
You claimed I was unjust so you abandoned me

وزعمت أني ظالم فهجرتني

1. You claimed I was unjust so you abandoned me
And shot an arrow into my heart

١. وزعمتِ أني ظالمٌ فهجرتنيِ
ورميتِ في قلبي بسهمٍ نافذِ

2. So yes, I left you - forgive me and overlook it
This is the stance of one seeking refuge, returning

٢. فنعم هجرتُك فاغفري وتجاوزي
هذا مقامُ المستجيرِ العائدِ

3. This is the stance of a lad who was hurt by passion
Finding solace for his wounded eyelids in your beauty

٣. هذا مقامُ فتى أضرَّ به الهوى
قَرحِ الجفونِ بحسنِ وجهكِ لائذ

4. You took away the joy of my heart
May God paralyze the hand of him who took it

٤. ولقد أخذتُم من فؤاديَ أنسهُ
لا شلَّ ربي كفَّ ذاكَ الآخذِ