1. Who will protect me from the nights that turn?
The ages have passed, but for what purpose?
ูก. ู
ููู ู
ูุฌููุฑูู ู
ููู ุญูุงููููุงุชู ุงููููููุงูููุ
ููููุจู ุงูุฏููููุฑู ู
ูุง ููููููู ููู
ูุง ูููุ!
2. Darkness has enveloped me, till I seem
A specter in the obscurity of existence.
ูข. ููุฏู ุทูููุงููู ุงูุธููููุงู
ู ุญูุชููู ููุฃููููู
ููู ุฏูููุงุฌูู ุงููููุฌููุฏู ุทููููู ุฎูููุงูู
3. Every night ends, but mine has stretched
Its ropes endlessly, denying end.
ูฃ. ููููู ูููููู ูููู ุฒูููุงูู ููููููููู
ุฏูููู ุฃูุทูููุงุจููู ููุบูููุฑู ุฒูููุงูู!
4. Every night has stars, but where are mine
Compared to those that stud my firmament?
ูค. ููููู ูููููู ูููู ููุฌููู
ูุ ูููููููู
ุฃููููู ุฃูู
ูุซูุงููููููู ู
ููู ุฃูู
5. The sun leaps up in heaven, while my sun
Is fettered, a thousand chains deny ascent.
ูฅ. ุชูุซูุจู ุงูุดููู
ูุณู ููู ุงูุณููู
ูุงุกู ููุดูู
ุนูููููุชู ุฏููููููุง ุจูุฃููููู ุนูููุงูู
6. Whenever I see aught but my own fortune,
That sullen, glowering, joyless visage, woe!
ูฆ. ููุง ุฃูุฑูู ุญููููู
ูุง ุฃูุฑูู ุบูููุฑู ุญูุธููู
ุญูุงูููู ุงูููููููู ุนูุงุจูุณู ุงููุขู
7. It is a deep ravine wherein sadly
I dwell, downcast, eternally distraught.
ูง. ูููู ุฌูุจูู ุฃูุนููุดู ููููู ุญูุฒููููุง
ููุงุณููู ุงููููููุณู ุฏูุงุฆูู
ู ุงููุจูููุจูุงูู
8. Never have its sunless stones known laughter
Or traced upon them moonbeamsโ soft assault.
ูจ. ู
ูุง ุฑูุฃูุชู ุจูุณูู
ูุฉู ุงูุดููู
ููุณู ุฒูููุงููุง
ููุ ููููุง ุฏูุงุนูุจูุชู ุดูุนูุงุนู ุงููููููุงูู
9. Asleep, darkness awaits me, or I wake
To find the blackness massed before my gaze.
ูฉ. ููุฅูุฐูุง ููู
ูุชู ููุงูุธููููุงู
ู ุฃูู
ุฃููู ุชููููููุธูุชู ููุงูุณููููุงุฏู ุญูููุงููู
10. I grope the road, mid doubt, perplexity,
And wander lost, to left hand or to right.
ูกู . ุฃูุชูููุฑููู ุงูุทููุฑูููู ููููู ุจููููููู
ุจููููู ุดูููู ููุญูููุฑูุฉู ููุถูููุงูู
11. I feel the very wind, it is my guide,
Whether I turn northward or south I hie.
ูกูก. ููุฃูุญูุณูู ุงููููููุงุกู ูููููู ุฏููููููู
ุนููู ููู
ููููู ุฃูุณููุฑู ุฃููู ุนููู ุดูู
12. Wheneโer I strive from it to win release
Someday, my wits and stratagems all fail.
ูกูข. ูููููู
ูุง ุฑูู
ูุชู ู
ููููู ููููู
ูุง ุฎูููุงุตูุง
ุนูุฌูุฒูุชู ุญููููุชูู ููุฑูุซููุชู ุญูุจูุงููู
13. In vain unto the lofty manorsโ lords
I loose my moan from out the sunless wold.
ูกูฃ. ุนูุจูุซูุง ุฃูุฑูุณููู ุงููุฃูููููู ู
ููู ุงููุฌูุจูู
ุฅูููู ุณูุงููููู ุงููููุตููุฑู ุงููุนูููุงููู!
14. Who can endure a lifelong night whose length
Defies surcease, roving from wold to wold,
ูกูค. ู
ููู ููุณูุงุฑู ุจูููููููุฉู ุทููููููุง ุงููุนูู
ูุฑูุ ููุฌููุจู ุงููุฃูููุฌูุงูู ููููุฃูููุฌูุงููุ
15. Restive โmid lowland swamps, breathless to scale
Unscalable pinnacles of mountain heights,
ูกูฅ. ู
ูุชูุฑูุฏูู ููู ููุงููููุงุชู ููููุงุฏู
ููุงููุซู ูููููู ุดูุงู
ูุฎูุงุชู ุฌูุจูุงูู
16. Where mock the Jinn or moan the desert gales
In a Sahara where Spring never blooms
ูกูฆ. ุนูููุฏู ุตูุญูุฑูุงุกู ููููุฃูุนูุงุตููุฑู ูููููุง
ุถูุญููู ุงููุฌูููู ุฃููู ููุญููุจู ุงูุณููุนูุงููู
17. But woven for you is all you wish of sand,
Untrod by humankind, without resort.
ูกูง. ููู
ู ููุฒูุฑูููุง ููุดููู ุงูุฑููุจููุนู ูููููููู
ูููู ู
ูุง ุดูุฆูุชู ู
ููู ููุณููุฌู ุงูุฑููู
18. Dread overwhelms the vitals, timorous fear,
Its surface sterile, rugged as a blade,
ูกูจ. ููููุณู ูููุทููููุฑู ููููููููุง ู
ููู ู
ุฃููู ุจูููู ุงููุฅูููุณู ุญูููููููุง ู
ููู ู
19. Endlessly stretching like a hope gone wrong,
Whose limits no persistence can invade.
ูกูฉ. ุฎููููู ุงูููู ููููุฑูููุง ุซูู
ูู ุณููููู
ููู ุซูุฑูุงูู ุฃูููุงู
ููู ุงููุจูุฎููุงูู
20. Therein the sightless strayed, a waif, distraught,
His course unsure, unknowing where to turn.
ูขู . ุฑูููุจูุฉู ุชูู
ูููุฃู ุงููุฌูููุงููุญู ุฑูุนูุจูุง
ู ููุนูุฑู ููุญูุฏูู ุงููููุตูุงูู
21. In its roar no cool wind gave him ease,
Nor soothed its furious heat the shade of palm.
ูขูก. ููุงู
ูุชูุฏูุงุฏู ููุฃูููููู ุงููุฃูู
ููู ุงูุทููุง
ุฆูุดู ู
ูุง ุถูุงูู ุฐูุฑูุนููู ุจูู
22. His staff grew tired of ceaseless blows that rained
Upon the ground, marking his hapless state.
ูขูข. ุณูุงุฑู ูููููุง ุงููุฃูุนูู
ูู ููุญููุฏูุง ุดูุฑููุฏูุง
ุญูุงุฆูุฑูุง ุจููููู ููููููุฉู ููุงุฑูุชูุญูุงูู
23. His voice is raised, but no respondent stirsโ
The universe emptied of all mortal souls!
ูขูฃ. ููู ููุฌููุฑู ู
ูุง ุฎูููู ุญูุฑูู ููุธูุงูู
ูุ ููููุง ุจูุจูุฑูุฏู ุธูููุงูู
24. And who is there in a lagoon of woe
That is his world, his days in long array?
ูขูค. ู
ูููู ุนููููุงุฒููู ู
ููู ุงูุถููุฑูุจู ููู ุงููุฃูุฑู
ุถู ุนูููู ุฎูููุจูุฉู ููุฑููููุฉู ุญูุงูู
25. Darkness on darkness crowds each one before,
As nights repeat themselves night after night.
ูขูฅ. ููุฑูููุนู ุงูุตููููุชู ููุง ููุฑูู ู
ููู ู
ุฃูููููุฑู ุงูููููููู ู
ููู ูููููุจู ุงูุฑููุฌูุงูู!
26. The ocean gapes to suck him down full fain,
Then casts him up again, all members smashed.
ูขูฆ. ู
ููู ููููุงูู ููู ููุฌููุฉู ูููู ุฏูููููุง
ูู ููุฃููููุงู
ู ุจูุคูุณููู ุงููู
27. You glimpse no more than hands that signal need
When tongues are stilled, all power to speak denied.
ูขูง. ุธูููู
ู ุจูุนูุถูููุง ููุฒูุงุญูู
ู ุจูุนูุถูุง
ููููููุงูู ููุฑูุฑููู ุฅูุซูุฑู ููููุงููู
28. While winds, yes winds assail the poor and weak
Like lifetimes prey upon contracted spans.
ูขูจ. ููููุชูุญู ุงููู
ูููุฌู ู
ูุงุถูุบููููู ููููููููู
ูู ููุทูููู ู
ู ุงููุฃูููุตูุงูู
29. He hears the ships around him trumpet blasts
Of parting, but who cares for one like him?
ูขูฉ. ููุง ุชูุฑูู ู
ููููู ุบูููุฑู ููููู ุชูููุงุฏูู
ูุง ุนูููููู ููุณูุงูู ุงููู
30. He hears the dance, the music, voices lifted
In unionโs bliss or lossโs long lament.
ูฃู . ููุงูุฑููููุงุญู ุงูุฑููููุงุญู ุชูุนูุตููู ุจูุงููู
ููููู ุนูุตููู ุงููุฃููููุงู
ู ุจูุงููุขุฌูุงูู
31. The happy tribe ignores him, turns away,
Amused by wine and daughters of the great.
ูฃูก. ููุณูู
ูุนู ุงูุณูููููู ุญููููููู ู
ููู ููุจูุงููู ุจูู
ูุซููููู ู
ููู ููุจูุงูููุ
32. Why trouble their delights with such a wretch
Who piles disasters on his own head?
ูฃูข. ููุณูู
ูุนู ุงูุฑููููุตู ููุงููุฃูููุงุฒููุฌู ุชูุดูุฏูู
ุจููููู ููุตููู ุงููููููู ููููุฌูุฑู ุงูุฏููููุงูู
33. They want no pall to mar their feastโs decor
With plaints of woe or cries of misery.
ูฃูฃ. ุดูุบููู ุงููููููู
ู ุนููููู ุจูุงููููุตููู ููุงูููููู
ูู ููููุงู
ููุง ุจูุญูุจูู ุจูููุชู ุงูุฏููููุงููู
34. So harden hearts! How base a boast that they
Can shame manโs dignity and noble strain!
ูฃูค. ู
ูุง ููููู
ู ููุงูุตููุฑููุนู ููู ุบูู
ูุฑูุฉู ุงููููุฌูู
ููุตูุฏูู ุงููุฃูููููุงูู ุจูุงููุฃูููููุงูู
35. Who will this sightless one a staff extend?
Though tight his belly, never he complained.
ูฃูฅ. ููุง ููุฑููุฏูููู ุฃููู ููุดูุงุจู ููููู
ู ุตููู
ูู ุจูููููุญู ููููุจูุคูุณู ุฃููู ุฅูุนูููุงูู
36. Whoever saw him saw the mass of woes,
An emaciated shamble, nothing moreโ
ูฃูฆ. ููููุฐูุง ุชูู
ูุญููู ุงูููููููุจูุ ููุฃูููููู
ุฃููู ุชูุจูุงููู ุจูุฐููููู ุงููุฅูู
37. The prime of youth, yet bowed his head like eldโs,
Humble as those whom weight of years has drained.
ูฃูง. ููููุฐูุง ุชูููุจูุฑู ุงููู
ูุฑููุกูุฉู ููู ุงููููุง
ุณูุ ููููููุถูู ุนูููู ููุฑููู
ู ุงููุฎูููุงูู!
38. Silent as darkness, mourners might suppose
In his gaunt form manโs anguish truly spelled.
ูฃูจ. ู
ููู ููููุฐูุง ุงููุฃูุนูู
ูู ููู
ูุฏูู ุนูุตูุงูู
ุนูุงุตูุจู ุงููุจูุทููู ููู
ู ููุจูุญู ุจูุณูุคูุงููุ
39. Lost to all light and lifeโafter the eyes,
Can lips know sweetness or the taste of joy?
ูฃูฉ. ู
ููู ุฑูุขูู ููุฑูู ุฎููููุทูุง ู
ููู ุงููุจูุคู
ุณู ููุฒููููุง ููุณููุฑู ููู ุฃูุณูู
40. Afflicted by misfortune and mankind,
He bore timeโs outrage, victim of disdain.
ูคู . ูููู ููู ู
ูููุนูุฉู ุงูุตููุจูุง ููุชูุฑูุงูู
ูุทูุฑููู ุงูุฑููุฃูุณู ููู ุฎูุดููุนู ุงููููููุงูู
41. He never viewed the blossom-dotted fields
With coloring bright, or glory in their prime.
ูคูก. ุณูุงููููุง ููุงูุธููููุงู
ูุ ููุญูุณูุจููู ุงูุฑููุง
ุกูููู ู
ูุนูููู ููููููุฃูุณู ููู ุชูู
42. He never raised his eyes to heavenโs face
Or marked its shining hosts in vast array.
ูคูข. ููููุฏู ุงูุถููููุกู ููุงููุญูููุงุฉูุ ูููููู ุจูุนูู
ูุฏู ุถูููุงุกู ุงููุนููููููููู ุณูููููู ููุณูุงููุ
43. He never saw the Nile in winding trains
With skirted tails stride proudly, long and lithe.
ูคูฃ. ู
ูุทูููุชููู ุงููุฃููููุงู
ู ููุงููููุงุณู ุญููููุง
ููููุถูู ุนูููุดููู ุดููููุฏู ุงููู
44. He never knew the silver of the dawn
Or on nightโs glossy locks delighted gazed.
ูคูค. ู
ูุง ุฑูุฃูู ุงูุฑููููุถู ููู ู
ูุขุฒูุฑููู ุงููุฎูุถูู
ูุฑู ููุจูุงููู ุจูุญูุณูููููุง ููููุบูุงููู
45. Then let him witness human majesty
If life has cheated him of beautyโs sight.
ูคูฅ. ู
ูุง ุฑูุฃูู ุตูููุญูุฉู ุงูุณููู
ูุงุกู ููู
ูุง ุฑููููู
ูุจู ูููููุง ู
ููู ุจูุงููุฑูุงุชู ุงููููุขููู
46. Let him feel tenderness and kindness too
If brightness never blessed his searching gaze.
ูคูฆ. ู
ูุง ุฑูุฃูู ุงููููููู ููู ุงููุฎูู
ูุงุฆููู ููุฎูุชูุง
ูู ุจูุฃูุฐูููุงูููู ุงููุนูุฑูุงุถู ุงูุทููููุงูู
47. โGod takes one thing and gives another thing
And recompenses justly, without fail.โ
ูคูง. ู
ูุง ุฑูุฃูู ููุถููุฉู ุงูุถููุญูู ููู ุณูููุงููุง
ุฃููู ุชูู
ููููู ุจูุนูุณูุฌูุฏู ุงููุขุตูุงูู
48. He senses dangers to the spirit none
Suspect, where creeping worms of greed assail.
ูคูจ. ููุฏูุนูููู ููุดูููุฏู ุฌูู
ูุงููุง ู
ููู ุงููุฅูุญูู
ูุณูุงููุ ุฅููู ููุงุชููู ุดููููุฏู ุงููุฌูู
49. And unconfused, he sees the truth glow bright
In all its glory, thus illuminated.
ูคูฉ. ููุฏูุนูููู ููุจูุตูุฑู ุฐูุจูุงููุง ู
ููู ุงูุฑููุญูู
ูุฉู ุฅููู ุนูููููู ุถูููุงุกู ุงูุฐููุจูุงูู
50. Sheikh Ibn Arabi shone like a planet
In the long darkness of past agesโ night,
ูฅู . ููุฏู ุฎูุจูุฑูุชู ุงูุฏููููููุง ููููู
ู ุฃูุฑู ุฃูุฒูููู
ููู ููู
ูููู ุชูููุชููุญูุชู ุนููู ููููุงูู!
51. And, as foretold, the seal of those his peer,
Annulled perceptions of the learned elite
ูฅูก. ุฃููููููุง ุงููููุงุฏูุนูููู ููู
ูุดูููู ุฒูููููุง
ุจููููู ุฌูุจูุฑููููุฉู ููุจููููู ุงุฎูุชูููุงูู
52. Succor the helpless and the destitute
Shield them from shame and being downtrod
ูฅูข. ููููููููููู ุงููููููุทูุงุฑู ููู ุชูุฑููู ุงููุนูููู
ูุดูุ ููููุง ููุญูุณูููููู ุจูุงููู
53. Teach themโsome doorway may to living ope
Provide the keys that open every lock
ูฅูฃ. ููููุฑููููู ุงููุฃูู
ูููุงูู ุชูููุซูุฑู ููู ุงูููููู
ููุ ููููุง ููุฌูุฒูุนูููู ููููุฃูู
54. Do not compound his blindness with ignorance
Lest he know greater woe and doubled knocks
ูฅูค. ุฅูููู ููู ุจูููุฏูุฉู ุงููู
ูุนูุฒูู ุฌูุญููุฑูุง
ูุชูุฑูุนูุงุชู ุจูุฃูุฏูู
ูุนู ุงููุฃูุทูููุงูู
55. All of timeโs slings one can in patience bear
Except the sightlessness of minds untaught
ูฅูฅ. ููููู ุฌูุญูุฑู ุจูุงููุจูุคูุณู ููุงููููููุฑู ู
ุกูุ ููููููููููู ู
ููู ุงูุฒููุงุฏู ุฎูุงููู
56. Teach him, for knowledge is the lamp of life
Scorn not to act, hesitate not to give
ูฅูฆ. ุจูุณูููุชู ููููู ููููุฌูุฑูุงุซููู
ู ุฃูููููุง
ูู ุชูุฏููููุชู ุจูููููู ุฏูุงุกู ุนูุถูุงูู
57. If time and family and friends abandon him
Then for such a one prove kinder kin
ูฅูง. ูููู ุฑูุฃูููุชู ุงููุฃูุดูุจูุงุญู ู
ููู ุณูุงููููููู
ููุฑูุฃูููุชู ุงููุฃูุทูููุงูู ููู ุงููุฃูุทูููุงูู!
58. Revelation calls to treat the blind with care
And openhanded meet anotherโs needs
ูฅูจ. ููุฑูููุจู ุงูููููุฑู ุฃููู ููู
ูุฑูู ุจููู ู
ููุชูุฎูุดูู ุฃูุฐูุงูู ุฑููุญู ุงูุดููู
59. Let generations telling Egyptโs tale
For ages hence prepare, make straight their path.
ูฅูฉ. ุชูุญูุณูุจู ุงูุทูููููู ููููู ููู ูููููู ุงููู
ุชูู ููููุฏู ุถูู
ูููู ุงูุฑููุฏูุงุกู ุงููุจูุงููู
60. With hands so generous, privationโs gloom
Shall be dispelled, and nations seek the heights.
ูฆู . ุฃููููููุง ุงููุฃูุบูููููุงุกู ุฃููููู ููุฏูุงููู
ุจูููุบู ุงูุณูููููู ุนูุงููููุงุชู ุงููููููุงูู!
61. Gone want and riches, but the righteous works
Shall by the doers in remembrance live!
ูฆูก. ููู
ู ุนูููุงูู ุงูุฑููุญูู
ููู ู
ูุงุฐูุง ุฑูุฃูููุชูู
ุฃููู ุตูููุนูุชูู
ู ููููุคูููุงุกู ุงููุนูููุงููุ
ูฆูข. ุฑูุจูู ุฃูุนูู
ูู ูููู ุจูุตููุฑูุฉู ููุดููู
ููููุฐูุชู ู
ููู ุบูููุงููุจู ุงููุฃูุณูุฏูุงูู!
ูฆูฃ. ุฃูุฎูุฐู ุงูููู ู
ููููู ุดูููุฆูุง ููุฃูุนูุทูู
ููุฃูุนูุงุถู ุงููู
ูููููุงูู ุจูุงููู
ูฆูค. ููููู
ูุญู ุงููุฎูุทูุฑูุฉู ุงููุฎููููููุฉู ููููููููู
ูุณู ููููุง ููู ุงูุตููุฏููุฑู ุฏูุจูู ุงููููู
ูฆูฅ. ููููุฑูู ุงููุญูููู ููู ุฌูููุงููุฉู ู
ูู ููููุญูููุง ููู ุถูููุกู ููุฐูุง ุงููุฌูููุงูู
ูฆูฆ. ููุงูู ุดูููุฎู ุงููู
ูุนูุฑููุฉู ุงููููููููุจู ุงูุณููุง
ุทูุนู ููู ุธูููู
ูุฉู ุงููููุฑูููู ุงููุฎูููุงููู
ูฆูง. ููุฃูุชูู ูููููู ุขุฎูุฑู ยซู
ูุง ููุง
ููยป ุจูู
ูุง ููุฏูู ุนููู ุนูููููู ุงููุฃูููุงููู
ูฆูจ. ุฃูููููุฐููุง ุงููุนูุงุฌูุฒู ุงูููููููุฑู ููุตูููููุง
ููุฌููููู ุนููู ู
ูุฐููููุฉู ููุงุจูุชูุฐูุงูู
ูฆูฉ. ุนููููู
ููููุ ููุทูุฑููู ู
ููู ุงููุนูููุดู ุจูุงุจูุง
ูููุญูููู ู
ูููุงุชูุญู ุงููุฃูููููุงูู
ูงู . ููุง ุชูุถูู
ูููุง ุฅูููู ุฃูุณูุงูู ุนูู
ูู ุงููุฌูููู
ููู ููููููููู ุงููููููุงูู ุจูุนูุฏู ุงููููููุงูู
ูงูก. ููููู ุดูููุกู ููุทูุงูู ู
ููู ููููุจู ุงููุฃููููู
ู ุฅููููุง ุนูู
ูุงููุฉู ุงููุฌููููุงูู
ูงูข. ุนููููู
ููููุ ููุงููุนูููู
ู ู
ูุตูุจูุงุญู ุฏูููููุง
ูู ููููุง ุชูููุชููููุง ุจูุตูููุนู ุงูุณููููุงูู
ูงูฃ. ุฅููู ุฌูููุงูู ุงูุฒููู
ูุงูู ููุงููุขูู ููุงูุตููุญูู
ูุจู ููููููููุง ููู
ูุซููููู ุฎูููุฑู ุขูู
ูงูค. ููุฒููู ุงููููุญููู ููู ุงูุชููุฑูููููู ุจูุงููุฃูุนูู
ูู ููุจุณูุทู ุงููููุฏููููู ูููุณููุคููุงูู
ูงูฅ. ุณููููู ุชูุชูููู ุงููุฃูุฌูููุงูู ุชูุงุฑููุฎู ู
ููุฃูุนูุฏูููุง ุงูุชููุงุฑููุฎู ููููุฃูุฌูููุงูู
ูงูฆ. ุจูุงููุฃูููุงุฏูู ุงููุญูุณูุงูู ููู
ูุญูู ุฏูุฌูู ุงููุจูุคู
ุณู ููุชูุณูู
ูู ุงูุดููุนููุจู ููุญููู ุงููููู
ูงูง. ููุฐูููุจู ุงููููููุฑู ููุงูุซููุฑูุงุกู ููููุจูููู
ูุง ุจูููู ุงููุฎููููุฑูููู ู
ููู ุฃูุนูู