
I loved the full moon, incomparably beautiful

أحببت بدرا ما له مشبه

1. I loved the full moon, incomparably beautiful
In its splendor, were it not so aloof

١. أحببت بدراً ما له مشبهٌ
في الحسن لولا أنه جافي

2. The pupils of its eyes plead
To the eye, the "sh" and the "q"

٢. أحورُ في مقلته حجةٌ
للعين والشين مع القاف

3. And in the undulation of its hips lies an invitation
To an "n" and a "y" before the suffix

٣. وفي ارتجاج الردف داعٍ إلى
نونٍ وياءٍ قبل ما كاف

4. I asked it for union but it would not be shy
And said, bring your payment in full

٤. سألته الوصل فلم يحتشم
وقال قدم نقدك الوافي