
My companions pledged ardently their love to the homeland

عاهدوا الربع ولوعا وغراما

1. My companions pledged ardently their love to the homeland
So they shed tears for it profusely

١. عاهدوا الربع وَلوعا وَغَراما
فَوفوا للربع بالدَمع ذماما

2. Whenever they passed by its ruins
They poured their tears abundantly

٢. كلما مَروا عَلى أَطلاله
سفحوا الدمع بدي السفح اِنسجاما

3. They descended upon the people from its east
Shaded by its mountains and valleys

٣. نزلوا بالشعب من شرقيه
مستظلين اراكا وَيشاما

4. The morning dew showers pearls upon them
That resemble beautiful pearls and smiles

٤. ينثر الطل عليهم لؤلؤا
يشبه اللؤلؤ حسنا واِبتساما

5. When the morning breeze blows, we understand
Their whispers of passionate love for their land

٥. واذا هبت صبا نجد لهم
فهمتهم عَن ربا نحد كلاما

6. My friend in the highlands of Riyadh
Sing to me of Al-Abrar and its valleys

٦. يا رافيقي بنواحيرامة
غن لي بالابرق الفردوراما

7. How many moons roam around the winding valleys
Putting the full moon to shame in their perfection

٧. كم بدور في خدور المنحنى
يَستَغير البدر منهن التماما

8. Love for them has settled in my heart
Even after my bones have turned to dust

٨. حبهم حل سويدا مهجتي
وَفؤادي بعد ما فت العظاما

9. O critic, do not blame me
Leave off reproach and false accusations

٩. أَيُّها اللائم اذنى لا تعي
زخرف القول فدع عنك الملاما

10. Passionate love has intoxicated me with its tears and my blood
So why do you blame me for being in love?

١٠. أولع الحب بدمعي وَدمي
فَعلام اللوم في الحب علاما

11. My excuse is the passion in my heart for them
It dislikes musk but finds stench pleasant

١١. عذريّ الوجد قَلبي فيهم
يكره المسك وَيَرتاح الخزاما

12. The passionate lover cannot be detached
From yearning even if he tastes bitter despair

١٢. وَالفَتى العذرى لاينفك عن
عهدة الشوق وان ذاق الحماما

13. I wonder, will his people condemn me
After I am gone? Will my eyes see their abodes?

١٣. ليت شعري هل أَداني شعبهم
بعد بعدي وَتَرى عيني الخياما

14. Do not worry, my masters, about disgrace
If you return our past nights

١٤. ما عليك سادتي من حرج
لَو تردون لَيالينا القداما

15. If our homes are far from yours
Remember your promise and visit us in our dreams

١٥. ان تَناءَت دارنا عَن داركم
فاذكر وَالعهد وَزورونا مناما

16. A Najdi breeze has stirred me
Turning my steadfast heart distraught

١٦. هيجتني نسمة نجدية
قلبت قَلبي عميدا مستهاما

17. Whenever the doves of Hima coo
Grieving for the people of Riyadh, the doves also grieved

١٧. كلما ناحَت حَمامات الحمى
في أَراكَ الشعب ناوحت الحماما

18. And my first loved ones, I have sworn to them
They knew the one my crazed heart adored

١٨. وأحبابي الأولى عاهدتهم
عقلوا عَقلي بمن أَهوى هياما

19. They offered us the wine cup once
Until our intoxication peaked and they sealed it off

١٩. عرضوا الكأس علينا مرة
فاِنتَهى السكر وَما فضوا الختاما

20. Our souls have drunk their fill of remembering them
We found no respite or tasted any wine

٢٠. ثملت أَرواحنا من ذكرهم
لَم نَر الراح وَلا ذقنا المداما

21. Oh my regrets, my heart is with you
What have you done to my heart, O regrets?

٢١. يا ندماي فؤادي عندكم
ما فعلتم بفؤادي يا ندامى

22. I was tempted so I found torment sweet from you
So wound my heart, fear no blame

٢٢. همت فاِستعذبت تَعذيبي بكم
فأجرحوا قَلبي وَلاتخشوا أَثاما

23. You are of my spilled blood, so do
What you wish, even if it is forbidden

٢٣. أَنتم من دمي المَسفوح في
أوسع الحل وان كان حرما

24. Sever my rope, and if you wish, pray
For my agony in love and abandonment

٢٤. واصرموا حَبلي وان شئتم صلوا
لذلى الحبوصالا وانصراما

25. I am content with what pleases you
The grace is yours, pardon or vengeance

٢٥. أَنا راض بالَّذي تَرضونه
لكم المنّة عفوا واِنتقاما

26. I was among the people and they were my neighbors
If only that life had lasted and continued

٢٦. كنت في الشعب وَكانوا جيرَتي
لو صفا لي ذلك العيش وداما

27. I swear by the Sacred House and the Corner
That is blessed in its touching, wiping, and holding

٢٧. قسما بالبيت وَالركن الَّذي
طاب تَقبيلا وَمسحا وَالتزاما

28. That among the people of Taybah there are some
Whose abode is higher than the stars

٢٨. ان في طيبةقوما جارهم
في محل النجم يَعلو أن يسامى

29. A garden of paradise is in their homeland
And the soil where their traces remain cures all ailments

٢٩. روضة الجنة في أَوطانهم
وَثَرى آثارهم يبرى الجذاما

30. Whoever does not see loving them as a duty
Is in the Fire even if he prays and fasts

٣٠. كل من لَم ير فرضا حبهم
فَهو في النار وان صلى وصاما

31. They are stars that illuminated the universe
After its regions had been in darkness

٣١. هم نجوم أَشرق الكون بهم
بعد ما كانَت نواحيه ظلاما

32. With their might they opened the earth
And conquered its south and north for themselves

٣٢. فتَحوا الارض بعليا بأسهم
واِستَباحوا يمنا منها وَشاما

33. Among them is the moon whose light
The truth itself cannot bear to blink at

٣٣. فيهم البدر الَّذي أَنواره
لَم يطق من بعدها الحق أنكاما

34. The most glorious and reverent Hashimi
Of pure lineage, far above any blemish

٣٤. الاعز المتقى من هاشم
طيب العنصر حاشا أَن يضاما

35. The Trustworthy of the two habitation spaces
Who was imam for angels and messengers

٣٥. المدانى قاب قَوسين الَّذي
كان للأملاك وَالرسل اماما

36. God chose him as the light of guidance
And chose him to wield the sword against enemies

٣٦. اِرتَضاه اللَه نوراللهدى
واِنتضاه لدم الاعدا حساما

37. God endowed him with the straight religion
That abrogated all creeds, enjoined and held firm

٣٧. خصه اللَه بدين قيم
نمخ الاديان ندبا وَالتزاما

38. And the Book whose verses are made decisive
As God's protection for adherents seeking refuge

٣٨. وَكتاب أَحكمت آياته
عصمة اللَه لمن رام اِعتصاما

39. Whoever seeks guidance through it is guided
To the paths of righteousness, and the ignorant remains blind

٣٩. يَهتَدي كل من اِستَهدى به
سبل الرشد وَيعمى من تعامى

40. He prescribed pilgrimage and minor pilgrimage
And prayer, charity and fasting for us

٤٠. فرض العمرة وَالحج لنا
وَصَلاة وَزَكاة وَصياما

41. O Messenger of God, O source of nobility, O
Delight of the Gathering, glorified and elevated

٤١. يا رَسول اللَه ياذ الفضل يا
بهجة المحشر جاها وَمقاما

42. O foremost of countenance in the two abodes, O
Intercessor for creation when disputes arise

٤٢. يا وجيه الوجه في الدارين يا
شافع الخلق اذا الدوا خصاما

43. Return back to Your servant Ar-Rahim the sheltered
Under Your invincible protection, O succor of the orphans

٤٣. عد على عَبد الرَحيم الملتجى
بحمى عزك ياغوث اليَتامى

44. And all my companions, stand by me and them
When we are squeezed on Judgment Day

٤٤. وَرِفاقي الكل قم بي وَبهم
في الملمات اذا اِحتجنا القياما

45. And carry me, my master, beyond my stumbling
And acquiring sins for fifty years

٤٥. وأقلني سَيدي من عثرتي
واكتسابى الذنب من خمسين عاما

46. We are in Your sanctuary’s garden, so save me
Fruits of praise, scattered and composed

٤٦. نحن في روض ثناكم نجتني
ثمرات المدح نثرا وَنظاما

47. If the flags of glory reached the utmost extent
I would be glory’s loftiness and banner

٤٧. لوسما المجد لأقصى غاية
كنت للمجد سناء وَسناما

48. Your highest hand is above all hands
May God increase you in ascendance and reverence

٤٨. يدك العليا عَلى كل يد
زادك اللَه علوّا واِحتراما

49. And clothe your soul in His mercy
And prayers that satisfy You, and peace

٤٩. وَكَسا روحك منه رحمة
وَصَلاة تَرتَضيها وَسَلاما

50. As is required of me always for Your right
Encompassing Your Family and noble Companions

٥٠. تَقتَضي حقكعني دائما
وَتعم الآل وَالصحب الكراما