
For Allah there came a day whose bird flew in good fortune,

لله يوم جرى باليمن طائره

1. For Allah there came a day whose bird flew in good fortune,
And its tidings were echoed in the mouth of the world.

١. للّه يومٌ جَرَى باليُمْن طائرُه
ورُدِّدت في فَمِ الدّنْيا بَشَائرُه

2. A day adorned with the beauty of the first promise,
As the fulfillment shone at its end.

٢. يومٌ تَحلّى بِحُسْن الوَعْدِ أوّلُه
كما تَلأْلأَ بالإنْجازِ آخِرُه

3. Egypt awaited in it the dawn smiling,
Waving with goodness and happiness unveiled.

٣. ترقَّبَتْ مصرُ فيه الصُّبْحَ مبتسما
يلُوحُ بالْخَير والإسعادِ سَافرُه

4. A day that restored the freshness of days,
As the rain restored the beauty of the meadow.

٤. يومٌ أعادَ إلى الأيّام نَضْرَتَها
كما أعادَ جَمالَ الرَوْض ماطُره

5. The day the eminent leader appeared radiant,
Dazzling all sights with his splendor.

٥. يوم تجلَّى به الفاروقُ مُؤْتَلِقاً
كالبَدْر يجتذب الأبصارَ باهرُه

6. At his birth the world exalted and glorified,
Religion rejoiced and its pulpits shook.

٦. بدَا فكبَّرَتِ الدّنيا لِموْلِدِه
واستبشرَ الدِّينُ واهتَّزتْ مَنَابرُه

7. The lineage of high honor and its elite,
The pure essence and its rarities.

٧. سُلالةُ الشَّرَفِ العالي وصفْوتُه
ونُخْبَةُ الْجَوْهَر الصَّافي ونَادِرُه

8. The youth's decoration, from his guidance they took a spark,
None who passed by his path of glory strayed.

٨. زينُ الشَّبابِ لهُم من هَدْيه قَبَسٌ
ما ضلَّ فيه طريقَ المَجْد عابِرُه

9. He settled in every heart so it became his seat,
And settled in every eye so it became his beholder.

٩. أقامَ في كلِّ قلْبٍ فَهْوَ حَلُّتُهُ
وحَلَّ في كُلّ طَرْفٍ فَهْوَ نَاظرُه

10. His features soft, his priorities esteemed,
His dispositions shone, his elements pure.

١٠. رقَّتْ شَمَائلهُ عزَّتْ أَوَائلُه
لاحَتْ مَخَايلُه طابَتْ عَناصرُه

11. O eminent leader, son of the exalted, with their determination they built
An eternal kingdom over time, unmatched are its glories.

١١. فَارُوقُ يابْنَ الأُلَى شادُوا بِهمَّتِهم
مُلْكاً عَلَى الدّهْرِ لا تَبلَى مَفَاخِرُه

12. Their achievements dazzle the days of old,
The Nile bears witness to its past and present.

١٢. آثارُهم تبهَرُ الأيْامَ جِدَّتُها
والنيلُ يَشْهَدُ ماضِيه وحاضِرُه

13. They tamed the unruly so he gave them his reins,
And subdued the difficult until it became submissive.

١٣. راضوا الْجَمُوحَ فأعطاهُمْ مَقَادتَه
وذلَّلوا الصَّعْبَ حتى لاَنَ نافرُه

14. O son of the king whose merits encompassed,
And crowned the pinnacle of the world with his achievements.

١٤. يا ابْن الْمَلِيكِ الّذِي عَمّتْ فَوَاضِلُه
وكللَتْ هَامَةَ الدُّنيا مآثرُه

15. Revive for us the glory until its harvester returns,
And its flowers bloom in the bosom of the valley.

١٥. أحْيا لَنا المجْدَ حتَّى عادَ دَارِسُه
وأشْرَقَتْ في رُبا الوَادِي أزاهرُه

16. Praise of him flowed on the tongues of time,
I imagined that time itself was its poet.

١٦. جَرَت على ألْسُنِ الأيّام مِدْحَتُه
حتى توَّهمْتُ أنَّ الدّهْرَ شاعِرُه

17. The kingdom under his shade - its paths prospered,
And the religion under his reign - its rituals were upheld.

١٧. المُلْكُ في ظلِّه طَابتْ مَشارِعُه
والدِّينُ في عَهْدِه قَامَتْ شَعَائِرُه

18. So look, in every direction you will find hope,
Determination dictates it and good fortune supports it.

١٨. فانظر تجدْ أملاً في كلِّ ناحيةٍ
العزمُ يمليه والْحُسنَى تُؤازرُه

19. O eminent leader, you are the protector of the youth's hopes,
Inspirer of the highest example and its promoter.

١٩. فاروقُ أنت لآمال الشباب حمىً
وباعثُ المثل الأعلى وناشرُه

20. When you were called Prince of Upper Egypt, it shone
With tribes and its cities were adorned.

٢٠. لما دُعيتَ أميراً للصعيد زهت
به القبائلُ وازدانت حواضرُه

21. His past glory converses with him,
And his history accompanies him.

٢١. وعاده مجدُه الخالي يشافِهُه
وجاء تاريخُه الماضي يُسامرُه

22. Still the eye of the king you guard,
The Overseer's eye as the world backs him.

٢٢. لا زلت قرَّةَ عين الملك تحرسُه
عينُ المهيمنِ والدنيا تُظاهرُه

23. May the rule of a heart remain high and eminent,
And may its protector and supporter of the Nile live long.

٢٣. ودام ملكُ فؤادٍ في علاً وسناً
وعاش للنيل مولاه وناصرُه