
Take the verses of healing, for they

عليك بآيات الشفاء فإنها

1. Take the verses of healing, for they
Are of great benefit and the best protection.

١. عَلَيكَ بِآياتِ الشِّفَاءِ فَإِنَّهَا
جَلِيلَةُ نَفعٍ وَهيَ خَيرُ وِقَايَةِ

2. Take them in order, the verse of repentance,
And Jonah, and the Bee with its clear eulogy.

٢. خُذهَا عَلَى التَّرتِيبِ آية تَوبة
وَيُونس وَالنَّحل الصَّرِيحِ بِمَدحَةِ

3. The verse from Night Journey, with the Shua'ra,
Whoever seeks healing, with the separations written down.

٣. وَآيَةُ إسراء مَعَ الشُّعَرايَا
مُرِيدَ الشِّفَاءِ مَع فُصِّلَت بِالكِتَابَةِ