
I cleared my throat at the gatekeeper's face

تجشأت في وجه بوابه

1. I cleared my throat at the gatekeeper's face
So he'd know I'm full, lest I'm denied

١. تجشأت في وجه بوابه
ليعرف شبعي فلا أمنعُ

2. And told him my belly held a seed
Was there a cure that would provide?

٢. وقلت له إن بي تخمةً
فهل من دواء لها ينفع

3. He said a group has fooled me well
With this talk I'm hearing now

٣. فقال لقد غرني معشر
بهذا الحديث الذي أسمع

4. When I threatened my friends with it
And his feast drew close they wavered

٤. فلما نذرت بهم صاحبي
ولاحت موائده أوجعوا

5. They scurried with malicious intent
And because of them I was slapped

٥. فراحوا بطاناً ذوي كظةٍ
وأقبلت من أجلهم أصفع