
My sickness in love is my health,

سقمي في الحب عافيتي

1. My sickness in love is my health,
And my being in passion is my annihilation,

١. سَقَمي في الحُبِّ عَافِيَتي
وَوُجُودِي فِي الهَوَى عَدَمي

2. And a torment you are pleased with
Is in my mouth sweeter than bounties,

٢. وَعَذَابٌ تَرتَضُونَ بِهِ
فِي فَمِي أحلَى مِنَ النِّعَمِ

3. No harm in loving you,
By God, brings us pain.

٣. مَا لِضُرِّ فِي مَحَبَّتِكُم
عِندَنا والله مِن أَلَمِ