
The lover let his tearful blood weep,

خل الغرام لصب دمعه دمه

1. The lover let his tearful blood weep,
Perplexed, memory finds and destroys him,

١. خل الغَرام لصب دمعه دمه
حَيران توجده الذكرى وَتعدمه

2. So be content with the ties that bind him,
If you knew them, you would have mercy on him.

٢. فاقنع له بعلاقات علقن به
لَو اطلعت عليها كنت ترحمه

3. You blamed him when you did not look through his eyes,
Nor knew what one who loves truly knows.

٣. عذلته حين لم تنظر بناظره
وَلا علمت الَّذي في الحب يعلمه

4. You tasted the chaste cup of passion, you did not sleep,
Your eyes in the wings of a dark, starry night.

٤. وَذقت كأس الهَوى العذرى ما هجعت
عَيناكَ في جنح لَيل جن مظلمة

5. Nor did you rein in the passion for a trace,
Without modesty, leading him with pretenses.

٥. وَلا ثنيت عنان الشوق عَن طلل
بالَ عفت بيد الانواء أَرسمه

6. Love is only for people who know it,
Who set out on the path of love, belittling all else.

٦. ما الحب الا لِقَوم يعرفون به
قدما رسوا الحب حَتّى هَانَ معظمه

7. To them, its torment is sweet, and its darkness
Is light, and its beloved is a treasure to them.

٧. عذابه عندهم عذب وَظلمته
نور وَمغرمه بالراء مغنمه

8. You tasked yourself with following in their footsteps,
But it is hard for one who does not master it.

٨. كلفت نفسك ان تقفو مآثرهم
وَالشيء صعب عَلى من لَيسَ يحكمه

9. I pretend, when asked about Zainab instead of Layla,
And mislead him with tales of Dhi Salm and Raqaa.

٩. اني أَورى لِغَيري حينَ يَسألني
بذكر زينَب عَن لَيلى فأوهمه

10. And the valley breezes whisper long,
Relaying news of the lovers - understand their meaning!

١٠. وَطالَما سجعت وَهنا بذي سلم
وَرقاء يعجم شَكواها فافهمه

11. O you who melted my heart with your love,
If you wished, you could heal a broken heart.

١١. وَتَنثَني نسمات الغور حاكية
علم الفَريق فادري ما نُتَرجمه

12. The crazed camel quenched his thirst, then set out
To the meadows, lost between imaginings.

١٢. يا مَن أَذابَ فُؤادي في محبته
لَو شئت داويت قلبا أَنتَ مسقمه

13. He spent the night traversing the slopes
Of Edam, not caring where the road takes him.

١٣. سَقى الحيار بع صب سار منه إِلى
شعب المريحات هامى المزن يوهمه

14. The thunder drives him through the sands
To Umm al-Qura, and the good news propels him.

١٤. وَبات يَرفض من سفح الخزام إِلى
وادى ادام وَما والى يلملمه

15. And whenever his carriers grow tired,
His purpose calls to him, as does Zamzam.

١٥. يَسوقه الرعد في تلك البطاح إِلى
أُمُّ القُرى وَالرياح البشر تقدمه

16. When he reached the plain, he saw a lightning bolt
Strike towards Medina, heralding its blessings.

١٦. وَكلما كف أَوكلت ركائبه
ناداه بالرَحب مَسعاه وَزَمزَمه

17. It watered the gardens from which emerged
The first rays of religion, establishing its pillars.

١٧. لما ألب عَلى البَطحاء عارضه
عَلى المَدينة برق راق مبسمه

18. Where prophecy has pitched its pavilion
And light the night cannot conceal.

١٨. سَقى الرياض الَّتي من روضها طلعت
طَلائِع الدين حَتّى قام قيمه

19. The sun rises behind the Hijaz, and in it
Is the most precious being in creation.

١٩. حيث النبوّة مضروب سرادقها
وَالنور لا يَستَطيع اللَيل يكتمه

20. Muhammad, master of masters, of Mudar
The secret of prophets, reviver of faith.

٢٠. وَالشَمس تسطع من خلف الحجاز وَفي
ذاكَ الحِجاز أَعز الكَون اكرمه

21. Unique in majesty, unique in generosity,
Unique in existence, gentlest of hearts, most merciful.

٢١. محمد سيد السادات من مضر
سر النَبيين محي الدين مكرمه

22. The light of guidance, essence of Divine Oneness
Full moon of glory, described as the full moon.

٢٢. فرد الجَلالة فرد الجود مكرمة
فرد الوجود أبر القَلب أَرحمه

23. From the Light of the Divine Throne comes his meaning,
And his form, and the Kindler of Light bodies him.

٢٣. نور الهُدى جوهو التَوحيد بدر سما
ء المَجد واصفه بالبَدر يظلمه

24. Repository of the secret of prophethood,
Of knowledge, beauty, and beneficence, allotting to each its share.

٢٤. من نور ذي العرش معناه وَصورته
وَمُنشىء النور من نور يجسمه

25. He is the most fragrant fruit produced
By the cosmos, its finest produce.

٢٥. وَمودع السر في ذات النبوة من
علم وحسن واحسان بقسمه

26. No eye has seen his equal, nor ear heard
Of one like Ahmad - where, where can you know him?

٢٦. فَذاكَ من ثَمَرات الكَون أَطيَب ما
جاد الوجودبه أَعلاه أَعلمه

27. At his birth, idols bowed down
Their heads in disgrace - such humiliation for them!

٢٧. قَما رأت مثله عين وَلا سَمِعَت
اذن كاحمد اين الاين تعلمه

28. The paths of Divine Oneness became clear
And disbelief wept its misfortune.

٢٨. أَمسَت لمولده الاصنام ناكِسَة
عَلى الرؤس وَذاكَ الخزى محرمه

29. Earth rejoiced in the light of the son of Amina
And truth - its walls fell to his arrows.

٢٩. واصبحت سبل التَوحيد واضِحة
وَالكفر يندبه بالوَيل مأتمه

30. If an eavesdropper comes to secretly listen
He is met with arguments driving him away.

٣٠. والارض تبهج من نور ابن آمنة
وَالحق تصمى ثغور الجور اسهمه

31. The son of Abd Manaf, in his majesty
Is the sun of guidance and the guiding stars.

٣١. وان يقم لاستراق السمع مسترق
فَعنده صادر الارجاء يرجمه

32. Justice is his way, excellence his nature,
Awe precedes him and victory serves him.

٣٢. ان ابن عبد مُناف من جَلالَته
شمس لافق الهدى وَالرسل انجمه

33. He established the path of truth with his sword, impartial,
Gentle of purpose, guided from his house.

٣٣. العَدل سيرته وَالفَضل شيمَته
وَالرعب يقدمه وَالنَصر يخدمه

34. And whenever the bastion of idolatry appeared
Lost in deviance, the Messenger of God came to destroy it.

٣٤. أَقامَ بالسَيف بنهج الحق معتَدِلا
سهل المَقاصِد يهدى من بيومه

35. His mounts rode to Masjid Al-Aqsa,
Escorted by the Night Journey and its symbols.

٣٥. وَكُلما طالَ ركن الشرك منتهيا
في الزيغ قام رَسول اللَه يهدمه

36. And the market hailed: O Gabriel! Carry him
Into the Light - for that is his ascent and ladder.

٣٦. سارَت إِلى المَسجِد الأَقصى ركائبه
يزفه مسرج الاسرا وَملجمه

37. The Throne shakes in veneration of him, overwhelmed
When the Throne and Chair are honored by his approach.

٣٧. وَالسوق يهتف يا جِبريل زج به
في النور ذَلِكَ مرقاه وَسلمه

38. And God, Glorified is He, in the pride of His Grandeur
Addresses him from a bow's length or nearer.

٣٨. وَالعَرش يَهتَزُّ مِن تَعظيمِهِ طَرَبا
اذ شرف العرش وَالكرسي مقدمه

39. What pride and honor then for the Strong, Merciful One
To know him!

٣٩. وَالحَقُّ سُبحانه في عز عِزته
من قاب قَوسين أَو أَدنى يكلمه

40. When he brought the revealed verses as a miracle
Abrogating laws and rulings that came before.

٤٠. فَكَم هُنالِك من فَخر وَمِن شَرَف
لمن شَديد القوى رحيا يعلمه

41. The qualities of Glorifier of the Two Holy Precincts paled,
And what the ignorance of Abu Jahl claimed mattered not.

٤١. حَتّى إِذا جاءَ بالتَنزيل معجزة
يَمحوا الشَرائِع وَالأَحكام تحكمه

42. If only the Meccans knew the sun's state is unlike
The crescent moon's - but in their defiance they were blind.

٤٢. هانت صِفاتَ عَظيم القربتين وَما
يأتيه جهل أَبي جهل وَيزعمه

43. So proclaim your order, O son of Hashim
You have been sent to the people of idolatry to subdue them.

٤٣. حالَ السها غير حال الشَمس لَو عَلِموا
بَل أَهل مَكَّة في طغيانهم عمهوا

44. Yours is the beautiful praise, and from each noble name
The most tremendous - most generous in giving.

٤٤. فاصدع بأمرك يا ابن الشم من مضر
فَقَد بعثت لاهل الشرك ترغمه

45. O hopeful one aspiring! Do not let what you hope for
Weaken you - for you are the Kabaa of every hopeful one circling around.

٤٥. لَك الجَميل من الذكر الجَميل وَمن
كل اسم حود عَظيم الجود أَعظمه

46. A tomb you will look upon, seeing light burst forth
When my eyes glimpse it, kissing the ground.

٤٦. يا أَيُّها الآمل الراجي ليهنك ما
تَرجوه ذا كعبة الراجي وَموسمه

47. How I wish my friends would visit it with me
While my heart is enamored and destiny denies me.

٤٧. قبرا تساهد نوراً حين تبصره
عينى وانشق مَسكا حين ألثمه

48. You greet it without your hand in its hand
Or mouth meeting earth when kissing the ground.

٤٨. كَم أَستَنيب رفاقا في زيارَته
عني وَما كل صب القَلب مغرمه

49. When can I call out nearby and recite to you
A poem I hoped you would inspire me to compose?

٤٩. وَكَم يُصافحه مَن لا يدى يده
وَلا فَمي عند تَقبيل الثرى فمه

50. An emigrant stirred, raising her tent pegs
At the Light of the scintillating words delicately strung.

٥٠. مَتى أُناديه من قرب وأنشده
قَصيدة فيه أَملاها خويدمه

51. How the fragrant garden passionately longs
Hoping for visitations, while fate denies it.

٥١. مهاجرية اهتَزَت كمائمها
عَن نور درّ لسان الحال ينظمه

52. Ready, O beloved of pilgrims, though eras neglect
Your dictionary, forgetting its meanings.

٥٢. كَم يأَمَل الرَوضَة الغراء ذو شغف
يَرجو الزيارة والاقدار تحرمه

53. Rise for your servant, O sun of perfection, and be
His protector against every terrible crisis.

٥٣. مستعد يا بحبيب الزائرين عَلى
دهر تنكر بالاهمال معجمه

54. And when straits constrict the generous man
No one in the two abodes has let down those who trust in him.

٥٤. فَقم بعبدك يا شمس الكَمال وَكن
حماه من كل خطب مرمطعمه

55. O master of the most honorable Arabs - forgive us,
The heart's blood does not avail nor regret help us.

٥٥. وارع الكَريم اذا ضاق الخناق به
ما خابَ من أَنتَ في الدارين ملزمه

56. I came to you burdened with sins, no sound heart
Or thing to offer you.

٥٦. يا سَيد العرب العرباء معذرة
لَنا دم القَلب لا يغني تندمه

57. O recipient of revelation and verses, your kindness to me
You continue to pardon the sinner and honor him.

٥٧. أنطت ظَهري بأَوزار وَجئتك لا
قَلب سَليم وَلا شيء أقدمه

58. And here is the essence of verses I am proud of
Penned by a prisoner of sin in his own hand.

٥٨. يا صاحِب الوحي وَالتَنزيل لطفك بي
لا زلت تَعفو عَن الجاني وَتكرمه

59. So help the one who spoke them - Abdul Rahim - and those after him,
If the days divert their course away from them.

٥٩. وَهاكَ جوهر أَبيات بك اِفتَخَرت
جاءَت بخط أَسير الذَنب برقمه

60. Make him in your view, a glance of mercy
When one who does not pity grasps him.

٦٠. فاِنهض بقائلها عَبد الرَحيم ومن
يَليه ان هم صرف الدهر يدهمه

61. And if he calls then love him, and protect his side
O best of those buried in the tomb - greatest of them!

٦١. واجعله منك برأى العين مرحمة
اذا أَلم به من لَيسَ يَرحمه

62. For all whose helper you are in both abodes
Cannot be consumed by the tribulations of days.

٦٢. وان دعا فأحبه واحم جانبه
يا خير من دفنت في القاع أَعظمه

63. Over you are all the prayers of God
O glorified one, most benevolent in both abodes!

٦٣. فَكل من أَنتَ في الدارين ناصره
لَم تَستَطِع محن الايام تهضمه

64. A fragrance wafts over her cheek, or musk
And remembrance of her begins and concludes.

٦٤. عَلَيكَ مِن صَلوات اللَه كلها
يا ماجِدا عمت الدارين أَنعمه

65. The boughs have not won over the palm trees
Nor the lightning over her brilliant smile.

٦٥. يندى عَبير أَو مسكا صوب عارضها
وَيبدأ الذكر ذكراها وَيختمه

66. Grace spreads to those around her
With every glance of abundant overflowing virtue.

٦٦. ما رَبح الريح أَغصان الاراك وَما
جابَت عَلى أبرق الحنان حوّمه

٦٧. وَينثى فيعم الآل جانبه
بكل عارِض فضل فاضَ مسجمه