
He wandered through the abodes of Taghlib

سرى بديار تغلب بين حوضي

1. He wandered through the abodes of Taghlib
Between the basin and the lightning of Thamud

١. سَرى بِدِيارِ تغلِبَ بَينَ حَوضَي
وَبَينَ أَبارِقِ الثَمدَينِ سارِ

2. Simak glimmered in its ashes
Defeater of thunder, pouring hailstones

٢. سِماكِيُّ تَلَألَأَ في ذُراهُ
هَزيمُ الرَعدِ رَيّانُ القَرارِ