
O my joy when we turned the camels' faces

يا فرحتا إذ صرفنا أوجه الإبل

1. O my joy when we turned the camels' faces
Toward the loved ones, hurriedly and eagerly,

١. يا فرحتا إذ صَرَفنا أوجه الإبلِ
نحو الأحبةِ بالازعاج والعجَلِ

2. Urging them on, though they would not hasten from their pace,
Yet longing has a spur other than camels.

٢. نَحثهن ولا يُونين من دَأبٍ
لكنَّ للشوق حَثاً ليس للإبلِ

3. O you who were remote, he drew near you and his passions
Spent the night close to love, yearning and disquiet.

٣. يا نائياً قربَتْ منه وسَاوِسهُ
أمسَى قرينَ الهوى والشَوقِ والوجَلِ

4. If your absence from the loved ones has grown long
Your absence from receiving news has not grown long.

٤. إن طالَ عَهدُكَ بالأحبابِ مُغترِباً
فإنَّ عَهدَكَ بالتَسهيدِ لم يُطلِ

5. Has not time quenched its thirst with the infatuated, crazed one,
Whose heart pours towards the infatuated, crazed one?

٥. أمَا اشتَفى الدَّهرُ منَ حرّان مُختَبل
صبِّ الفُؤادِ إلى حَرانَ مُختبَلِ

6. Live in hope and expect the nearness of their abode,
Perhaps your soul will remain with hope.

٦. عِش بالرَجاءِ وأملَ قُربَ دارِهم
لعل نَفسَك أن تبقى مع الأملِ

7. You yearn for Iraq and those in it; we have no likeness
Except drawing near to books and messengers.

٧. تَهوى العراقَ وما فيهِ لنا شَبحَنٌ
إلا التقرب من كتبٍ ومن رسلِ

8. And you find comfort in a blowing wind,
Imagining the loved ones coming to us unhurriedly.

٨. وتستريحُ إلى ريح مؤدِّيَةٍ
ريا الأحبة تأتينا على مهلِ

9. If it blows long, it will convey to us
Their breeze across a sandy plane, no hills or mountains.

٩. إذا جَرَت لم يَعقهَا أن تُبَلغنا
نسيمَهُم عرض رملٍ لا ولا جبلِ

10. And we hope for a state of gathered union,
With the two encampments - for time has its rounds.

١٠. ونرتجي دولةً للشملِ جامعةً
بالرَّقتينِ فإن الدهرَ ذو دولِ