
The vales of al-Ghur quenched you towards life anew

سقاك خيام الغور صوب الحيا عهدا

1. The vales of al-Ghur quenched you towards life anew
Renewing in your covenants the covenant anew

١. سَقاك خيام الغور صوب الحيا عهدا
يجدد عنا في معاهدك العهدا

2. And the winds in you have not ceased being sick
Moaning to the green branches and the supple reed

٢. وَلا برحت فيك الرياح مريضة
تَناغى الغصون الخضر وَالقضب الملدا

3. Scattering pearls of dew in the garden’s shade
A generous hand sprinkles its roses with rosewater

٣. وَتنثر در الطل في ظل روضة
ترش يد الانداء في وردها الوردا

4. As if the morning breeze of Najd watered it
With fragrant wine, gifting it to those in dearth

٤. كأن صبا نجد سقتها مدامة
عبيرية تهدي لمن لم يجدو جدا

5. So it sang its melodies and its baths remained
Singing, while the beauty embraced another beauty

٥. فَاس خَزاماها وَباتَ حمامها
يغنى وَظل الزند يعتنق الزندا

6. May God protect us as we were Bani Harithah
When the origin of origins erased tradition

٦. رَعى اللَه اذ كنا برامة حيرة
وَمحكم أصل الاصل قد نسخ الصدا

7. And virgins steal our minds with the magic
Of their eyes, that if they sing, they kill with intent

٧. وابكار بكر يسترقن عقولنا
بسحر عيون ان رنت قتلت عمدا

8. O beloveds of my heart, how can I hide your love
And bury it, when tears know no denial?

٨. أَحباب قَلبي كَيفَ أَكتم حبكم
وأَحجده وَالدَمع لا يعرف الجحدا

9. Pray, and be harsh, for my heart accepts your actions
I have not seen from or towards you a hand

٩. صلواواهجروا فالقَلب راض بفعلكم
فَلَم ار لي عنكم وَلا منكم يدا

10. And the sweetest love is if I die in captivity to you
For how many captives are there of youth not to be ransomed?

١٠. وَأَحلى الهَوى ان مت في اسر حبكم
فَكَم من أَسير في للصبابة لا يفدى

11. And I have never felt constrained from achieving a goal
And in refusal, for one who does not fear the refusal of his questioner

١١. وَما ضقت ذرعا دون ادراك مطلب
وَفي الرد من لم يخش سائله الردا

12. God has restored upon us from His blessings
And the Compassionate has extended in His age an extension

١٢. أَعاد عَلَينا اللَه من بَركاته
وَمد لنا الرحمن في عمره مدا

13. To Al-Malik Al-Salih my hopes have ended, for before him
I have not found a predecessor, nor after him a successor

١٣. الى صارم الدين اِنتَهى أَمَلي فَلَم
أَجد قبله قبلا وَلا بعدهبعدا

14. When will there come to him an exemplar of a community
Whose guidance and light the times brought singularly?

١٤. مَتى تأته تنزل بواحد أمة
هدى وندى جاء الزَمان به فردا

15. His qualities for the hopeful are a blessed spring
And arrows for the times whenever they grow strict

١٥. سَجاياه للراجي رَبيع مبارك
وَسبع سمان للزَمان اذا اشتدا

16. And his domain is refuge for the stranger, and his wealth
Is plundered by the palms of stinginess despite its spite

١٦. وَساحته مأوى الغَريب وَماله
عَلى رغم أنف البخل ينهبه الوفدا

17. A youth who traces back to the blessed Shaykh his lineage
Just as the nobility trace back the best of people their lineage

١٧. فَتى ينسب الشيخ المبارك جده
كَما ينسب الاشراف خير الوَرى جدا

18. May God water from my grave a blessed pilgrimage
That we have taken to fulfill our needs intentionally

١٨. سَقى اللَه مِن قَبري عواجة مشهدا
كَريما تخذناه لحاجتنا قصدا

19. Is it in the garden of the two tombs, the garden of Ahmad
Which Jesus challenged fair Taybah to compete?

١٩. أَفي روضة القبرين روضة أَحمَد
فتحدى لَها عيس إِلى طيبة تحدى

20. Or have pilgrims obliged themselves with pilgrimage and umrah
To it, so they sought refuge and traversed plains and rugged terrain?

٢٠. أَم التزم الزوّار حجا وَعمرة
اليها فزموا العبس تطوي الفلا وَخذا

21. It contains his tomb, a rock or house and shrine
And a Yemeni corner and another blackened one

٢١. حوى قبرها حجرا أَو بيتا وَمذبحا
وَركنا يمانيا وآخر مسودا

22. So how many have kissed the soil and how many have wiped the earth
And how many donned ihram and how many opened a knot

٢٢. فَكَم قبلوا تربا وَكَم مسحوا ثرى
وَكَم وَضَعوا الصرا وَكَم فتحوا عقدا

23. And how many have been in rapture and how many in fervor swooned
And how many have shed tears and how many cheeks blood has streaked

٢٣. وَكَم ثملوا وجداوكمولهو اهوى
وَكَم سكبوا دماوكم عفر واخدا

24. And they have slept and lingered in beautiful gardens
Which even dew would be scarce if it were to furnish it

٢٤. وَباتوا وَظلوا في رياض أَنيقة
يقل عليها الند لو فرشت ندا

25. The angels shade them from every side
And the lights envelop them at the rise of auspiciousness

٢٥. تخفهم الاملاك من كل جانب
وَتَغشاهم الانوار عن طالع سعدا

26. In my judgment his miracles and signs cannot be numbered
Except by the sands of the dune in counting and reckoning

٢٦. لَدىحكمى لم تكن معجزاته
وآياته تحصى برمل الفلا عدا

27. If he says "O my Master" asking, he attains
Subtleties that if He wished, He could make a servant traverse

٢٧. اذا قالَ يا مَولاي لباه سل تنل
لطائف من لو شاء أَسرى به عَبدا

28. And if He walked on the sea or flew in the air
It would enable him, and truly He has not transgressed limits

٢٨. وَلَو سير الاجبال سارَت وان دَعا
ذرى صخرة لبت له الصخرة الصلدا

29. Luminous spiritual secrets and wisdoms
Through which God has adorned the earth, honor, and eternity

٢٩. وَلَو سار فَوقَ البحر أَو طارَ في الهَوا
لامكنه وَالحق ما جاوز الحدا

30. Felicitations to you O son of Muhammad
Whose praises in both abodes exhaust all praise

٣٠. سَرائر نورانية حكمية
بِها اللَه زان الارض وَالعرض وَالخلدا

31. I shepherded the pastures of glory as a child, adolescent
And elder - so who can claim glory alongside you?

٣١. هَنيأ لَك التَعظيم يا ابن محمد
محامد فيالدارين تَستغرق الحمدا

32. To you hopes retreat though they are strangers
So you comfort them with generosity and sustain them with aid

٣٢. رَعيت رياض المجد طفلا وَناشئا
وَكَهلا فمن ذا يدعى معك المجدا

33. And the guest descends from you to the most fertile plain
So you make lawful for them affection and proffer them roses

٣٣. تَلوذ بك الآمال وَهي غَريبة
فتؤنسها جودا وَتوسعها رفدا

34. Chastity, justice, and excellent traits
Surpassing the winds' encompassment imbued with honey

٣٤. وَيَنزل منك الضيف أَخصب ساحة
فَتَحلوا لهم ودا وَتَصفو لهم وردا

35. My master, a noble month, and estrangement
And a religion being wrecked, and I have no patience for it

٣٥. عفاف وانصاف وَحسن شَمائل
تَفوق شمول الراح مَمزوجَة شهدا

36. And absence of children, and distance from dwellings
And brethren whose friendship, their shears have harvested loss

٣٦. أَيا سَيدي شهر كَريم وَغربة
وَديناقاسيه ولست به جلدا

37. So fulfill my requests and accomplish my hopes
And however much good has shone from me, do not let me tire

٣٧. وَغيبة أَطفالوَبعد مَنازِل
واخوان صدق ذبت مناجلهم فقدا

38. I have remained for God's religion a glory and for the enemies
A sword, and for the hopeful, a seasoned successor

٣٨. فقض لباناتي وانجح مَطالِبي
وَما اِسطَعت من بر فَلا تألنى جهدا

39. And I remain for the substitutes a successor of predecessors
And a light from the minaret which through you truth is illuminated

٣٩. بقيت لدين اللَه عزا وَللعدا
حساما وَللراجين عارفة تسدى

٤٠. وَلا زلت للابدال خالف سالف
وَنور منار استضىء بك الرشدا