
The branch is attributed to its trunk

الغصن منسوب إلى قده

1. The branch is attributed to its trunk
And the rose scattered on its cheek

١. الغصن منسوبٌ إلى قده
والورد منثورً على خدهِ

2. A full moon that wishes for the full moon in its beauty
That it is attributed to its servant

٢. بدرٌ يود البدر في حسنه
بأنه يُعزى إلى عبده

3. I asked him soberly for a kiss
But he refused me and death was in his refusal

٣. سألته في صحوة قبلةً
فردني والموت في رده

4. Until when intoxication twisted his head
I kissed him a thousand times without his praise

٤. حتى إذا السكر لوى رأسه
قبلته ألفاً بلا حمده