1. Suffering crept out of its lair
And sickness coiled in its burrow
١. أطَلَّتِ الآلامُ من جُحْرِهِ
وَلُفَّتِ الأسْقامُ في طِمْرِهِ
2. Its chill blanketed the night with its chill
And its roast smothered the heat with its heat
٢. بُرْدَتُهُ الليل على بَرْدِه
وكِنُّهُ الْقَيْظُ على حَرِّه
3. A vagrant seeking refuge in his worries
When the birds take refuge in their nests
٣. مُشَرَّدٌ يَأوِي إلى هَمِّهِ
إذا أوَى الطيرُ إِلى وَكْرِه
4. He has not tasted the sweetness of a kiss on his cheek
Nor the tenderness of a touch in his hair
٤. ما ذاق حُلْوَ اللثْم في خَدِّهِ
ولا حنانَ المَسِّ في شَعْرِهِ
5. His mother did not cradle him in her chest
Nor did a father croon him in his lap
٥. وَلاَ حَوَتْه الأمُّ في صَدْرِها
ولا أبٌ ناغاهُ في حِجْرِه
6. His soul has been patient with what it contains
And awaits the promised reward for its patience
٦. قد صَبَرَ النفْسَ على ما بها
وانتظَر الموعودَ من صَبْرِه
7. His belly is worn out, shrouded by agony
And the people of the land sleep heedless of his plight
٧. البَطْنُ مهضومٌ طواه الطَّوَى
ونامَ أهلُ الأرضِ عن نَشْرِهِ
8. And his face conveys despair with a glance
That hatred casts upon the days of his life
٨. والوجهُ لليأْسِ به نَظْرَةٌ
يَقذِفُها الْحِقْدُ على دَهْرِه
9. Time has scarred him, from its sharpness
Are those wrinkles, and from its claws
٩. جَرَّحه الدهرُ فمِنْ نَابِه
تلك الأخاديدُ ومن ظُفْره
10. God has etched a line on his cheek
A clear mark of misery in its verse
١٠. قد كتب اللّهُ على خَدِّه
خَطّاً يَبِينُ البُؤُسُ في سَطْرِهِ
11. The light has faded from his eyes
And the glint of companionship vanished from his smile
١١. وغار ضوءُ الحِسِّ من عَيْنهِ
وفرَّ لَمْحُ الأُنسِ من ثَغْرِه
12. And people - where are the people? Woe to him!
O God's mercy upon His creation!
١٢. والبشرُ أين البِشْرُ وَيْحي له
يا رحمةَ اللّه على بِشْرِهِ
13. He drags his feet slowly
Like a worn out camel from its pulling
١٣. يجرُّ رِجْلَيْه بَطيء الْخُطَا
كالْجُعَلِ المكْدُودِ من جَرِّه
14. If he sleeps, you see him as a mass
Drawing his legs up to his throat
١٤. إِن نام أبْصرتَ به كُتْلَةً
تجمعُ ساقَيْهِ إلى نَحْرِه
15. His groans are trapped in his heart
And his sorrows choked in his chest
١٥. احتَبَسَتْ أوَّاهُ في قَلْبِهِ
واختنقت ويْلاهُ في صَدْرِه
16. The tears in his eyes have dried in their pits
What good did tears do him in his bitterness?
١٦. وجفَّ ماءُ العَيْنِ في مُوقِها
ماذا أفَاد العينَ من هَمْرِه
17. They flowed from him like a river over a morsel
Yet he returned like one seeking water in a river
١٧. سالت به نَهراً على لُقْمةٍ
فعادَ كالسائلِ في نَهْره
18. He cannot find refuge even if he wanted it
Time has directed him to his grave
١٨. لا يَجِدُ المأوَى ولو رَامَهُ
أحالَهُ الدهر على قَبْره
19. There he will rest, calm and safe
From the disgrace of living and its hardship
١٩. هناك يَثْوِي هادئاً آمِناً
من شَظَفِ العَيْشِ ومن وَعْرِه
20. For in the heart of the grave lies many a slumber
More bent than time's injustice and forgetfulness
٢٠. فكم بصدر القَبْر من ضَجْعةٍ
أحنى من الدهر ومن نُكْرِهِ
21. The weariness of man in his senses
And the misery of man from his thoughts
٢١. مَتْعَبَةُ الإِنسانِ في حِسِّهِ
وشِقْوةُ الإِنسان من فِكْرِه
22. How can purity be expected of a being
Whose particles are saturated with blemish?
٢٢. كيف يُرجَّى الصفْوُ من كَائنٍ
الْحمَأُ المسنونُ في ذَرِّه
23. He did not name the angels in their faces
Nor did he desire beasts in their habitats
٢٣. لم يَسْمُ للأملاك في أوْجِهَا
ولا هَوَى للوَحْشِ في قَفْرِه
24. He sought sincere wisdom in his quest
Yet obtained from it nothing but its rind
٢٤. رام اللبابَ المَحْضَ من سَعْيِهِ
فلم يَنَلْ منه سِوَى قِشْرِه
25. He strives without knowing what benefits him
Whether he strives vigorously or to his detriment
٢٥. يسعَى وما يَدْرِي إلى نفعِهِ
سَعَى حَثِيثاً أم إِلى ضَرِّهِ
26. I have believed in God, yet how many scholars
Has the unseen overwhelmed in its mystery?
٢٦. آمنتُ باللّه فكم عالِمٍ
أعجزه المحجوبُ من سِرِّه
27. God is in a child overcome by poverty
With dark sorrows and dusty rags
٢٧. اللّه في طِفْلٍ غزاهُ الضَّنَى
بأدْهَمِ الخَطْبِ ومُغْبَرِّه
28. In deep darkness, his face radiant
As if he were Jonah in his sea
٢٨. في ظُلُماتٍ مَوْجُها زاخرٌ
كأنّهُ ذو النُّونِ في بَحْرِهِ
29. While the people on shore, heedless
Or mocking, persist in their ridicule
٢٩. والناسُ بالشاطىء من غافلٍ
أو ساخر أمْعَنَ في سُخْره
30. And the waves like wolves around the lad
Blocking the horizon with their howling
٣٠. والمَوْجُ كالذُؤْبانِ حَوْلَ الفتى
يسدُّ أُذْنَ الأُفْقِ منْ زَأرِه
31. He called out but called only once
Until the sea engulfed him in its depths
٣١. نادَى وما نادَى سوَى مَرَّةٍ
حتّى طواهُ اليَمُّ في غَمْرِه
32. You'd think him a child, but if
Your eyes discerned, you'd find no trace of his youth
٣٢. تظنُّه طِفْلاً فإن حقّقَتْ
عيناكَ لم تَعْثُرْ على عُشْرهِ
33. It's as if he were doubt, when it walks
Or what the sleeping sees in their nightmare
٣٣. كأنَّه الشّكُّ إِذا ما مَشَى
أو ما يَرى النائمُ في ذُعْرِه
34. Hunger has overwhelmed him, so in his tears
Is what hunger has done, and in his cry
٣٤. طَغَى به الجوعُ ففي دَمْعِهِ
ما فعلَ الجوعُ وفي نَبْرِه
35. Woe to a palm stuck to the dirt
And bloodied by misery from its scraping
٣٥. واهاً لكفٍ لَصِقَتْ بالثرَى
وائْتَدَمَتْ بالبُؤْسِ من عَفْرِه
36. What would kindness lose by returning it
As a gift of limbs in gratitude?
٣٦. ماذا على الإحسانِ لو ردَّها
نَديْةَ الأطْرافِ من بِرِّهِ
37. What would kindness lose by returning it
As the sweetness of tongues in thanks?
٣٧. ماذا على الإِحسان لو ردَّها
رَطيبةَ الألْسُنِ من شُكره
38. How many smiles has a benefactor sent
More radiant than a meadow and its flowers?
٣٨. كم بَسْمَةٍ أرسلَها مُحْسنٌ
أزْهَى من الروْضِ ومن زَهْرِه
39. And a morsel that has satiated the hungry
Tipping the scale in their favor in the reckoning?
٣٩. ولُقْمةٍ سدَّتْ فما جائعاً
رجَّحَتِ المِيزانَ في حَشْره
40. And a favor that has been like wings
By which good repute has spread from its mention?
٤٠. ومِنَّةٍ كانت جَنَاحاً له
طارَ بهِ الذائعُ من ذِكْرِهِ
41. And a tear shed in compassion
Purer than treasure from its essence?
٤١. ودَمْعةٍ يُذْرِفها مُشْفِقاً
أصْفَى من المَذْخُورِ من دُرِّه
42. Paradise does not bloom except by what
The weeping sheds for their sins
٤٢. لا تُزْهِرُ الجنةُ إِلاّ بما
يَسْفَحُه الباكِي على وِزْره
43. If man knew his reward
He would not begrudge his soul its wage
٤٣. لو عَرَفَ الإِنسانُ ما أجرُه
ما ضَنَّ بالنفْسِ على أَجْرِه
44. Little wealth remains after him
While wealth leaves despite its abundance
٤٤. يبقَى قليلُ المالِ مِنْ بَعْدِهِ
ويَذْهَبُ المالُ على كُثْرِهِ
45. The whiteness of a man's hands among his people
Is more precious than ivory and its yellowness
٤٥. بِيضُ أيادِي المرْءِ في قَومِهِ
أغْلَى من البِيضِ ومن صُفْرِه
46. And the free man does not enjoy in his abundance
Until the youths attain what befits their merit
٤٦. والحُرُّ لا يَنْعَمُ في وَفْرِه
حتى يَنالَ الأحْداثُ عن قَدْرِه
47. And people are like water, so from the shallow
And from the deep, I struggled in its measurement
٤٧. والناسُ كالماءِ فمن ضَحْحضَحٍِ
ومن عَميقٍ حِرْتُ في سَبْرِه
48. It is not one who spends from his ease
Like one who spends from his hardship
٤٨. ليس الذي يُنْفِقُ من يُسْرِه
مِثْلَ الذي يُنْفِقُ من عُسْره
49. How many coins have been thrown in his prison
Yet he did not attain pardon in his lifetime?
٤٩. كم دِرْهَمٍ أُلْقِيَ في سِجْنِهِ
ولم يَنَلْ عَفْواً مَدَى عُمْرِه
50. He did not see the beauty of dawn in its sun
Nor the splendor of night in its moon
٥٠. لم يَرَ حُسْنَ الصُّبحِ في شَمْسِه
ولا جَمالَ الليلِ في بَدْرِه
51. He craves the sting of hunger in his stomach
And unleashes sighs from its separation
٥١. يطْمَعُ وَخْزُ الجوعِ في وَصْلِهِ
ويُرْسِلُ الزَّفْراتِ من هَجْرِهِ
52. And wealth is like wine, if it runs wild
The expanses of earth tighten from its evil
٥٢. والمالُ كالْخَمْرِ إذا ما طَغَى
ضاقت فِجَاجُ الأرضِ عن شَرِّه
53. When will the mind awaken from its slumber?
Or wealth sober up from its drunkenness?
٥٣. متى يَهُبُّ العقلُ من نَوْمِه
أو يستفيقُ المالُ من سُكْرِه
54. When will I see the soul freed
From the shackles of money and its captivity?
٥٤. متى أَرَى النفسَ وقد أُطْلِقَتْ
من رِبْقَةِ المالِ ومن أسْرِه
55. When will I see love like the dawn’s glow
With each person swimming in their purity?
٥٥. متى أرَى الْحُبَّ كضَوْءِ الضُّحَى
كُلُّ امْرِىءٍ يَسْبَحُ في طُهْرِه
56. When will I see people purified
Of the wolf's evil and its betrayal?
٥٦. متى أرَى الناسَ وقد نُزِّهُوا
عن شَرَهِ الذئبِ وعن غَدْرِه
57. A branch's kinship to its origin
And a flower's smile towards its rain
٥٧. أُخُوَّةُ الغُصْنِ إِلى صِنْوِهِ
وبَسْمَةُ الزهْرِ إِلى قَطْرِهِ
58. And a gentle kindness that did not leave
A heart that conceals fire in its stone
٥٨. ورَحْمَةٌ رَفّافَةٌ لم تَدَعْ
قلْباً يُوارِي النارَ في صَخْرِهِ
59. Status is not envied for its money
Nor is poverty blamed for its lack
٥٩. لا يُحْسَدُ الجاهُ على مالِه
أو يُنْهَرُ الْبُؤْسُ على فَقْرِهِ
60. How many astray in Egypt, O its abundance!
From a number that mocks its count
٦٠. كم شارِدٍ في مِصْرَ يا كُثْرَه
من عَدَدٍ يَسْخُر مِنْ حَصْرِه
61. A nation's treasure is its children
What use was the Nile with its reserves?
٦١. ذَخِيرةُ الأمة أبناؤها
ماذا أفادَ النيلُ من ذُخْرِه
62. What use was the Nile of an arm
Quick to break more than a twig?
٦٢. ماذا أفادَ النيلُ من ساعدٍ
أسْرَعَ مِنْ ضِغْثٍ إِلى كَسْرِه
63. And legs weaker than a whisper
And the morning breeze in its passing
٦٣. وأَرْجلٍ أوْهَنَ من هَمْسةٍ
ومن نسيم الصبح في مَرِّه
64. And a girl whose dawn is her night
And a boy who strays in his youth
٦٤. ومن فتاةٍ فَجْرُها لَيْلُها
ومن غُلامٍ ضَلَّ في فَجْرِه
65. Egypt discarded him, lost and confused
So he parted seeking vengeance from Egypt
٦٥. ألْقَتْهُ مِصْرٌ هَمَلاً ضائعاً
فصال يَبْغِي الثارَ مِن مِصْرِهِ
66. Plunged in sins up to his throat
Swallowing a mouthful of its bitterness
٦٦. غاصَ من الآثامِ في آسِنٍ
يَكرَعُ مِلْءَ الفَمِ من مُرِّه
67. Taken by the night and passing a hand
In the night's frivolity and its cunning
٦٧. أسرَى من الليل وأمْضَى يَداً
من عَبَثِ الليل ومن مَكْرِه
68. How narrow his time felt from his misery
And narrow from anger at his time
٦٨. كم ضاق من شِقْوَته عَصْرُهُ
وضاق بالسُّخْطِ على عَصْرِه
69. Thorn in the throat of the ransomed homeland
And a prick like a blade in its back
٦٩. شَجاً بِحَلْقِ الوَطَنِ الْمُفْتَدَى
وشَوْكَةٌ كالنَّصْلِ في ظَهْرِه
70. The school of decadence and wasted influence
The devil established it in his den
٧٠. مدْرَسةُ النشْلِ وَسَلِّ المُدَى
أسَّسَها الشيْطانُ في جُحرِه
71. When morals fall, pillars collapse
And everything collapses thereafter
٧١. إذا هَوَى الْخُلق وضاع الحِجَا
فكلُّ شَيْءٍ ضاع في إثْرِه
72. Who reforms the family reforms through it
What corruption ruined in its region
٧٢. من يُصْلِح الأُسْرةَ يصْلِحْ بها
ما دَمَّرَ الإِفسادُ في قُطْرِهِ
73. A father's crime is discarding his son
In hardship, whether ease or strain
٧٣. جنايةُ الوالدِ نَبْذُ ابنهِ
في عُسْرِه إنْ كان أو يُسْرِه
74. The she-wolf does not abandon her cubs
Nor does the dog stray from its lair
٧٤. لا تَتْرُكُ الذِئْبَةُ أجْراءَها
ولا يغيبُ الكلبُ عن وَجْرِه
75. A home is a desert when you do not find
Childhood frolicking in its courtyard
٧٥. البَيْتُ صَحْراءُ إذا لم تَجِدْ
طفُولةً تَمْرَحُ في كِسْرِه
76. So punish the fathers if they fall short
The disobedient must be deterred
٧٦. فعاقبوا الآباءَ إنْ قصَّروا
لابُدَّ للسادِرِ من زَجْرِه
77. And rescue the child, for what is his sin
If the father is foolish in his loss?
٧٧. وأنقذوا الطفْلَ فما ذَنْبُه
إِنْ جَمَحَ الوالدُ في خُسْرِه
78. Raise him, and he will grow good fruit
The farmer does not despair of his seed
٧٨. رَبُّوهُ يَنْمو ثَمَراً طيِّباً
لا ييأسُ الزراعُ من بَذْرِهِ
79. And teach him righteous work
To support him if he struggles with his burden
٧٩. وعلِّموهُ عَملاً صالحاً
يَشُدُّ إن كافَحَ من أَزْرِه
80. Raise him in the countryside, perhaps the villages
Will reform what went awry in his affair
٨٠. ربُّوه في الريفِ لعلَّ القرَى
تُصْلِحُ ما أَعْضَلَ من أمْرِه
81. The soul is a mirror, and the sapling of growth
Will be purified or tainted from its root
٨١. النفْسُ مِرْآةٌ وغُصْنُ النَّقَا
يَطيبُ أو يَخْبُثُ من جذْرِه
82. Perhaps the whisper of the branch in his ear
Will make him forget what he harbored of resentment
٨٢. لعلّ هَمْسَ الغُصنِ في أُذْنِه
يُنْسِيهِ ما أضْمَرَ من ثَأْرِه
83. Perhaps the breaths of the meadow's breeze
In his chest will cool the embers within
٨٣. لعلّ أنْفاسَ نسيم الرُّبا
في صَدْرِه تُبْرِدُ من جَمْرِه
84. The Nile calls for help seeking aid
So quicken your steps to its victory
٨٤. النيلُ يستنجِدُ مُسْتَنْصِراً
فأَسْرعوا الْخَطْوَ إلى نَصْرِه
85. Kindness does not vanish into the depths
Nor does musk cease its diffusion
٨٥. لا يذهبُ المعروفُ في لُجَّةٍ
ولا يَكُفُّ الْمِسْكُ عن نَشْرِه