
Wake up, O sleepers

تنبهوا يا رقود

1. Wake up, O sleepers
How long will this stagnation last?

١. تنبهوا يا رقود
إِلى مَتى ذا الجمود

2. This abode is a gathering
That will perish and wealth will be destroyed

٢. فهذه الدار جمع
يفنى وَمالي يبيد

3. Goodness in it is little
And evil in it is prepared

٣. الخير فيها قَليل
وَالشر فيها عَتيد

4. And life diminishes in it
And misdeeds increase

٤. وَالعمر ينقص فيها
وَسيآت تَزيد

5. And every day that passes
Does not return from it

٥. وكلما مر يوم
منها فَلَيسَ يَعود

6. So take much provision in it
As the path is far

٦. فاِستَكثروا لزاد فيها
ان الطَريق بَعيد

7. And do not obey selves
Whose devil is submissive

٧. وَلا تَطيعوا نفوسا
شيطانهن مريد

8. O you who wants eternity
Far from you is eternity

٨. يا من يريد خلودا
هَيهات منك الخلود

9. Ask the son of Adam throughout
To him pertains ancestry

٩. سل ابن آدمجدا
تعزى اليه الجدود

10. And where is Sheth and Noah
And where is Aad and Hud

١٠. وأين شيث وَنوح
وَأَين عاد وَهود

11. And Median and Shuaib
And Salih and Thamud

١١. وَمديَن وَشعيب
وَصالح وَثَمود

12. And where is Pharaoh of Egypt
And Tubba and the armies

١٢. وأين فرعون مصر
وَتبع وَالجنود

13. O you wandering in disobedience
Repent and apologize, o outcast

١٣. يا تائها في المَعاصي
عد واعتذر يا طَريد

14. And strive against the self in it
You have died and you are a martyr

١٤. وَجاهد النفس فيها
تمت وَأَنتَ شَهيد

15. Before you meet a grave
Dirt pours upon you

١٥. من قبل تلقى بقبر
يَدري عليك الصَعيد

16. And the bone in the soil decays
And the flesh is eaten by worms

١٦. وَالعظم في الترب يبلى
وَيأَكل اللحم دود

17. O you who transgressed limits
Did you not break the limits?

١٧. يا من تعدى حدودا
أَما نهتك الحدود

18. We have covenants over you
So where are those covenants?

١٨. لنا عليكم عهود
فأَين تلك العهود

19. Be humble even if with might
The seeker meets the seeker

١٩. ذلوا وَلَو ذوا بعزي
يَلقى المريد المريد

20. And plead for rain and clouds
For the Generous gives generously

٢٠. واِستمطر واغيم برى
ان الجواد يَجود

21. And implore Me with an excuse
If an excuse is of benefit

٢١. واِستَعطفوني بعذر
ان كان عذر يفيد

22. And fear the consequences of scheming
I initiated it and repeat it

٢٢. واخشوا عواقب مكر
أَبدى به وأعيد

23. If My grace has been bountiful
Then My might is severe

٢٣. ان كانَ فَضلي عطما
فان بَطشي شَديد

24. Where are the first ones, disputing
My kingdom when they are My servants?

٢٤. أَينَ الاولى نازعوني
ملكي وهم لي عَبيد

25. The mention of honor made them forget
Promise and many soldiers

٢٥. أَنساهم الذكر عز
وعدة وَعَديد

26. So fate upon them is happy
And the stars rise for them

٢٦. فالفأل فيهم سَعيد
وَالطالِعات سعود

27. And wealth is collected for them
And living is sweet and plentiful

٢٧. وَالمال يجبى اليهم
وَالعيش حلوز غيد

28. They died and palaces became tight for them
After the palaces and luxury

٢٨. ماتوا وَضاقَت عليهم
بعد القصور وَاللجود

29. And the kingdom is My kingdom and remains
My face and existence vanishes

٢٩. وَالملك ملكي وَيَبقى
وَجهي وَيفنى الوجود

30. And there is a day for creation
In which the infant grows grey

٣٠. وَليوَللخلق يوم
يشيب منه الوَليد

31. Which will encompass people, a promise
Hoped for and feared, a threat

٣١. وَيشمل الناس وعد
يرجى وَيَخشى وَعيد

32. And the scrolls will be cast to them
Among them white and black

٣٢. وَالصحف تلقى اليهم
منهن بيض وَسود

33. Tomorrow the caller will call
And they will be to Him in crowds

٣٣. غَدا ينادي المنادي
وهم إليه وفود

34. Each will have a watcher over him
And a driver and a witness

٣٤. كل عليه حَفيظ
وَسائق وَشَهيد

35. And around Him on the right
And on the left seated

٣٥. وَحوله عَن يَمين
وَعَن شمال قَعيد

36. O you who deny the resurrection, this
Is what I was not good at

٣٦. يا منكر البعث هَذا
ما كنت منه نجيد

37. The Truth will judge and the limbs
Will testify against them

٣٧. الحق يَقضى والاعضا
منهم عليهم شهود

38. And in Hell there is a fire
For the disobedient as fuel

٣٨. وَفي جهنم نار
لَها العصاة وقود

39. When their skins are roasted
They are replaced with skins

٣٩. اذا نضجن جلود
بدلن فيها جلود

40. And its shade is poison
And its ornaments are iron

٤٠. وَالظل فيها سموم
وَالحلى فيها حديد

41. And it has bitter food
And a drink that scalds

٤١. وَذا طعام ضَريع
وَذا شراب صَديد

42. O Most Kind, O He who
Is the Protecting, the Praiseworthy

٤٢. يا واسع اللطف يا من
هو الوَلي الحَميد

43. O He who has in the wilderness
Kindness, righteousness and existence

٤٣. يا من له في البَرايا
عطف وَبر وجود

44. Say when my remedy is erased
Your servant Sa'eed is happy

٤٤. قل حين يمحى شَفائي
عَبد الرَحيم سعيد

45. Bestow upon him grace
And mercy, O Affectionate

٤٥. اعطف عليه بفضل
وَرحمة يا ودود

46. And convey to all of us
O my Master what we desire

٤٦. وأبلغ الكل منا
يا سَيدي ما يريد

47. And send blessings on the one
By whose mention we benefit

٤٧. وَصل فَضلا عَلى مَن
بذكره نَستَفيد

48. Muhammad, no hills
Lightning and thunderclouds roared

٤٨. محمد ما تلالا
برق وَحنت رعود