1. I would ransom with my soul anyone whose glance,
without a dagger, almost wounded me.
١. فديتُ من الناس من لحظه
بلا خنجرٍ كاد أن يجرحا
2. I concealed my passion in the days of youth,
and declared my love when we met.
٢. كتمت هواه زمان الصبا
وصرحت بالحب لما التحى
3. It was said, "His poetry faded when his virtues appeared
and were considered ugly."
٣. وقيل محا الشعر لما بدا
محاسنه منه واستقبحا
4. So I said to them, "His beauty has not faded,
but my patience with him has faded."
٤. فقلت لهم ما محا حسنه
ولكن صبري عنه محا
5. With my soul I am a fresh, blooming branch
upon vibrant, rosy flowers.
٥. بنفسي عذارٌ بدا طالعاً
على ناضر الورد ما أملحا
6. So place my fingers in fetters
and bind my hands beneath the mill.
٦. فصير في رزةٍ أصبعي
وأوثق كفي تحت الرحى