
O how ugly are the boys brought by

يا قبح الله صبيانا تجيء بهم

1. O how ugly are the boys brought by
The mother of Hunaybir from Zand to her abode

١. يا قَبَّحَ اللَهُ صِبياناً تَجيءُ بِهِم
أُمُّ الهُنَيبِرِ مِن زَندٍ لَها واري

2. With every banner of different colors fluttering
And every short spear that does not extend an inch with its point

٢. مِن كُلِّ أَعلَمَ مُنشَقٍّ مَشافِرُهُ
وَمُؤدَنٍ ما وَفى شِبراً بِمِشبارِ

3. Oh what a shame, did you not announce to the freemen
Like me, whenever some visitors afflicted me

٣. يا وَيحَ شَيماءَ لَم تَنبِذ بِأَحرارٍ
مِثلي إِذا ما إِعتَراني بَعضُ زُوّارِ

4. Verily, the Quraysh did not call you by their nicknames
So support the clan of Masoud and Dinar

٤. إِنَّ القُرَيطينَ لَم يَدعوكَ كُنيَتَهُم
فَإِنصُر بَني آلِ مَسعودٍ وَدينارِ

5. As for the slave girls, they do not call me a boy
When they talk about my withdrawal and passage

٥. أَمّا الإِماءُ فَما يَدعونَني وَلَداً
إِذا تُحَدِّثَ عَن نَقضي وَإِمراري

6. O daughter of Umm Hudair, if you had given us
Two seniors firmly built or decayed

٦. يا بِنتَ أُمِّ حُدَيرٍ لَو وَهَبتِ لَنا
ثِنتَينِ مِن مُحكَمٍ بِالقِدِّ أَوبارِ

7. Either new or worn out, the virgins would have returned
To cut them with knives for my litters

٧. إِمّا جَديداً وَإِمّا بالِياً خَلَقاً
عادَ العَذارى لِقَطعيهِ بِأَسيارِ

8. Verily, when the veins are forcibly extracted
And sweat flows when the litter is equipped

٨. إِنَّ العُروقَ إِذا إِستَنزَعتَها نَزَعَت
وَالعِرقُ يَسري إِذا ما عَرَّسَ الساري

9. People have tested my wood, hitting it
And failed short of a cross other than the weak one

٩. قَد جَرَّبَ الناسُ عودي يَقرَعونَ بِهِ
فَأَقصَروا عَن صَليبٍ غَيرِ خَوّارِ