
Abu Dhabiya, hear what I say

أبا ظبية اسمع ما أقول فخير ما

1. Abu Dhabiya, hear what I say
For the best that can be said is when

١. أبا ظبية اسمع ما أقول فخَيرُ ما
يقال إذا ما قيل صُدقَ قائِلُه

2. What is said is truthful to its speaker
If you wish, then take me to whom you want

٢. إذا شئت فانهَدْ بي إلى من أردته
وأمَّلتَ جدواه فإنّي مُنازِلُه

3. And expect his generosity, for I shall alight at his abode
So if he falls short and does not know

٣. فإنْ يكُ تقصيرُ ولا يَكُ عارفاً
بحقكِ فاعذ له فتكثر عواذِ لُه