1. Does your might increase when you are wounded?
That is an amazing, wondrous thing!
١. أكان يَزيدُ بأسُكَ إذ تُصابُ
زِيادةُ ذلك العجبُ العُجابُ
2. Injuries multiplied, yet you remained steadfast
In battle's strife, feared by the fearful foe
٢. تَكاثرتِ الجراحُ وأنت صُلْبٌ
يَهابُكَ في الوغَى مَن لا يهاب
3. Forces arrayed, intent on shedding blood
Blood spilled on the field in streams that flow
٣. قُوىً تَنصبُّ مُمعنةً حِثاثاً
وللدَّمِ في مَواقِعها انصبابُ
4. The polytheists attack, parched with thirst
Deceived by mirage that failed to show
٤. تَردُّ الهندوانياتِ ظَمأى
يُخادِعُها عن الرِّيِّ السَّرابُ
5. They seek Muhammad, but God is his guard
So they retreat, frustrated in their woe
٥. تُريد مُحمداً واللّهُ واقٍ
فَترجعُ وَهْيَ مُحنقةٌ غِضاب
6. Extra protection, ranks of comrades strong
Who rallied as one to shield their hero
٦. زِيادةُ دونه سُورٌ عليه
مِن النّفرِ الألى احتضنوه باب
7. Muhammad knows no fear of death
No flaw in his sword that foes may know
٧. وما بِمُحمّدٍ خَوفُ المنايا
ولا في سيفِه خُلُقٌ يُعاب
8. But he rose high in rank and fame
His loyal men did faithful service show
٨. ولكن جَلَّ منزلةً وقدراً
فبرَّ رجالُهُ ووفَى الصّحاب
9. The daring champion falls and fades away
His strength gives out, pride brought low
٩. هَوَى البطلُ المُغامِرُ واضمحلَّت
قُواه وخارتِ الهِممُ الصّلاب
10. A stalwart man, his exploits bore out his worth
Raiding parties and wars his fate bestow
١٠. فَتىً صَدقْت مشاهِده فظلت
تَعاورُهُ القواضبُ والحِراب
11. No more will his body feel the earth
No shroud to clothe what death lays bare
١١. وَهَى منه الأديمُ فلا أديمٌ
وأعوزه الإهابُ فلا إهاب
12. Pages torn from the fate God decreed
Contained in scriptures He did prepare
١٢. تَمزّقتِ الصّحائفُ من كتابٍ
طواه في صحائفهِ الكتاب
13. God welcomed him with merciful embrace
Comforting the wounds of one world-weary
١٣. تلقّاهُ برحمتهِ وروَّت
غَليلَ جِراحِه السُّورُ العِذَاب
14. May God reward each holy warrior
With bounteous gifts - theirs will be great acclaim!
١٤. أيادي اللّهِ يجعلها ثواباً
لكلِّ مُجاهدٍ نِعمَ الثّواب
15. Muhammad drew near, I said: this friend is mine
Wise mind and keen intellect his fame
١٥. أهابَ مُحمدٌ أدنوه منّي
فذلك صاحبي المحضُ اللُّباب
16. Place at my feet the lion's head
Lest dust should his face defame
١٦. على قَدَمِي ضعوا لِلَّيثِ رأساً
أُحاذِرُ أن يُعفّره التراب
17. His soul poured light that shone sublime
The heavens roared, the clouds their blessings rain
١٧. ففاضتْ نفسُه نوراً عليها
وماج الجوُّ وامتدَّ العُباب
18. Clouds through which horizons gleam
Drowning lofty peaks inclouded, without blame
١٨. عُبابٌ تنطوِي الآفاقُ فيهِ
ويَغرِقُ في جوانبهِ السّحاب
19. He ascended, sent from his Lord blessings rife
Gifts from his Creator - bounties that sustain
١٩. مَضى صُعُداً عليه من الدَّرارِي
ومن بَركاتِ خالقهِ حَباب
20. The angels met him with greetings fair
Radiant, beloved, praised without restraint
٢٠. تلقّته الملائكُ بالتّحايا
مُنضّرةً تُحَبُّ وَتُستُطاب
21. The gardens were adorned - "This is your place"
Excellent indeed shall be your attain!
٢١. وزُخرِفَتِ الجِنانُ وقيل هذا
مآبُكَ إنّه نِعَمَ المآب