1. A free woman has parted from her people, so her absence is hard
The desert of Layla, its plains and hills
١. عَفَت فَردَةٌ مِن أَهلِها فَجَنابُها
فَحَرَّةُ لَيلى سَهلُها وَهِضابُها
2. Shooting stars, except every towering smooth rock
The groves of Salma, its covenant and promises
٢. فَرُمّانُ إِلّا كُلَّ أَسفَعَ ناشِطٍ
فَأَعناءُ سَلمى ميثُها فَلِصابُها
3. Oh Abi Bakr, Oh Juhaysh
By God, the prayer of the unanswered call
٣. فَيا لَأَبي بَكرٍ وَيا لَجَحَوَّشٍ
وَلِلَّهِ مَولى دَعوَةٍ لا يُجابُها
4. Does not a day go by, that a battalion
Of Banu Uqayl swoop down upon you
٤. أَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ لا تَزالُ كَتيبَةٌ
عُقَيلِيَّةٌ يَهفو عَلَيكُم عُقابُها
5. While you are many, armed with iron and blade
And spear shafts that eclipse the sun with their thickness
٥. وَأَنتُم عَديدٌ في حَديدٍ وَشَفرَةٍ
وَغابِ رِماحٍ يَكسِفُ الشَمسَ غابُها
6. Ibn Bishr's son is given drink, then pats his belly
While around me are men for whom it is not proper to drink it
٦. يُسَقّى إِبنُ بِشرٍ ثُمَّ يَمسَحُ بَطنَهُ
وَحَولي رِجالٌ ما يَسوغُ شَرابُها
7. They have prizes from you, stupid as if they were
The halls of kings, their havoc and plunder
٧. لَهُم جَزَرٌ مِنكُم عَبيطٌ كَأَنَّهُ
وَقاعُ المُلوكِ فَتكُها وَإِغتِصابُها
8. Not all harm is harm, no good after it
For the people except to humiliate them
٨. فَما الشَرُّ كُلَّ الشَرِّ لاخَيرَ بَعدَهُ
على الناسِ إِلّا أَن تَذِلَّ رِقابُها
9. The women of Ibn Bishr are heavy and ours
Are calamities upon them each day their plunder
٩. نِساءُ إِبنِ بِشرٍ بُدَّنٌ وَنِساأُنا
بَلايا عَلَيها كُلَّ يَومٍ سِلابُها