
Welcome and greetings to one who came uncounted

أهلا وسهلا بمن زارت بلا عدة

1. Welcome and greetings to one who came uncounted
Beneath the darkness and did not fear the guard

١. أهلاً وسهلاً بمن زارت بلا عدةٍ
تحت الظلام ولم تحذر من الحرس

2. She covered herself in the night intentionally, but did not hide
And her radiance at night outshone the lamp

٢. تسترت بالدجى عمداً فما استترت
وناب إشراقها ليلاً عن القبس

3. And if the night had concealed her from us, it would have revealed her
The lightning of her cheeks, the scent of her neck and breath

٣. ولو طواها الدجى عنا لأظهرها
برق الثنايا وعطر النحر والنفس