1. He is the refuge of heroes, a master with no equal
Steadfast, so be patient with him O Mus'ab
١. هو مُرتمَى الأبطالِ مالك دُونه
مُتزحزَحٌ فاصبر له يا مُصعَبُ
2. And you have been patient, enduring his horrors
That no heavily armored knight could endure
٢. ولقد صبرتَ تخوضُ من أهوالهِ
ما لا يخوضُ الفارسُ المُتلبِّبُ
3. You sacrifice yourself for Muhammad’s soul
And protect him from the harm of enemies, fearing no peril
٣. تَرمِي بِنفسِكَ دُون نفسِ مُحمدٍ
وتقيه من بأسِ العِدَى ما تَرهب
4. You seek sacrifice, that being the way of one who sees
That sacrifice is the most warranted duty
٤. تبغي الفِداءَ وتلك سُنّةُ من يرى
أنّ الفداءَ هو الذمامُ الأوجب
5. Leave those who cling desperately to life
For they are misguided and deceived
٥. دعْ من يَعَضُّ على الحياةِ فإنّه
غاوٍ يُضلَّل أو دَعِيٌّ يكذب
6. None who do not see sacrifice as a doctrine
Would choose to defend his religion or viewpoint
٦. ما اختارَ نُصرةَ دينِه أو رأيهِ
من لا يرى أن الفداءَ المذهب
7. What great examples that never end
This is the finest and most righteous example
٧. ما هذه المُثُلُ التي لا تَنتهِي
هذا هو المَثلُ الأبَرُّ الأطيب
8. Martyred in battle, truthful and sincere
Fulfilling his covenant with God, drawing nearer to Him
٨. طاحَ الجهادُ به شهيداً صادقاً
أوفى بعهدِ إلههِ يتقرَّب
9. The faith of a free man who does not care
If events become dire and the ship sinks
٩. إيمانُ حُرٍّ لا يُبالي كلّما
ركبَ العظائِمَ أن يهولَ المركب
10. It lands safely while the calamities of battle are raging
Sweeping away horsemen and death is positioned
١٠. يرسو وأهوالُ الوقائعِ عُصَّفٌ
تذرو الفوارسَ والمنايا وُثَّب
11. If they strike him, he is a stalwart horseman
Who never stops stabbing necks and striking
١١. إن يضربوه ففارسٌ ذو نجدةٍ
ما انفكَّ يطعنُ في النُّحورِ وَيضرب
12. How many fled in fear of his terrible might
And were terrified of him as he pursued
١٢. كم هاربٍ يخشى بَوادِرَ بأسِهِ
ويخافُ منه مُشيَّعاً ما يَهرب
13. Death flows in his steadfastness and determination
Death burns in his glance
١٣. الموتُ في وثباتِه يَجرِي دماً
والموتُ في نَظَراتهِ يتلهّب
14. His hands fell but his banner
Still leaned on his chest, slanted over him
١٤. سقطت يَداهُ وما يزالُ لواؤُه
في صَدْرهِ يحنو عليه ويَحدِبُ
15. If he could, he would have stretched
A rope to pull it toward him and grasp it
١٥. لو يَستطيعُ لَمدَّ من أهدابِهِ
سَبباً يُشَدُّ به إليهِ ويُجذَبُ
16. Were his right or left more worthy of inviolability
Or his forearms, chest, and shoulder?
١٦. يُمناه أم يُسراه أعظمُ حرمةً
أم ساعداه وصدرُه والمنكب
17. He met his fate, so all threw themselves
Earnestly into their business, working
١٧. جارَى مَنِيَّته فكلٌّ يرتمي
في شأنه جَللاً وكلٌّ يدأب
18. Until God called him, to have mercy on himself
And he responded, seeking rest and desiring it
١٨. حتّى دعاهُ اللّهُ يرحَمُ نفسَه
فأجاب يلتمسُ القرارَ ويطلب
19. If that was among the wonders of battle,
Then stinginess with blood spilled on shields is more wondrous
١٩. إن كان ذلك من أعاجيبِ الوغَى
فالبخلُ بالدَّمِ في المحارمِ أعجب
20. Indeed, disliking jihad prevented a man
From attaining death amidst its waves, disappointed
٢٠. إنَّ امرأً كَرِهَ الجِهادَ فلم يَفُزْ
بالموتِ في غَمراتِه لَمُخيَّب