1. My friends who left knowledge behind
And bid me farewell, leaving me in pain
١. محدثي عَن فَريق فارَقوا العلما
وأودعوني في تَوديعهم أَلَما
2. Equipped my heart with endless sorrow
And replaced my body with sickness and health
٢. وَزوّدوا القلب هما لا اِنقطاع له
وَبدلوا جثَتي بالصحة السقما
3. Why did they not curb the violence of fate?
I heard them mention the covenant and oath
٣. هلا وَقَد عسفت هوج المطي بهم
سمعتهم يَذكرون العهد وَالذمما
4. They slept while my heart intended
To divide it between separation, so it was divided
٤. باتوا وَفي القلب منهم نية عرضت
باتَت تقسمه للبين فاِنقسما
5. The people of Najd were not harmed before they left
That the time of connection would not be cherished
٥. ما ضر سكان نجد قبل ما رَحَلوا
أَن لا يَكون زَما الوصل مغتنما
6. We were, and they were, and the relationship was united
And the connection was connected, and the estrangement estranged
٦. كنا وَكانوا وكان الشمل مجتمعا
وَالوصل متصلا وَالصرم منصرما
7. So I became, among the people of separation, full of longing
My tears will not be satisfied unless they become blood
٧. فصرت من بين اَهل البان ذا شجن
لا يرتضى الدمع الا أَن يكون دما
8. They said I regretted the past days
So I said, why would I not show regret?
٨. قالوا ندمت عَلى ما كانَ من زمن
فقلت مالي أَن لا أَظهر الندما
9. The clouds poured over the slopes of Damascus
To the valley of al-Khuzam, watering the lost and guided
٩. جاد الغمام عَلى سفح الشام إِلى
شعب الخزام فروى الضالوَالسلما
10. Without overtaking the green thickets
Until it revives the ruins of settlements and tents
١٠. وَلا عدا الأثلات الخضر عارضه
حَتّى يحيى رسوم الحي وَالخيما
11. O guide of the caravan, do not graze in the land of Salam
Nor in Najd in the time of bliss and tradition
١١. يا حادي العيس لا تَرتَع بذي سلم
وَلا بنجد وزم الانينق الرسما
12. Head for the noble and virtuous Caliph
Receiving the delegates with a smile, illuminated by a shining light
١٢. واقصد ربا الخيفة الغراء مقتبسا
من نور أَبلج يَلقى الوفد مبتسما
13. That teacher, Abdullah, more generous than
One who gave, and more noble than the ground itself
١٣. ذاكَ المعلم عبد اللَه اجود من
اعطى واشرف منفوق الثرى سيما
14. Of complete and praised merits, his conduct
Is sublime, proud, knowledgeable and scholarly
١٤. الفاضل الكامِل المَحمود سيرته
سامي الفخار الاغر العالم العلما
15. Fasting by day, standing by night, reciting when
Eyes sleep, the night darkens and becomes still
١٥. الصائم القائم التالي اذا هجعت
عنه العيون وجن اللَيل وادهما
16. Your eyes find peace seeing him
As if he were the full moon in the sky of heaven
١٦. تقر عينك منه عند رؤيته
كانه البدر في جو السَماء سما
17. God brought him as a light to dispel darkness
And he was a secret of secrets, concealed
١٧. اتى به اللَه نورا لاخفاء به
وَكان سرا من الاسرار منكتما
18. By God, by God, if you see his features
Do not cover your palm until you cover your foot
١٨. باللَه باللَه ان شاهدت طلعته
لا تلثم الكف حَتّى تلثم القدما
19. And make your visit to him sincerely for God
And adhere to His rope after God
١٩. واجعل زيارته لِلَّه خالصة
وكن به بعد حبل اللَه معتصما
20. God is Greatest! This is better than one
Whose doctrines were prided, this is the master of knowledge
٢٠. اللَه أَكبَر هَذا خير من فخرت
به المَذاهب هَذا سيد العلما
21. He whose insight makes things clear
As if he hides the unseen, having already known
٢١. هَذا الَّذي تظهر الاشيا فراسته
كانه يَخفي الغيب قد علما