
The curtain of Kharijah tribe was pardoned,

عفا من آل خرقاء الستار

1. The curtain of Kharijah tribe was pardoned,
Yet some ruins in Hassalah still remain barren.

١. عَفا مِن آلِ خَرقاءَ السِتارُ
فَبُرقَةُ حَسلَةٍ مِنها قِفارُ

2. After us, an inkpot became lonesome,
As no fire for it, with the wolf, did burn.

٢. فَأَوحَشَ بَعدَنا مِنها حِبِرٌّ
وَلَم توقَد لَها بِالذِئبِ نارُ

3. By your life! I love a land,
Wherein Kharijah, even if in rags, did dwell.

٣. لَعَمرُكَ إِنَّني لَأُحِبُّ أَرضاً
بِها خَرقاءُ لَو كانَت تُزارُ

4. As if its brambles hung upon it,
Rebellious branches of lotus tree and pearls.

٤. كَأَنَّ لِثاتِها عَلَقَت عَلَيها
فُروعَ السِدرِ عاتِيَةً نَوارُ

5. The lost camels and short ladders submitted,
To its Sudeir's blasting gun's yell.

٥. أَطاعَ لَها بِمَدفَعِ ذي سُدَيرٍ
فُروعُ الضالِ وَالسَلمُ القِصارُ

6. I'm the son of Madhrahi, my father Shulail,
Can the daylight be hidden from people as well?

٦. أَنا إِبنُ المَضرَحِيِّ أَبي شُلَيلٍ
وَهَل يَخفى عَلى الناسِ النَهارُ

7. Over us is his register, and for every stalwart,
From it, a carpenter's awl will chisel and knell.

٧. عَلَينا سِبرُهُ وَلِكُلِّ فَحلٍ
عَلى أَولادِهِ مِنهُ نِجارُ

8. It carries me, the robe of Madhrahi,
When the caller to prayer neighs his yell.

٨. وَتَحمِلُني وَبِزَّةَ مَضرَحِيٍّ
إِذا ما ثَوَّبَ الداعي خُدارُ