1. Um'aymeh's tent before the folding of the tent-house,
Whether with reunion or with departure hastened,
١. أُمَيمَ أَثيبي قَبلَ جِدِّ التَزَيُّلِ
أَثيبي بِوَصلٍ أَو بِصَرمٍ مُعَجَّلِ
2. Um'aymeh, though charged with what killed a coward,
In parting there's kindness if not dragged out.
٢. أُمَيمَ وَقَد حُمِّلتُ ما حُمِّلَ إِمرُؤٌ
وَفي الصَرمِ إِحسانٌ إِذا لَم يُنَوَّلِ
3. In memory I and mother Hayyan are like a youth
Tasting wine for the first time, confused.
٣. وَإِنّي وَذِكري أُمَّ حَيّانَ كَالفَتى
مَتى يَذُق طعمَ المُدامَةِ يَجهَلِ
4. I looked as the darkness unveiled dawn's brilliance
With lightning, and the sun's horns had not stooped down.
٤. نَظَرتُ وَقَد جَلّى الدُجى طاسِمَ الصُوى
بِسَلعٍ وَقَرنُ الشَمس لَم يَتَرَجَّلِ
5. Towards sand-dunes between honorable, judicious chief,
Pillars of a love-lorn that did not bend down.
٥. إِلى ظُعُنٍ بَينَ الرَسيسِ فَعاقِلٍ
عَوامِدَ لِشيقَينِ لَم يَتَرَجَّلِ
6. Would that those abodes and their people were mine,
If only my torment in the city would disappear.
٦. أَلا حَبَّذا تِلكَ الدِيارُ وَأَهلُها
لَو أَنَّ عَذابِي بِالمَدينَةِ يَنجَلي
7. I went out from Marwan's prison one morning,
I imagined it, when bearing, not to have borne.
٧. بَرَزتُ بِها مِن سِجنِ مَروانَ غَدوَةً
فَآنَستُها بِالأَيمِ لَمّا تَحَمَّلِ
8. And I imagined, beautiful, perfect,
Torrents poured between shepherd and neglecter,
٨. وَآنَستُ حَيّاً بِالمَطالي وَجامِلاً
أَبابيلَ هَطلى بَينَ راعٍ وَمُهمَلِ
9. And rebel upon ruggedness traveling to a majlis,
Of generous men, their lights haven't declined.
٩. وَمُردٍ عَلى جُردٍ يَسارَ لِمَجلِسٍ
كِرامٍ بِأَيديهِم مَوارِنُ ذُبَّلِ
10. I cried my good-bye on a noble steed unchecked,
On a lofty, when its forelock leaned,
١٠. بَكيتُ بِخَلصَتي شَنَّةً شَدَّ فَوقَها
عَلى عَجَلٍ مُستَخلِفٍ لَم تَبَلَّلِ
11. Hard to lead, unyielding, untamed,
New-born, its enclosures for water evident.
١١. عَلى شارِفٍ تَغدو إِذا مالَ ضَفرُها
عَسيرِ القِيادِ صَعبَةٍ لَم تُذَلَّلِ
12. A fire was kindled for us for Layla's visitors
It smelled of its embers and cloves.
١٢. جَديدٌ كُلاها مُنهَجٌ حَجَراتُها
فَلِلماءِ سَحٌّ مِن طِبابٍ مُشَلشَلِ
13. I say to my friends, "Warm yourselves
At Layla's fire, in Ukubayn, let's warm up."
١٣. وَشُبَّت لَنا نارٌ لِلَيلى شِيافَةً
يُذَكّى بِعودِ جَمرِها وَقَرَنفُلِ
14. Its brightness lights up Layla's face as if
It lights up the faces of young girls spinning.
١٤. أَقولُ لِأَصحابي الحَديد تَرَوَّحوا
إِلى نارِ لَيلى بِالعُقوبَينِ نَصطَلي
15. Her bones grew big and she hurried from her baby fat
And grew up while still a baby.
١٥. يُضيءُ سَناها وَجهَ لَيلى كَأَنَّما
يُضيءُ سَناها وَجهَ أُدماء مُغزِلِ
16. She appeared from behind curtains one evening,
Surrounded by southern winds and north winds.
١٦. غَلا عَظمُها وَإِستَعجَلَت عَن لِداتِها
وَشَبَّت شَباباً وَهيَ لَمّا تَرَبَّلِ
17. Its embers could almost light up with flint
When its cover did not screen.
١٧. بَدَت بَينَ أَستارٍ عِشاءً يَلُفُّها
تَنازُعُ أَرواحٍ جَنوبٍ وَشَمأَلِ
18. Without saddle-bags, Hudba and Shaba ignited
And every long-necked, slender Ostrich-hen.
١٨. يَكادُ بِإِثقابِ اليَلنجوجِ جَمرُها
يُضيءُ إِذا ما سِترُها لَم يَجلَلِ
19. The pigeons coo, the flowers twit their beaks
And each turtle-dove hides its eggs.
١٩. وَمِن دونِ حوثُ إِستوقَدَت هُضبُ شابَةٍ
وَهُضبُ تَعارٍ كُلُّ عَنقاءَ عَيطَلِ
20. When I saw the door barred against me
And feared an impending, deferred writ,
٢٠. يُغَنّي الحَمامُ الوُرقُ في قُذُفاتِهِ
وَيُحرِزُ فيها بَيضَهُ كُلُّ أَجدَلِ
21. I turned back a rebellious soul
That, if accustomed, does not deign to plead.
٢١. وَلَمّا رَأَيتُ البابَ قَد حيلَ دونَهُ
وَخِفتُ لِحاقاً مِن كِتابٍ مُؤَجَّلِ
22. The prison's gatekeeper is unrelenting
And my escape from it is not final.
٢٢. رَدَدتُ عَلى المَكروهِ نَفساً شَريسَةً
إِذا وُطِّنَت لَم تَستَقِد لِلتَذَلُّلِ
23. If I say "Let me out of prison awhile
To regain my joys and increase them,"
٢٣. وَكالِئُ بابِ السِجنِ لَيسَ بِمُنتَهٍ
وَكانَ فِراري مِنهُ لَيسَ بِمُؤتَلي
24. He shackles me scowling and makes me yield
To rings on a pillar fully chained.
٢٤. إِذا قُلتُ رَفِّهني مِنَ السِجنِ ساعَةً
تَدارَك بِها نُعمى عَلَيَّ وَأَفضِلِ
25. I say to him while the sword belts his neck:
"I'm the son of Abu Asma, no trifler am I.
٢٥. يَشُدُّ وِثاقي عابِساً وَيَتُلُّني
إِلى حَلَقاتٍ في عَمودٍ مُرَمَّلِ
26. My voice I know from his voice and my boldness
And a wind that helps me when debate intensifies."
٢٦. أَقولُ لَهُ وَالسَيفُ يَعصِبُ رَأسَهُ
أَنا إِبنُ أَبي أَسماءَ غَيرَ التَنَحُّلِ
27. I left the birds' plumage gathering around him
On armor like fully armed soldiers.
٢٧. عَرَفتُ نِدايَ مِن نِداهُ وَجُرأَتي
وَريحاً تَغَشّاني إِذا إِشتَدَّ مِسحَلي
٢٨. تَرَكتُ عِتاقَ الطَيرِ تَحجَلُ حَولَهُ
عَلى عُدواءَ كَالحِوارِ المُجَدَّلِ