما يذهب القلب عَن نعم وَنعمانا

7. How many slips by the zealots shone
For us while the eye of pure love watches over us.

٧. كَم غلطة من نوار بالحمى بدرت
لَنا وَعين الهَوى العذرى تَرعانا

8. A possible opportunity slipped us by night,
And awoke us while the night slept soundly.

٨. زاغَت بنا فرصة بالليل ممكنة
فايقظتنا وَباتاللَيل وَسنانا

9. It came and went while it makes me worry,
Who tasted the intoxication of love drunk and intoxicated.

٩. وافَت فبت واياها تعللني
من راح لهو الهوى سكرى وَسكرانا

10. When the horizons of the two easts shone
Against my will, and dawn almost appeared.

١٠. لما تشعشع افق المشرقين عَلى
رغمي وَكاد يبينالفجر أَو بانا

11. You left me and left the night gathering, so will
We meet after the separation and reunite?

١١. وَفارَقتَني وَفارَقت السلو فهل
بعد التفرق نَلقاها وَتَلقانا

12. Nothing is more difficult than separation preceded
By connection. If only pure love did not exist!

١٢. لا شيء اصعب من هجر تقدمه
وصل فليت الهوى العذرى ما كانا

13. O misguided one, leave the roses of Thamad and take
The roses of the sea, Ibn Fakhr Al-Din Mu'dan.

١٣. يا ظامىء القصد دع ورد الثماد ورد
بحر الشهاب ابن فخر الدين معدانا

14. Visit Ahmad bin Abi Bakr, what a young man!
If we call him to kindness, he readily responds.

١٤. زرأَحمد بن أَبي بكر واي فَتى
اذا دَعَوناه للمعروف لبانا

15. Visit the sea of knowledge who all knowledge belongs to him
And the mountain of forbearance that rivals Mount Thahlan.

١٥. زر بحر علم غدا كل العلوم به
وَطود حلم يحاكى طود ثهلانا

16. You will find him, if he overflowed with generosity and nobility,
Protective, and if he said "afterward" wise.

١٦. تَلقاه ان فاضَ جودا حاتِما كرما
حمى وان قال أَما بعد سجانا

17. That one prepared to solve problems, comprehending
The knowledge of doctrines lucidly and with certainty.

١٧. ذاكَ المعد لحل المشكلات حوى
علم المذاهب تبريزا وايقانا

18. The scholar, the worker, the unique one who filled
The land with his fame, mountains and plains.

١٨. العالم العامل الفرد الَّذي امتلأت
من صيته الارض اجبالا واحزانا

19. Treasure of knowledge, justice of the religion, his
Traces of guidance did not cease to be light and proof.

١٩. كنز المَعارف عدل الدين لا برحت
آثاره للهدىنورا وَبرهانا

20. Trusted keeper of the kings' secrets, when
Entrusted with a secret, he veils the secret discreetly.

٢٠. امين مكنون اسرار الملوك اذا
ما أودع السر أَغشى السر كتمانا

21. If all the generous were weighed with him
In merit and pride, they would be lighter than him.

٢١. من لو وزنت جَميع الاكرمين به
في الفضل والفخر خفوا عنه ميزانا

22. Refined in dignity, singular in generosity, if
His palm is held back, he forgets greed and stinginess.

٢٢. مهذب العرض فرد الجود ان وكفت
كفاه انساك سيحانا جيحانا

23. Do not seek his equal in his time,
The sun is not replaced with Hiram and Kaywan.

٢٣. لا تطلبن به في عصره بدلا
أَتبدل الشمس بهراما وَكيوانا

24. O dutiful and compassionate son, stop
Every reminder from me, oblivion is better.

٢٤. يا أَيُّهاالوالد البر الشَفيق احب
عَن كل منزاده التذكير نسيانا

25. I traded poetry for the sake of the wind, so my state
Returned for the wind gained loss.

٢٥. تاجرت بالشعر بغي الريح فاِنعكست
حالي عَلى فعاد الريح خسرانا

26. And I was betrayed by my brothers and others
Who were not sincere friends before being empty-handed.

٢٦. وَخانَني من اسيحابي وَغيرهم
من لَم يَكن قبل صفر الكف خوانا

27. They said, "Do you complain of the brothers?" I said, no use
That the sons of Jacob were brothers!

٢٧. قالوا أَتَشكو من الاخوان قلتوَما
افاد كون بَني يعقوب اخوانا

28. They threw their brother in the well ruthlessly
Crying in the depths of the pit, confused.

٢٨. أَلقوا أَخاهم عَلى قرب الرحامة في
غيابة الجب باكي العين حيرانا

29. After, they sold him as a escaped slave, and accused
Him wrongfully, a wolf ate him!

٢٩. وَبعدباعوه عبدا آبقاورموا
به عَلى غير جرم ذئب كنوانا

30. And how many men I hoped for
Yet kept on wearing the clothes of hopes bare!

٣٠. وَكَم رجالكَثير كنت آملهم
وَلَم يَزل لابس الآمال عريانا

31. The wet wood does not grow leaves from thunder without rain
If the mirage of the desert quenches the thirsty.

٣١. لا يورق العود من رعد بلا مطر
اذا يَروي سراب القاع ظمآنا

32. While you are my wealth, hope, and reliance
Your basin of generosity never stopped being full for me.

٣٢. وانتَ مالي وَمأمولي وَمعتمدي
ما زالَ حوضك لي بالجود ملآنا

33. Far from Your Glory! But far from Your bestowal if
I remain thirsty in Your abundant sea!

٣٣. حاشا جَلالك بل حاشا نوالك أن
أَكون في بحرك الفياضعطشانا

34. Leave the destinies to fold and unfold me
Until Your blessings known to me reach me.

٣٤. دع المَقادير تطويني وَتنشرني
حَتّى تبلغني مَعروفك الآنا

35. For I have not alighted upon a master but You,
And hope none after God but a human!

٣٥. فَما نزلت عَلى مولى سواك وَلا
أَرجو وَراءَك بعد اللَه انسانا

36. O source of beauty and benevolence, take me by the hand
For that is who was not beautiful and benevolent

٣٦. يا منصب الحسن والاحسان خذ بيدي
فذاك مَن لم يكنحسنا واحسانا

37. Found the spending of generosities and connection difficult,
My rope is short so I cannot be stingy with generosity!

٣٧. وَجد عَلى ببذل المكرمات وصل
حَبلي فَلست ببذل الجود منانا

38. And look upon me with a sympathetic eye from You,
And revive me with Your resolve, settled and confused!

٣٨. وانظر إِلى بعين منك مشفقة
وانعش بعزمك لي اهلا وَحيرانا

39. And whose glory is inaccessible to every affliction
In a position I have longed for blessing and faith!

٣٩. وَدم منيع الحمى من كل نائبة
في رتبة ملثت يمنا وايمانا